3321“…The discovery of Weyl semimetals (WSM) has brought forth the condensed matter realization of Weyl fermions, which were previously theorized as low energy excitations in high energy particle physics. …”
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3322“…Lastly, using Hubbard-Stratanovich transformation, we show that the effective Bosonic Hamiltonian can be obtained from an interacting fermionic theory and provide possible implications for condensed matter systems.…”
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3323por Edmonds, Mark T., Collins, James L., Hellerstedt, Jack, Yudhistira, Indra, Gomes, Lídia C., Rodrigues, João N. B., Adam, Shaffique, Fuhrer, Michael S.“…Topological Dirac semimetals (TDSs) are three-dimensional analogs of graphene, with carriers behaving like massless Dirac fermions in three dimensions. In graphene, substrate disorder drives fluctuations in Fermi energy, necessitating construction of heterostructures of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) to minimize the fluctuations. …”
Publicado 2017
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3324por Sirunyan, A. M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Ambrogi, F., Asilar, E., Bergauer, T., Brandstetter, J., Dragicevic, M., Erö, J., Del Valle, A. Escalante, Flechl, M., Frühwirth, R., Ghete, V. M., Hrubec, J., Jeitler, M., Krammer, N., Krätschmer, I., Liko, D., Madlener, T., Mikulec, I., Rad, N., Rohringer, H., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Spanring, M., Spitzbart, D., Taurok, A., Waltenberger, W., Wittmann, J., Wulz, C.-E., Zarucki, M., Chekhovsky, V., Mossolov, V., Gonzalez, J. Suarez, De Wolf, E. A., Di Croce, D., Janssen, X., Lauwers, J., Pieters, M., Van Haevermaet, H., Van Mechelen, P., Van Remortel, N., Zeid, S. Abu, Blekman, F., D’Hondt, J., De Bruyn, I., De Clercq, J., Deroover, K., Flouris, G., Lontkovskyi, D., Lowette, S., Marchesini, I., Moortgat, S., Moreels, L., Python, Q., Skovpen, K., Tavernier, S., Van Doninck, W., Van Mulders, P., Van Parijs, I., Beghin, D., Bilin, B., Brun, H., Clerbaux, B., De Lentdecker, G., Delannoy, H., Dorney, B., Fasanella, G., Favart, L., Goldouzian, R., Grebenyuk, A., Kalsi, A. K., Lenzi, T., Luetic, J., Postiau, N., Starling, E., Thomas, L., Velde, C. Vander, Vanlaer, P., Vannerom, D., Wang, Q., Cornelis, T., Dobur, D., Fagot, A., Gul, M., Khvastunov, I., Poyraz, D., Roskas, C., Trocino, D., Tytgat, M., Verbeke, W., Vermassen, B., Vit, M., Zaganidis, N., Bakhshiansohi, H., Bondu, O., Brochet, S., Bruno, G., Caputo, C., David, P., Delaere, C., Delcourt, M., Francois, B., Giammanco, A., Krintiras, G., Lemaitre, V., Magitteri, A., Mertens, A., Musich, M., Piotrzkowski, K., Saggio, A., Marono, M. Vidal, Wertz, S., Zobec, J., Alves, F. L., Alves, G. A., Martins Junior, M. Correa, Silva, G. Correia, Hensel, C., Moraes, A., Pol, M. E., Teles, P. Rebello, Das Chagas, E. Belchior Batista, Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Coelho, E., Da Costa, E. M., Da Silveira, G. G., De Jesus Damiao, D., De Oliveira Martins, C., De Souza, S. Fonseca, Malbouisson, H., Figueiredo, D. Matos, De Almeida, M. Melo, Herrera, C. Mora, Mundim, L., Nogima, H., Da Silva, W. L. Prado, Rosas, L. J. Sanchez, Santoro, A., Sznajder, A., Thiel, M., Manganote, E. J. Tonelli, De Araujo, F. Torres Da Silva, Pereira, A. Vilela, Ahuja, S., Bernardes, C. A., Calligaris, L., Tomei, T. R. Fernandez Perez, Gregores, E. M., Mercadante, P. G., Novaes, S. F., Padula, SandraS., Aleksandrov, A., Hadjiiska, R., Iaydjiev, P., Marinov, A., Misheva, M., Rodozov, M., Shopova, M., Sultanov, G., Dimitrov, A., Litov, L., Pavlov, B., Petkov, P., Fang, W., Gao, X., Yuan, L., Ahmad, M., Bian, J. G., Chen, G. M., Chen, H. S., Chen, M., Chen, Y., Jiang, C. H., Leggat, D., Liao, H., Liu, Z., Romeo, F., Shaheen, S. M., Spiezia, A., Tao, J., Wang, C., Wang, Z., Yazgan, E., Zhang, H., Zhang, S., Zhao, J., Ban, Y., Chen, G., Levin, A., Li, J., Li, L., Li, Q., Mao, Y., Qian, S. J., Wang, D., Xu, Z., Wang, Y., Avila, C., Cabrera, A., Montoya, C. A. Carrillo, Sierra, L. F. Chaparro, Florez, C., Hernández, C. F. González, Delgado, M. A. Segura, Courbon, B., Godinovic, N., Lelas, D., Puljak, I., Sculac, T., Antunovic, Z., Kovac, M., Brigljevic, V., Ferencek, D., Kadija, K., Mesic, B., Starodumov, A., Susa, T., Ather, M. W., Attikis, A., Kolosova, M., Mavromanolakis, G., Mousa, J., Nicolaou, C., Ptochos, F., Razis, P. A., Rykaczewski, H., Finger, M., Finger, M., Ayala, E., Jarrin, E. Carrera, Abdalla, H., Abdelalim, A. A., Salama, E., Bhowmik, S., De Oliveira, A. Carvalho Antunes, Dewanjee, R. K., Ehataht, K., Kadastik, M., Raidal, M., Veelken, C., Eerola, P., Kirschenmann, H., Pekkanen, J., Voutilainen, M., Havukainen, J., Heikkilä, J. K., Järvinen, T., Karimäki, V., Kinnunen, R., Lampén, T., Lassila-Perini, K., Laurila, S., Lehti, S., Lindén, T., Luukka, P., Mäenpää, T., Siikonen, H., Tuominen, E., Tuominiemi, J., Tuuva, T., Besancon, M., Couderc, F., Dejardin, M., Denegri, D., Faure, J. L., Ferri, F., Ganjour, S., Givernaud, A., Gras, P., de Monchenault, G. Hamel, Jarry, P., Leloup, C., Locci, E., Malcles, J., Negro, G., Rander, J., Rosowsky, A., Sahin, M. Ö., Titov, M., Abdulsalam, A., Amendola, C., Antropov, I., Beaudette, F., Busson, P., Charlot, C., de Cassagnac, R. Granier, Kucher, I., Lobanov, A., Blanco, J. Martin, Nguyen, M., Ochando, C., Ortona, G., Paganini, P., Pigard, P., Salerno, R., Sauvan, J. B., Sirois, Y., Leiton, A. G. Stahl, Zabi, A., Zghiche, A., Agram, J.