Gösterilen 1 - 2 sonuçlar arası kayıtlar. 2 sonuç. Aranan kelime '"Majorca"', Sorgu süresi: 0.24s Sonuçları Daraltın
  1. 1
    “…There was a drastic reduction in activity in the three hospitals, but in different amounts: 83.5% in the hospital located in Madrid, 75% in the hospital located in Valencia and 65.9% in the one located in Palma, Majorca. The emergencies attended were more serious in 2020 compared to 2019. …”
    Tam Metin Erişim
    Tam Metin Erişim
    Tam Metin Erişim
    Online Makale Metin
  2. 2
    “…There was a drastic reduction in activity in the three hospitals, but in different amounts: 83.5% in the hospital located in Madrid, 75% in the hospital located in Valencia and 65.9% in the one located in Palma, Majorca. The emergencies attended were more serious in 2020 compared to 2019. …”
    Tam Metin Erişim
    Tam Metin Erişim
    Tam Metin Erişim
    Online Makale Metin
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