1482“…During this process, the involved scientific community has expanded from traditional university-based research and is now encompassing many large research laboratories worldwide, such as BNL, CERN, DESY, KEK, LBNL and SLAC. As a consequence, there is a strong demand for a consolidated effort in education at the intersection of accelerator, laser and plasma physics. …”
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1483por Ohsugi, T, Iwata, Y, Ohyama, H, Ohmoto, T, Okada, M, Tamura, N, Hatakenaka, T, Unno, Y, Kohriki, T, Hinode, F, Ujiie, N, Miyata, H, Miyano, K, Aso, T, Daigo, M, Murakami, A, Kobayashi, S, Takashima, R, Higuchi, M, Yamamoto, K, Yamamura, K, Muramatsu, M, Seiden, A, Sadrozinski, H F W, Grillo, A, Cartiglia, N, Barberis, EEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1993
1484por Saitô, Y, Takeuchi, H, Mandai, M, Koseki, O, Yoshino, T, Kanazawa, H, Yamanaka, J, Miyahara, S, Kamiya, M, Fujita, Y, Higashi, Y, Ikeda, H, Ikeda, M, Koike, S, Matsuda, T, Ozaki, H, Tanaka, M, Tsuboyama, T, Avrillon, S, Okuno, S, Haba, J, Hanai, H, Tatsumi, D, Adachi, K, Kawasaki, S, Nagashima, Y, Mori, S, Yusa, K, Fukunaga, C, Matsushita, T, Miyata, H, Miyano, KEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1993
1485por Kurihara, Y, Omori, T, Takeuchi, Y, Yoshioka, M, Nakanishi, T, Okumi, S, Tawada, M, Togawa, K, Tsubata, M, Baba, T, Mizuta, M, Alley, R, Aoyagi, H, Clendenin, J E, Frisch, J, Mulhollan, G A, Sáez, P J, Schultz, D, Tang, H, Witte, KEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1994
1486por Yamamoto, A, Araoka, O, Doi, Y, Haruyama, T, Kasami, K, Kimura, N, Kondo, T, Kondo, Y, Makida, Y, Suzuki, S, Tanaka, K, Yamaoka, H, Fast, R W, Grozis, C, Kephart, R D, Lee, A, Stanek, R P, Stefanik, A M, Wands, R, Collins, C A, Wilson, M E, Hirano, T, Hirata, Y, Maeto, T, Mine, S, Mukai, H, Odajima, I, Watanabe, I, Ikeda, M, Inoue, I H, Suzuki, TEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1994
1487por Kichimi, H, Sugaya, Y, Yamaguchi, H, Yoshimura, Y, Kanda, S, Olsen, S, Ueno, K, Varner, G S, Bergfeld, T, Bialek, J J, Lorenc, J, Palmer, M, Rudnick, G, Selen, M, Auran, T, Boyer, V, Honscheid, K, Tamura, N, Yoshimura, K, Lü, C, Marlow, D R, Mindas, C R, Prebys, E J, Asai, M, Kimura, A, Hayashi, SEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1995
1488por Yamamoto, A, Orito, S, Ormes, J F, Yoshida, T, Yoshimura, K, Abe, K, Anraku, K, Asaoka, Y, Fujikawa, M, Imori, M, Maeno, T, Makida, Y, Matsumoto, H, Matsui, N, Matsunaga, H, Mitchell, J, Mitsui, T, Moiseev, A, Motoki, M, Nishimura, J, Nozaki, M, Saeki, T, Sanuki, T, Sasaki, M, Seo, E, Shikaze, Y, Sonoda, T, Streitmatter, R E, Suzuki, J, Tanaka, K, Ueda, I, Yajima, N, Yamagami, TEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1998
1489por Akai, K, Akasaka, N, Ebihara, K, Ezura, E, Furuya, T, Hosoyama, K, Isagawa, S, Kageyama, T, Kurokawa, S, Mitsunobu, S, Mizuno, H, Naito, F, Nakanishi, H, Ono, M, Sakai, H, Suetake, M, Tajima, T, Takeuchi, Y, Yamazaki, Y, Yoshimoto, S, Zimmermann, FrankEnlace del recurso
Publicado 2003
1490Publicado 2003“…A demonstration of the Grid for physics analysis will be presented by a collective team comprising Caltech (USA), CERN (Switzerland), KEK (Japan), Sinica (Taiwan), UERJ (Rio De Janiro), PUB (Bucharestand) and NUST (Pakistan) at the ITU Telecom World 2003 Youth Forum & Exhibition in Geneva (1/2 page).…”
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1491por Tanaka, Shuji“…The PDF file of the transparency is located on http://www-atlas.kek.jp/sub/documents/lepsymp-stanaka.pdf.…”
Publicado 2001
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1494por Kojima, Y“…The program of the July 1980 Karlsruhe workshop is reproduced and research activity in this field at Stanford HEPL and SLAC, Cornell, Oregon, Brookhaven, KEK (Japan), Weismann (Israel), Genoa, CERN and Karlsruhe (KfK) listed. …”
Publicado 1980
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1495por Delerue, N, Gannaway, F, Howell, D, Blair, G, Boorman, G, Driouichi, C, Boogert, S, Aryshev, A, Karataev, P, Terunuma, N, Urakawa, J, Brachmann, A, Frisch, J, Ross, M“…A new laser-wire is being installed in the extraction line of the ATF at KEK. This device aims at demonstrating that laser-wires can be used to measure micrometre scale beam size.…”
Publicado 2006
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1496“…The measurement of resonance driving terms in the Damping Ring of the Accelerator Test Facility in KEK could help finding possible machine imperfections and even to optimize single particle stability through the minimization of non-linearities. …”
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1498por Unno, Y, Kohriki, T, Kondo, T, Iwasaki, H, Terada, S, Takahata, M, Tamura, N, Maeohmichi, H, Ohmoto, T, Yoshikawa, M, Ohyama, H, Handa, T, Iwata, Y, Ohsugi, T, Haber, C, Siegrist, J L, Spieler, H, Dubbs, T, Grillo, A, Hubbard, B, Kashigin, S V, Kröger, W, Noble, K, O'Shaughnessy, K F, Pulliam, T, Rowe, W A, Sadrozinski, H F W, Sieden, A, Spencer, E, Webster, A, Wichmann, R, Wilder, M, Takashima, REnlace del recurso
Publicado 1995
1499Publicado 2003“…The conjecture, from the so-called Belle team at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Tsukuba, was inspired by the team's measurements of a specific type of decay of fundamental particles called bottom, or b, quarks and their antimatter counter- parts, anti-b quarks" (1/2 page).…”
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1500por Unno, Y, Hinode, F, Akagi, T, Kohriki, T, Ujiie, N, Iwata, Y, Ohmoto, T, Ohsugi, T, Ohyama, T, Hatakenaka, T, Tamura, N, Kobayashi, S, Murakami, A, Tezuka, M, Takashima, R, Aso, T, Miyata, H, Daigo, M, Higuchi, M, Kipnis, I, Spieler, H, DeWitt, J, Dorfan, D, Grillo, A, Hubbard, B, Rahn, J T, Rowe, W, Sadrozinski, H F W, Seiden, A, Spencer, E, Webster, A, Wilder, M, Frautschi, M A, Matthews, J, Kaplan, DEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1993