-L., Andrea, J., Bloch, D., Brom, J.-M., Chabert, E. C., Cherepanov, V., Collard, C., Conte, E., Fontaine, J.-C., Gelé, D., Goerlach, U., Jansová, M., Le Bihan, A.-C., Tonon, N., Van Hove, P., Gadrat, S., Beauceron, S., Bernet, C., Boudoul, G., Chanon, N., Chierici, R., Contardo, D., Depasse, P., El Mamouni, H., Fay, J., Finco, L., Gascon, S., Gouzevitch, M., Grenier, G., Ille, B., Lagarde, F., Laktineh, I. B., Lattaud, H., Lethuillier, M., Mirabito, L., Pequegnot, A. L., Perries, S., Popov, A., Sordini, V., Touquet, G., Donckt, M. Vander, Viret, S., Khvedelidze, A., Tsamalaidze, Z., Autermann, C., Feld, L., Kiesel, M. K., Klein, K., Lipinski, M., Preuten, M., Rauch, M. P., Schomakers, C., Schulz, J., Teroerde, M., Wittmer, B., Zhukov, V., Albert, A., Duchardt, D., Endres, M., Erdmann, M., Ghosh, S., Güth, A., Hebbeker, T., Heidemann, C., Hoepfner, K., Keller, H., Mastrolorenzo, L., Merschmeyer, M., Meyer, A., Millet, P., Mukherjee, S., Pook, T., Radziej, M., Reithler, H., Rieger, M., Schmidt, A., Teyssier, D., Flügge, G., Hlushchenko, O., Kress, T., Künsken, A., Müller, T., Nehrkorn, A., Nowack, A., Pistone, C., Pooth, O., Roy, D., Sert, H., Stahl, A., Martin, M. Aldaya, Arndt, T., Asawatangtrakuldee, C., Babounikau, I., Beernaert, K., Behnke, O., Behrens, U., Martínez, A. Bermúdez, Bertsche, D., Anuar, A. A. Bin, Borras, K., Botta, V., Campbell, A., Connor, P., Contreras-Campana, C., Costanza, F., Danilov, V., De Wit, A., Defranchis, M. M., Pardos, C. Diez, Damiani, D. Domínguez, Eckerlin, G., Eichhorn, T., Elwood, A., Eren, E., Gallo, E., Geiser, A., Luyando, J. M. Grados, Grohsjean, A., Gunnellini, P., Guthoff, M., Haranko, M., Harb, A., Hauk, J., Jung, H., Kasemann, M., Keaveney, J., Kleinwort, C., Knolle, J., Krücker, D., Lange, W., Lelek, A., Lenz, T., Lipka, K., Lohmann, W., Mankel, R., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Meyer, A. B., Meyer, M., Missiroli, M., Mittag, G., Mnich, J., Myronenko, V., Pflitsch, S. K., Pitzl, D., Raspereza, A., Savitskyi, M., Saxena, P., Schütze, P., Schwanenberger, C., Shevchenko, R., Singh, A., Tholen, H., Turkot, O., Vagnerini, A., Van Onsem, G. P., Walsh, R., Wen, Y., Wichmann, K., Wissing, C., Zenaiev, O., Aggleton, R., Bein, S., Benato, L., Benecke, A., Blobel, V., Vignali, M. Centis, Dreyer, T., Garutti, E., Gonzalez, D., Haller, J., Hinzmann, A., Karavdina, A., Kasieczka, G., Klanner, R., Kogler, R., Kovalchuk, N., Kurz, S., Kutzner, V., Lange, J., Marconi, D., Multhaup, J., Niedziela, M., Nowatschin, D., Perieanu, A., Reimers, A., Rieger, O., Scharf, C., Schleper, P., Schumann, S., Schwandt, J., Sonneveld, J., Stadie, H., Steinbrück, G., Stober, F. M., Stöver, M., Vanhoefer, A., Vormwald, B., Zoi, I., Akbiyik, M., Barth, C., Baselga, M., Baur, S., Butz, E., Caspart, R., Chwalek, T., Colombo, F., De Boer, W., Dierlamm, A., Morabit, K. El, Faltermann, N., Freund, B., Giffels, M., Harrendorf, M. A., Hartmann, F., Heindl, S. M., Husemann, U., Kassel, F., Katkov, I., Kudella, S., Mildner, H., Mitra, S., Mozer, M. U., Müller, Th., Plagge, M., Quast, G., Rabbertz, K., Schröder, M., Shvetsov, I., Sieber, G., Simonis, H. J., Ulrich, R., Wayand, S., Weber, M., Weiler, T., Williamson, S., Wöhrmann, C., Wolf, R., Anagnostou, G., Daskalakis, G., Geralis, T., Kyriakis, A., Loukas, D., Paspalaki, G., Topsis-Giotis, I., Karathanasis, G., Kesisoglou, S., Kontaxakis, P., Panagiotou, A., Papavergou, I., Saoulidou, N., Tziaferi, E., Vellidis, K., Kousouris, K., Papakrivopoulos, I., Tsipolitis, G., Evangelou, I., Foudas, C., Gianneios, P., Katsoulis, P., Kokkas, P., Mallios, S., Manthos, N., Papadopoulos, I., Paradas, E., Strologas, J., Triantis, F. A., Tsitsonis, D., Bartók, M., Csanad, M., Filipovic, N., Major, P., Nagy, M. I., Pasztor, G., Surányi, O., Veres, G. I., Bencze, G., Hajdu, C., Horvath, D., Hunyadi, Á., Sikler, F., Vámi, T. Á., Veszpremi, V., Vesztergombi, G., Beni, N., Czellar, S., Karancsi, J., Makovec, A., Molnar, J., Szillasi, Z., Raics, P., Trocsanyi, Z. L., Ujvari, B., Choudhury, S., Komaragiri, J. R., Tiwari, P. C., Bahinipati, S., Kar, C., Mal, P., Mandal, K., Nayak, A., Sahoo, D. K., Swain, S. K., Bansal, S., Beri, S. B., Bhatnagar, V., Chauhan, S., Chawla, R., Dhingra, N., Gupta, R., Kaur, A., Kaur, M., Kaur, S., Kumar, R., Kumari, P., Lohan, M., Mehta, A., Sandeep, K., Sharma, S., Singh, J. B., Virdi, A. K., Walia, G., Bhardwaj, A., Choudhary, B. C., Garg, R. B., Gola, M., Keshri, S., Kumar, Ashok, Malhotra, S., Naimuddin, M., Priyanka, P., Ranjan, K., Shah, Aashaq, Sharma, R., Bhardwaj, R., Bharti, M., Bhattacharya, R., Bhattacharya, S., Bhawandeep, U., Bhowmik, D., Dey, S., Dutt, S., Dutta, S., Ghosh, S., Mondal, K., Nandan, S., Purohit, A., Rout, P. K., Roy, A., Roy Chowdhury, S., Saha, G., Sarkar, S., Sharan, M., Singh, B., Thakur, S., Behera, P. K., Chudasama, R., Dutta, D., Jha, V., Kumar, V., Netrakanti, P. K., Pant, L. M., Shukla, P., Aziz, T., Bhat, M. A., Dugad, S., Mohanty, G. B., Sur, N., Sutar, B., Verma, RavindraKumar, Banerjee, S., Bhattacharya, S., Chatterjee, S., Das, P., Guchait, M., Jain, Sa., Karmakar, S., Kumar, S., Maity, M., Majumder, G., Mazumdar, K., Sahoo, N., Sarkar, T., Chauhan, S., Dube, S., Hegde, V., Kapoor, A., Kothekar, K., Pandey, S., Rane, A., Sharma, S., Chenarani, S., Tadavani, E. Eskandari, Etesami, S. M., Khakzad, M., Najafabadi, M. Mohammadi, Naseri, M., Hosseinabadi, F. Rezaei, Safarzadeh, B., Zeinali, M., Felcini, M., Grunewald, M., Abbrescia, M., Calabria, C., Colaleo, A., Creanza, D., Cristella, L., De Filippis, N., De Palma, M., Di Florio, A., Errico, F., Fiore, L., Gelmi, A., Iaselli, G., Ince, M., Lezki, S., Maggi, G., Maggi, M., Miniello, G., My, S., Nuzzo, S., Pompili, A., Pugliese, G., Radogna, R., Ranieri, A., Selvaggi, G., Sharma, A., Silvestris, L., Venditti, R., Verwilligen, P., Zito, G., Abbiendi, G., Battilana, C., Bonacorsi, D., Borgonovi, L., Braibant-Giacomelli, S., Campanini, R., Capiluppi, P., Castro, A., Cavallo, F. R., Chhibra, S. S., Ciocca, C., Codispoti, G., Cuffiani, M., Dallavalle, G. M., Fabbri, F., Fanfani, A., Giacomelli, P., Grandi, C., Guiducci, L., Iemmi, F., Marcellini, S., Masetti, G., Montanari, A., Navarria, F. L., Perrotta, A., Primavera, F., Rossi, A. M., Rovelli, T., Siroli, G. P., Tosi, N., Albergo, S., Di Mattia, A., Potenza, R., Tricomi, A., Tuve, C., Barbagli, G., Chatterjee, K., Ciulli, V., Civinini, C., D’Alessandro, R., Focardi, E., Latino, G., Lenzi, P., Meschini, M., Paoletti, S., Russo, L., Sguazzoni, G., Strom, D., Viliani, L., Benussi, L., Bianco, S., Fabbri, F., Piccolo, D., Ferro, F., Ravera, F., Robutti, E., Tosi, S., Benaglia, A., Beschi, A., Brianza, L., Brivio, F., Ciriolo, V., Di Guida, S., Dinardo, M. E., Fiorendi, S., Gennai, S., Ghezzi, A., Govoni, P., Malberti, M., Malvezzi, S., Massironi, A., Menasce, D., Moroni, L., Paganoni, M., Pedrini, D., Ragazzi, S., de Fatis, T. Tabarelli, Zuolo, D., Buontempo, S., Cavallo, N., Di Crescenzo, A., Fabozzi, F., Fienga, F., Galati, G., Iorio, A. O. M., Khan, W. A., Lista, L., Meola, S., Paolucci, P., Sciacca, C., Voevodina, E., Azzi, P., Bacchetta, N., Bisello, D., Boletti, A., Bragagnolo, A., Carlin, R., Checchia, P., Dall’Osso, M., Manzano, P. De Castro, Dorigo, T., Gasparini, U., Gozzelino, A., Hoh, S. Y., Lacaprara, S., Lujan, P., Margoni, M., Meneguzzo, A. T., Passaseo, M., Pazzini, J., Pozzobon, N., Ronchese, P., Rossin, R., Simonetto, F., Tiko, A., Torassa, E., Zanetti, M., Zotto, P., Zumerle, G., Braghieri, A., Magnani, A., Montagna, P., Ratti, S. P., Re, V., Ressegotti, M., Riccardi, C., Salvini, P., Vai, I., Vitulo, P., Biasini, M., Bilei, G. M., Cecchi, C., Ciangottini, D., Fanò, L., Lariccia, P., Leonardi, R., Manoni, E., Mantovani, G., Mariani, V., Menichelli, M., Rossi, A., Santocchia, A., Spiga, D., Androsov, K., Azzurri, P., Bagliesi, G., Bianchini, L., Boccali, T., Borrello, L., Castaldi, R., Ciocci, M. A., Dell’Orso, R., Fedi, G., Fiori, F., Giannini, L., Giassi, A., Grippo, M. T., Ligabue, F., Manca, E., Mandorli, G., Messineo, A., Palla, F., Rizzi, A., Spagnolo, P., Tenchini, R., Tonelli, G., Venturi, A., Verdini, P. G., Barone, L., Cavallari, F., Cipriani, M., Del Re, D., Di Marco, E., Diemoz, M., Gelli, S., Longo, E., Marzocchi, B., Meridiani, P., Organtini, G., Pandolfi, F., Paramatti, R., Preiato, F., Rahatlou, S., Rovelli, C., Santanastasio, F., Amapane, N., Arcidiacono, R., Argiro, S., Arneodo, M., Bartosik, N., Bellan, R., Biino, C., Cartiglia, N., Cenna, F., Cometti, S., Costa, M., Covarelli, R., Demaria, N., Kiani, B., Mariotti, C., Maselli, S., Migliore, E., Monaco, V., Monteil, E., Monteno, M., Obertino, M. M., Pacher, L., Pastrone, N., Pelliccioni, M., Angioni, G. L. Pinna, Romero, A., Ruspa, M., Sacchi, R., Shchelina, K., Sola, V., Solano, A., Soldi, D., Staiano, A., Belforte, S., Candelise, V., Casarsa, M., Cossutti, F., Da Rold, A., Della Ricca, G., Vazzoler, F., Zanetti, A., Kim, D. H., Kim, G. N., Kim, M. S., Lee, J., Lee, S., Lee, S. W., Moon, C. S., Oh, Y. D., Sekmen, S., Son, D. C., Yang, Y. C., Kim, H., Moon, D. H., Oh, G., Goh, J., Kim, T. J., Cho, S., Choi, S., Go, Y., Gyun, D., Ha, S., Hong, B., Jo, Y., Lee, K., Lee, K. S., Lee, S., Lim, J., Park, S. K., Roh, Y., Kim, H. S., Almond, J., Kim, J., Kim, J. S., Lee, H., Lee, K., Nam, K., Oh, S. B., Radburn-Smith, B. C., Seo, S. h., Yang, U. K., Yoo, H. D., Yu, G. B., Jeon, D., Kim, H., Kim, J. H., Lee, J. S. H., Park, I. C., Choi, Y., Hwang, C., Lee, J., Yu, I., Dudenas, V., Juodagalvis, A., Vaitkus, J., Ahmed, I., Ibrahim, Z. A., Ali, M. A. B. Md, Idris, F. Mohamad, Abdullah, W. A. T. Wan, Yusli, M. N., Zolkapli, Z., Benitez, J. F., Hernandez, A. Castaneda, Quijada, J. A. Murillo, Castilla-Valdez, H., Cruz-Burelo, E. De La, Duran-Osuna, M. C., Cruz, I. Heredia-De La, Lopez-Fernandez, R., Guisao, J. Mejia, Rabadan-Trejo, R. I., Ramirez-Garcia, M., Ramirez-Sanchez, G., Reyes-Almanza, R, Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Moreno, S. Carrillo, Barrera, C. Oropeza, Valencia, F. Vazquez, Eysermans, J., Pedraza, I., Ibarguen, H. A. Salazar, Estrada, C. Uribe, Pineda, A. Morelos, Krofcheck, D., Bheesette, S., Butler, P. H., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, M., Asghar, M. I., Hassan, Q., Hoorani, H. R., Saddique, A., Shah, M. A., Shoaib, M., Waqas, M., Bialkowska, H., Bluj, M., Boimska, B., Frueboes, T., Górski, M., Kazana, M., Nawrocki, K., Szleper, M., Traczyk, P., Zalewski, P., Bunkowski, K., Byszuk, A., Doroba, K., Kalinowski, A., Konecki, M., Krolikowski, J., Misiura, M., Olszewski, M., Pyskir, A., Walczak, M., Araujo, M., Bargassa, P., Silva, C. Beirão Da Cruz E, Di Francesco, A., Faccioli, P., Galinhas, B., Gallinaro, M., Hollar, J., Leonardo, N., Nemallapudi, M. V., Seixas, J., Strong, G., Toldaiev, O., Vadruccio, D., Varela, J., Afanasiev, S., Bunin, P., Gavrilenko, M., Golutvin, I., Gorbunov, I., Kamenev, A., Karjavine, V., Lanev, A., Malakhov, A., Matveev, V., Moisenz, P., Palichik, V., Perelygin, V., Shmatov, S., Shulha, S., Skatchkov, N., Smirnov, V., Voytishin, N., Zarubin, A., Golovtsov, V., Ivanov, Y., Kim, V., Kuznetsova, E., Levchenko, P., Murzin, V., Oreshkin, V., Smirnov, I., Sosnov, D., Sulimov, V., Uvarov, L., Vavilov, S., Vorobyev, A., Andreev, Yu., Dermenev, A., Gninenko, S., Golubev, N., Karneyeu, A., Kirsanov, M., Krasnikov, N., Pashenkov, A., Tlisov, D., Toropin, A., Epshteyn, V., Gavrilov, V., Lychkovskaya, N., Popov, V., Pozdnyakov, I., Safronov, G., Spiridonov, A., Stepennov, A., Stolin, V., Toms, M., Vlasov, E., Zhokin, A., Aushev, T., Chistov, R., Danilov, M., Parygin, P., Philippov, D., Polikarpov, S., Tarkovskii, E., Andreev, V., Azarkin, M., Dremin, I., Kirakosyan, M., Rusakov, S. V., Terkulov, A., Baskakov, A., Belyaev, A., Boos, E., Bunichev, V., Dubinin, M., Dudko, L., Ershov, A., Gribushin, A., Klyukhin, V., Kodolova, O., Lokhtin, I., Miagkov, I., Obraztsov, S., Petrushanko, S., Savrin, V., Barnyakov, A., Blinov, V., Dimova, T., Kardapoltsev, L., Skovpen, Y., Azhgirey, I., Bayshev, I., Bitioukov, S., Elumakhov, D., Godizov, A., Kachanov, V., Kalinin, A., Konstantinov, D., Mandrik, P., Petrov, V., Ryutin, R., Slabospitskii, S., Sobol, A., Troshin, S., Tyurin, N., Uzunian, A., Volkov, A., Babaev, A., Baidali, S., Okhotnikov, V., Adzic, P., Cirkovic, P., Devetak, D., Dordevic, M., Milosevic, J., Maestre, J. Alcaraz, Fernández, A. Álvarez, Bachiller, I., Luna, M. Barrio, Cifuentes, J. A. Brochero, Cerrada, M., Colino, N., Cruz, B. De La, Peris, A. Delgado, Bedoya, C. Fernandez, Ramos, J. P. Fernández, Flix, J., Fouz, M. C., Lopez, O. Gonzalez, Lopez, S. Goy, Hernandez, J. M., Josa, M. I., Moran, D., Yzquierdo, A. Pérez-Calero, Pelayo, J. Puerta, Redondo, I., Romero, L., Soares, M. S., Triossi, A., Albajar, C., de Trocóniz, J. F., Cuevas, J., Erice, C., Menendez, J. Fernandez, Folgueras, S., Caballero, I. Gonzalez, Fernández, J. R. González, Cortezon, E. Palencia, Bouza, V. Rodríguez, Cruz, S. Sanchez, Vischia, P., Garcia, J. M. Vizan, Cabrillo, I. J., Calderon, A., Quero, B. Chazin, Campderros, J. Duarte, Fernandez, M., Manteca, P. J. Fernández, Alonso, A. García, Garcia-Ferrero, J., Gomez, G., Virto, A. Lopez, Marco, J., Rivero, C. Martinez, del Arbol, P. Martinez Ruiz, Matorras, F., Gomez, J. Piedra, Prieels, C., Rodrigo, T., Ruiz-Jimeno, A., Scodellaro, L., Trevisani, N., Vila, I., Cortabitarte, R. Vilar, Wickramage, N., Abbaneo, D., Akgun, B., Auffray, E., Auzinger, G., Baillon, P., Ball, A. H., Barney, D., Bendavid, J., Bianco, M., Bocci, A., Botta, C., Brondolin, E., Camporesi, T., Cepeda, M., Cerminara, G., Chapon, E., Chen, Y., Cucciati, G., d’Enterria, D., Dabrowski, A., Daci, N., Daponte, V., David, A., De Roeck, A., Deelen, N., Dobson, M., Dünser, M., Dupont, N., Elliott-Peisert, A., Everaerts, P., Fallavollita, F., Fasanella, D., Franzoni, G., Fulcher, J., Funk, W., Gigi, D., Gilbert, A., Gill, K., Glege, F., Guilbaud, M., Gulhan, D., Hegeman, J., Heidegger, C., Innocente, V., Jafari, A., Janot, P., Karacheban, O., Kieseler, J., Kornmayer, A., Krammer, M., Lange, C., Lecoq, P., Lourenço, C., Malgeri, L., Mannelli, M., Meijers, F., Merlin, J. A., Mersi, S., Meschi, E., Milenovic, P., Moortgat, F., Mulders, M., Ngadiuba, J., Nourbakhsh, S., Orfanelli, S., Orsini, L., Pantaleo, F., Pape, L., Perez, E., Peruzzi, M., Petrilli, A., Petrucciani, G., Pfeiffer, A., Pierini, M., Pitters, F. M., Rabady, D., Racz, A., Reis, T., Rolandi, G., Rovere, M., Sakulin, H., Schäfer, C., Schwick, C., Seidel, M., Selvaggi, M., Sharma, A., Silva, P., Sphicas, P., Stakia, A., Steggemann, J., Tosi, M., Treille, D., Tsirou, A., Veckalns, V., Verzetti, M., Zeuner, W. D., Caminada, L., Deiters, K., Erdmann, W., Horisberger, R., Ingram, Q., Kaestli, H. C., Kotlinski, D., Langenegger, U., Rohe, T., Wiederkehr, S. A., Backhaus, M., Bäni, L., Berger, P., Chernyavskaya, N., Dissertori, G., Dittmar, M., Donegà, M., Dorfer, C., Grab, C., Hits, D., Hoss, J., Klijnsma, T., Lustermann, W., Manzoni, R. A., Marionneau, M., Meinhard, M. T., Micheli, F., Musella, P., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Pata, J., Pauss, F., Perrin, G., Perrozzi, L., Pigazzini, S., Quittnat, M., Ruini, D., Becerra, D. A. Sanz, Schönenberger, M., Shchutska, L., Tavolaro, V. R., Theofilatos, K., Olsson, M. L. Vesterbacka, Wallny, R., Zhu, D. H., Aarrestad, T. K., Amsler, C., Brzhechko, D., Canelli, M. F., De Cosa, A., Del Burgo, R., Donato, S., Galloni, C., Hreus, T., Kilminster, B., Leontsinis, S., Neutelings, I., Pinna, D., Rauco, G., Robmann, P., Salerno, D., Schweiger, K., Seitz, C., Takahashi, Y., Zucchetta, A., Chang, Y. H., Cheng, K. y., Doan, T. H., Jain, Sh., Khurana, R., Kuo, C. M., Lin, W., Pozdnyakov, A., Yu, S. S., Chang, P., Chao, Y., Chen, K. F., Chen, P. H., Hou, W.-S., Kumar, Arun, Liu, Y. F., Lu, R.-S., Paganis, E., Psallidas, A., Steen, A., Asavapibhop, B., Srimanobhas, N., Suwonjandee, N., Bat, A., Boran, F., Cerci, S., Damarseckin, S., Demiroglu, Z. S., Dolek, F., Dozen, C., Dumanoglu, I., Eskut, E., Girgis, S., Gokbulut, G., Guler, Y., Gurpinar, E., Hos, I., Isik, C., Kangal, E. E., Kara, O., Topaksu, A. Kayis, Kiminsu, U., Oglakci, M., Onengut, G., Ozdemir, K., Ozturk, S., Polatoz, A., Tok, U. G., Turkcapar, S., Zorbakir, I. S., Zorbilmez, C., Isildak, B., Karapinar, G., Yalvac, M., Zeyrek, M., Atakisi, I. O., Gülmez, E., Kaya, M., Kaya, O., Ozkorucuklu, S., Tekten, S., Yetkin, E. A., Agaras, M. N., Atay, S., Cakir, A., Cankocak, K., Komurcu, Y., Sen, S., Grynyov, B., Levchuk, L., Ball, F., Beck, L., Brooke, J. J., Burns, D., Clement, E., Cussans, D., Davignon, O., Flacher, H., Goldstein, J., Heath, G. P., Heath, H. F., Kreczko, L., Newbold, D. M., Paramesvaran, S., Penning, B., Sakuma, T., Smith, D., Smith, V. J., Taylor, J., Titterton, A., Bell, K. W., Belyaev, A., Brew, C., Brown, R. M., Cieri, D., Cockerill, D. J. A., Coughlan, J. A., Harder, K., Harper, S., Linacre, J., Olaiya, E., Petyt, D., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H., Thea, A., Tomalin, I. R., Williams, T., Womersley, W. J., Bainbridge, R., Bloch, P., Borg, J., Breeze, S., Buchmuller, O., Bundock, A., Casasso, S., Colling, D., Corpe, L., Dauncey, P., Davies, G., Della Negra, M., Di Maria, R., Haddad, Y., Hall, G., Iles, G., James, T., Komm, M., Laner, C., Lyons, L., Magnan, A.-M., Malik, S., Martelli, A., Nash, J., Nikitenko, A., Palladino, V., Pesaresi, M., Richards, A., Rose, A., Scott, E., Seez, C., Shtipliyski, A., Singh, G., Stoye, M., Strebler, T., Summers, S., Tapper, A., Uchida, K., Virdee, T., Wardle, N., Winterbottom, D., Wright, J., Zenz, S. C., Cole, J. E., Hobson, P. R., Khan, A., Kyberd, P., Mackay, C. K., Morton, A., Reid, I. D., Teodorescu, L., Zahid, S., Call, K., Dittmann, J., Hatakeyama, K., Liu, H., Madrid, C., Mcmaster, B., Pastika, N., Smith, C., Bartek, R., Dominguez, A., Buccilli, A., Cooper, S. I., Henderson, C., Rumerio, P., West, C., Arcaro, D., Bose, T., Gastler, D., Rankin, D., Richardson, C., Rohlf, J., Sulak, L., Zou, D., Benelli, G., Coubez, X., Cutts, D., Hadley, M., Hakala, J., Heintz, U., Hogan, J. M., Kwok, K. H. M., Laird, E., Landsberg, G., Lee, J., Mao, Z., Narain, M., Sagir, S., Syarif, R., Usai, E., Yu, D., Band, R., Brainerd, C., Breedon, R., Burns, D., De La Barca Sanchez, M. Calderon, Chertok, M., Conway, J., Conway, R., Cox, P. T., Erbacher, R., Flores, C., Funk, G., Ko, W., Kukral, O., Lander, R., Mulhearn, M., Pellett, D., Pilot, J., Shalhout, S., Shi, M., Stolp, D., Taylor, D., Tos, K., Tripathi, M., Wang, Z., Zhang, F., Bachtis, M., Bravo, C., Cousins, R., Dasgupta, A., Florent, A., Hauser, J., Ignatenko, M., Mccoll, N., Regnard, S., Saltzberg, D., Schnaible, C., Valuev, V., Bouvier, E., Burt, K., Clare, R., Gary, J. W., Shirazi, S. M. A. Ghiasi, Hanson, G., Karapostoli, G., Kennedy, E., Lacroix, F., Long, O. R., Negrete, M. Olmedo, Paneva, M. I., Si, W., Wang, L., Wei, H., Wimpenny, S., Yates, B. R., Branson, J. G., Cittolin, S., Derdzinski, M., Gerosa, R., Gilbert, D., Hashemi, B., Holzner, A., Klein, D., Kole, G., Krutelyov, V., Letts, J., Masciovecchio, M., Olivito, D., Padhi, S., Pieri, M., Sani, M., Sharma, V., Simon, S., Tadel, M., Vartak, A., Wasserbaech, S., Wood, J., Würthwein, F., Yagil, A., Della Porta, G. Zevi, Amin, N., Bhandari, R., Bradmiller-Feld, J., Campagnari, C., Citron, M., Dishaw, A., Dutta, V., Sevilla, M. Franco, Gouskos, L., Heller, R., Incandela, J., Ovcharova, A., Qu, H., Richman, J., Stuart, D., Suarez, I., Wang, S., Yoo, J., Anderson, D., Bornheim, A., Lawhorn, J. M., Newman, H. B., Nguyen, T. Q., Spiropulu, M., Vlimant, J. R., Wilkinson, R., Xie, S., Zhang, Z., Zhu, R. Y., Andrews, M. B., Ferguson, T., Mudholkar, T., Paulini, M., Sun, M., Vorobiev, I., Weinberg, M., Cumalat, J. P., Ford, W. T., Jensen, F., Johnson, A., Krohn, M., MacDonald, E., Mulholland, T., Patel, R., Stenson, K., Ulmer, K. A., Wagner, S. R., Alexander, J., Chaves, J., Cheng, Y., Chu, J., Datta, A., Mcdermott, K., Mirman, N., Patterson, J. R., Quach, D., Rinkevicius, A., Ryd, A., Skinnari, L., Soffi, L., Tan, S. M., Tao, Z., Thom, J., Tucker, J., Wittich, P., Zientek, M., Abdullin, S., Albrow, M., Alyari, M., Apollinari, G., Apresyan, A., Apyan, A., Banerjee, S., Bauerdick, L. A. T., Beretvas, A., Berryhill, J., Bhat, P. C., Bolla, G., Burkett, K., Butler, J. N., Canepa, A., Cerati, G. B., Cheung, H. W. K., Chlebana, F., Cremonesi, M., Duarte, J., Elvira, V. D., Freeman, J., Gecse, Z., Gottschalk, E., Gray, L., Green, D., Grünendahl, S., Gutsche, O., Hanlon, J., Harris, R. M., Hasegawa, S., Hirschauer, J., Hu, Z., Jayatilaka, B., Jindariani, S., Johnson, M., Joshi, U., Klima, B., Kortelainen, M. J., Kreis, B., Lammel, S., Lincoln, D., Lipton, R., Liu, M., Liu, T., Lykken, J., Maeshima, K., Marraffino, J. M., Mason, D., McBride, P., Merkel, P., Mrenna, S., Nahn, S., O’Dell, V., Pedro, K., Pena, C., Prokofyev, O., Rakness, G., Ristori, L., Savoy-Navarro, A., Schneider, B., Sexton-Kennedy, E., Soha, A., Spalding, W. J., Spiegel, L., Stoynev, S., Strait, J., Strobbe, N., Taylor, L., Tkaczyk, S., Tran, N. V., Uplegger, L., Vaandering, E. W., Vernieri, C., Verzocchi, M., Vidal, R., Wang, M., Weber, H. A., Whitbeck, A., Acosta, D., Avery, P., Bortignon, P., Bourilkov, D., Brinkerhoff, A., Cadamuro, L., Carnes, A., Carver, M., Curry, D., Field, R. D., Gleyzer, S. V., Joshi, B. M., Konigsberg, J., Korytov, A., Ma, P., Matchev, K., Mei, H., Mitselmakher, G., Shi, K., Sperka, D., Wang, J., Wang, S., Joshi, Y. R., Linn, S., Ackert, A., Adams, T., Askew, A., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Johnson, K. F., Kolberg, T., Martinez, G., Perry, T., Prosper, H., Saha, A., Schiber, C., Sharma, V., Yohay, R., Baarmand, M. M., Bhopatkar, V., Colafranceschi, S., Hohlmann, M., Noonan, D., Rahmani, M., Roy, T., Yumiceva, F., Adams, M. R., Apanasevich, L., Berry, D., Betts, R. R., Cavanaugh, R., Chen, X., Dittmer, S., Evdokimov, O., Gerber, C. E., Hangal, D. A., Hofman, D. J., Jung, K., Kamin, J., Mills, C., Gonzalez, I. D. Sandoval, Tonjes, M. B., Varelas, N., Wang, H., Wang, X., Wu, Z., Zhang, J., Alhusseini, M., Bilki, B., Clarida, W., Dilsiz, K., Durgut, S., Gandrajula, R. P., Haytmyradov, M., Khristenko, V., Merlo, J.-P., Mestvirishvili, A., Moeller, A., Nachtman, J., Ogul, H., Onel, Y., Ozok, F., Penzo, A., Snyder, C., Tiras, E., Wetzel, J., Blumenfeld, B., Cocoros, A., Eminizer, N., Fehling, D., Feng, L., Gritsan, A. V., Hung, W. T., Maksimovic, P., Roskes, J., Sarica, U., Swartz, M., Xiao, M., You, C., Al-bataineh, A., Baringer, P., Bean, A., Boren, S., Bowen, J., Bylinkin, A., Castle, J., Khalil, S., Kropivnitskaya, A., Majumder, D., Mcbrayer, W., Murray, M., Rogan, C., Sanders, S., Schmitz, E., Takaki, J. D. Tapia, Wang, Q., Duric, S., Ivanov, A., Kaadze, K., Kim, D., Maravin, Y., Mendis, D. R., Mitchell, T., Modak, A., Mohammadi, A., Saini, L. K., Skhirtladze, N., Rebassoo, F., Wright, D., Baden, A., Baron, O., Belloni, A., Eno, S. C., Feng, Y., Ferraioli, C., Hadley, N. J., Jabeen, S., Jeng, G. Y., Kellogg, R. G., Kunkle, J., Mignerey, A. C., Ricci-Tam, F., Shin, Y. H., Skuja, A., Tonwar, S. C., Wong, K., Abercrombie, D., Allen, B., Azzolini, V., Baty, A., Bauer, G., Bi, R., Brandt, S., Busza, W., Cali, I. A., D’Alfonso, M., Demiragli, Z., Ceballos, G. Gomez, Goncharov, M., Harris, P., Hsu, D., Hu, M., Iiyama, Y., Innocenti, G. M., Klute, M., Kovalskyi, D., Lee, Y.-J., Luckey, P. D., Maier, B., Marini, A. C., Mcginn, C., Mironov, C., Narayanan, S., Niu, X., Paus, C., Roland, C., Roland, G., Stephans, G. S. F., Sumorok, K., Tatar, K., Velicanu, D., Wang, J., Wang, T. W., Wyslouch, B., Zhaozhong, S., Benvenuti, A. C., Chatterjee, R. M., Evans, A., Hansen, P., Kalafut, S., Kubota, Y., Lesko, Z., Mans, J., Ruckstuhl, N., Rusack, R., Turkewitz, J., Wadud, M. A., Acosta, J. G., Oliveros, S., Avdeeva, E., Bloom, K., Claes, D. R., Fangmeier, C., Golf, F., Suarez, R. Gonzalez, Kamalieddin, R., Kravchenko, I., Monroy, J., Siado, J. E., Snow, G. R., Stieger, B., Godshalk, A., Harrington, C., Iashvili, I., Kharchilava, A., Mclean, C., Nguyen, D., Parker, A., Rappoccio, S., Roozbahani, B., Alverson, G., Barberis, E., Freer, C., Hortiangtham, A., Morse, D. M., Orimoto, T., De Lima, R. Teixeira, Wamorkar, T., Wang, B., Wisecarver, A., Wood, D., Bhattacharya, S., Charaf, O., Hahn, K. A., Mucia, N., Odell, N., Schmitt, M. H., Sung, K., Trovato, M., Velasco, M., Bucci, R., Dev, N., Hildreth, M., Anampa, K. Hurtado, Jessop, C., Karmgard, D. J., Kellams, N., Lannon, K., Li, W., Loukas, N., Marinelli, N., Meng, F., Mueller, C., Musienko, Y., Planer, M., Reinsvold, A., Ruchti, R., Siddireddy, P., Smith, G., Taroni, S., Wayne, M., Wightman, A., Wolf, M., Woodard, A., Alimena, J., Antonelli, L., Bylsma, B., Durkin, L. S., Flowers, S., Francis, B., Hart, A., Hill, C., Ji, W., Ling, T. Y., Luo, W., Winer, B. L., Wulsin, H. W., Cooperstein, S., Elmer, P., Hardenbrook, J., Higginbotham, S., Kalogeropoulos, A., Lange, D., Lucchini, M. T., Luo, J., Marlow, D., Mei, K., Ojalvo, I., Olsen, J., Palmer, C., Piroué, P., Salfeld-Nebgen, J., Stickland, D., Tully, C., Malik, S., Norberg, S., Barker, A., Barnes, V. E., Das, S., Gutay, L., Jones, M., Jung, A. W., Khatiwada, A., Mahakud, B., Miller, D. H., Neumeister, N., Peng, C. C., Piperov, S., Qiu, H., Schulte, J. F., Sun, J., Wang, F., Xiao, R., Xie, W., Cheng, T., Dolen, J., Parashar, N., Chen, Z., Ecklund, K. M., Freed, S., Geurts, F. J. M., Kilpatrick, M., Li, W., Padley, B. P., Roberts, J., Rorie, J., Shi, W., Tu, Z., Zabel, J., Zhang, A., Bodek, A., de Barbaro, P., Demina, R., Duh, Y. t., Dulemba, J. L., Fallon, C., Ferbel, T., Galanti, M., Garcia-Bellido, A., Han, J., Hindrichs, O., Khukhunaishvili, A., Lo, K. H., Tan, P., Taus, R., Agapitos, A., Chou, J. P., Gershtein, Y., Espinosa, T. A. Gómez, Halkiadakis, E., Heindl, M., Hughes, E., Kaplan, S., Elayavalli, R. Kunnawalkam, Kyriacou, S., Lath, A., Montalvo, R., Nash, K., Osherson, M., Saka, H., Salur, S., Schnetzer, S., Sheffield, D., Somalwar, S., Stone, R., Thomas, S., Thomassen, P., Walker, M., Delannoy, A. G., Heideman, J., Riley, G., Spanier, S., Bouhali, O., Celik, A., Dalchenko, M., De Mattia, M., Delgado, A., Dildick, S., Eusebi, R., Gilmore, J., Huang, T., Kamon, T., Luo, S., Mueller, R., Perloff, A., Perniè, L., Rathjens, D., Safonov, A., Akchurin, N., Damgov, J., De Guio, F., Dudero, P. R., Kunori, S., Lamichhane, K., Lee, S. W., Mengke, T., Muthumuni, S., Peltola, T., Undleeb, S., Volobouev, I., Wang, Z., Greene, S., Gurrola, A., Janjam, R., Johns, W., Maguire, C., Melo, A., Ni, H., Padeken, K., Alvarez, J. D. Ruiz, Sheldon, P., Tuo, S., Velkovska, J., Verweij, M., Xu, Q., Arenton, M. W., Barria, P., Cox, B., Hirosky, R., Joyce, M., Ledovskoy, A., Li, H., Neu, C., Sinthuprasith, T., Wang, Y., Wolfe, E., Xia, F., Harr, R., Karchin, P. E., Poudyal, N., Sturdy, J., Thapa, P., Zaleski, S., Brodski, M., Buchanan, J., Caillol, C., Carlsmith, D., Dasu, S., Dodd, L., Gomber, B., Grothe, M., Herndon, M., Hervé, A., Hussain, U., Klabbers, P., Lanaro, A., Long, K., Loveless, R., Ruggles, T., Savin, A., Smith, N., Smith, W. H., Woods, N., Collaboration, The CMS“…Combined measurements of the production and decay rates of the Higgs boson, as well as its couplings to vector bosons and fermions, are presented. The analysis uses the LHC proton–proton collision data set recorded with the CMS detector in 2016 at [Formula: see text] , corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9[Formula: see text] . …”
Publicado 2019
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3325por Gui, Xin, Pletikosic, Ivo, Cao, Huibo, Tien, Hung-Ju, Xu, Xitong, Zhong, Ruidan, Wang, Guangqiang, Chang, Tay-Rong, Jia, Shuang, Valla, Tonica, Xie, Weiwei, Cava, Robert J.“…[Image: see text] Magnetism, when combined with an unconventional electronic band structure, can give rise to forefront electronic properties such as the quantum anomalous Hall effect, axion electrodynamics, and Majorana fermions. Here we report the characterization of high-quality crystals of EuSn(2)P(2), a new quantum material specifically designed to engender unconventional electronic states plus magnetism. …”
Publicado 2019
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3326Magnetic Order with Fractionalized Excitations in Pyrochlore Magnets with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling“…Motivated by these observations, we investigate the possible emergence of a magnetically ordered ground state with fractionalized excitations in the spin model with the exchange parameters determined from two previous experiments. Using the fermionic parton mean field theory, we show that the magnetically ordered state with fractionalized excitations can arise as a stable mean field ground state in the presence of sufficiently strong quantum fluctuations. …”
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Online Artículo Texto -
3327por Gulbahar, Burhan“…Tensor product structure of history-dependent correlations was also recently exploited as a quantum computing resource in simple linear optical setups performing multiplane diffraction (MPD) of fermionic and bosonic particles with remarkable promises. …”
Publicado 2020
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3328por Junaid, Muhammad, Md Khir, M. H., Witjaksono, Gunawan, Ullah, Zaka, Tansu, Nelson, Saheed, Mohamed Shuaib Mohamed, Kumar, Pradeep, Hing Wah, Lee, Magsi, Saeed Ahmed, Siddiqui, Muhammad Aadil“…The exceptional structure of Dirac’s electrons in graphene, massless fermions, and the linear dispersion relationship with ultra-wideband plasmon and tunable surface polarities allows numerous applications in optoelectronics and plasmonics. …”
Publicado 2020
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3329por Stanisic, Stasja, Bosse, Jan Lukas, Gambetta, Filippo Maria, Santos, Raul A., Mruczkiewicz, Wojciech, O’Brien, Thomas E., Ostby, Eric, Montanaro, Ashley“…We use a variety of error-mitigation techniques, including symmetries of the Fermi-Hubbard model and a recently developed technique tailored to simulating fermionic systems. We also introduce a new variational optimisation algorithm based on iterative Bayesian updates of a local surrogate model.…”
Publicado 2022
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Online Artículo Texto -
3330“…Topological superconductors (TSC) become a focus of research due to the accompanying Majorana fermions. However, the reported TSC are extremely rare. …”
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3331por Curceanu, C, Scordo, A, Bragadireanu, M, Pietreanu, T, Sperandio, L, Marton, J, Sirghi, D L, Widmann, E, Ishiwatari, T, Zmeskal, J, Ponta, T, Laubenstein, M, Cargnelli, M, Milotti, E, Bartalucci, S, Iliescu, M, Guaraldo, C, Doce, O V, Bertolucci, S, Egger, J P, Vidal, A R, Sirghi, F, Di Matteo, S“…Experimentally, setting a bound on PEP violation means confining the violation parameter to a value very close to either 1 (for bosons) or -1 (for fermions). The VIP (VIolation of the Pauli exclusion principle) experiment established a limit on the probability that PEP is violated by electrons, using the method of searching for PEP forbidden atomic transitions in copper. …”
Publicado 2011
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3332por Skinnari, Louise Anastasia“…Assuming pair-production and a 100% branching ratio to muons, masses below 398 GeV (306 GeV) are excluded assuming coupling to left-handed (right-handed) fermions.…”
Publicado 2013
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3333“…The track parameter resolution provided by FTK enables the HLT trigger to identify efficiently and reconstruct significant samples of fermionic Higgs decays. Data processing speed is achieved with custom VLSI pattern recognition, linearized track fitting executed inside modern FPGAs, pipelining, and parallel processing. …”
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3334por Ilic, N“…The ultimate precision attainable on measurements of the couplings of the 125 GeV particle to elementary fermions and bosons is discussed, as well as perspectives on the searches for partners associated with this new object, predicted by several extensions of the standard theory. …”
Publicado 2014
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3335por Gori, Valentina“…For this purpose, results from the final Run-I papers for the $H \to ZZ \to 4 \ell$, $H \to \gamma \gamma$ and $H \to WW$ analyses are presented, focusing on the Higgs boson properties, like the mass, the signal strenght, the couplings to fermions and vector bosons, the spin and parity properties. …”
Publicado 2014
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3336por Iachello, Francesco“…The second part includes a description of how Lie algebras are used in practice in the treatment of bosonic and fermionic systems. Physical applications considered include rotations and vibrations of molecules (vibron model), collective modes in nuclei (interacting boson model), the atomic shell model, the nuclear shell model, and the quark model of hadrons. …”
Publicado 2015
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3337por Ruan, M“…This sample opens the possibility of subper-cent precision absolute measurements of the Higgs boson couplings to fermions and to gauge-bosons, and of the Higgs boson width. …”
Publicado 2014
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3338por Volpi, Guido“…The ultimate precision attainable on measurements of the couplings of the 125 GeV particle to elementary fermions and bosons is discussed, as well as perspectives on the searches for partners associated with this new object, predicted by several extensions of the standard theory. …”
Publicado 2015
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3339por The ATLAS collaboration“…The results are interpreted in terms of scaling factors of the Higgs boson couplings to vector bosons ($k_V$) and fermions ($k_F$), the combined results are: $|k_V| = 1.06^{+0.10}_{-0.10}$, $|k_F| = 0.85^{+0.26}_{-0.20}$.…”
Publicado 2015
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3340por Rizatdinova, Flera“…The ultimate precision attainable on measurements of the couplings of the 125 GeV particle to elementary fermions and bosons is discussed, as well as perspectives on the searches for partners associated with this new object, predicted by several extensions of the standard theory. …”
Publicado 2015
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