7601“…In addition to the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model particles, the model contains right-handed neutrinos, a chiral (but anomaly-free) set of exotic multiplets, and extra vector-like multiplets. …”
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7602por Alonso, R., Fernandez Martinez, E., Gavela, M.B., Grinstein, B., Merlo, L., Quilez, P.“…The gauging of the lepton flavour group is considered in the Standard Model context and in its extension with three right-handed neutrinos. The anomaly cancellation conditions lead to a Seesaw mechanism as underlying dynamics for all leptons; requiring in addition a phenomenologically viable setup leads to Majorana masses for the neutral sector: the type I Seesaw Lagrangian in the Standard Model case and the inverse Seesaw in the extended model. …”
Publicado 2016
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7603“…We present a model which employs the seesaw mechanism with five right-handed neutrinos, leading to trimaximal and CP-conserving lepton mixing. …”
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info:eu-repo/semantics/article -
7604por Rossetti, V“…The data are compared to the SM predictions, dominated by the irreducible background from W/Z+jets production with neutrinos and mis-identified electrons and muons in the final state. …”
Publicado 2011
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7605por Viel, S“…We report on several searches for such new particles, decaying to various combinations of charged leptons, neutrinos, light quarks, top quarks, photons and heavy gauge bosons. …”
Publicado 2012
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7606por Papaphilippou, Y, Alabau-Gonzalvo, J, Alekou, A, Antoniou, F, Benedikt, M, Efthymiopoulos, I, Garoby, R, Gerigk, F, Goddard, B, Lazaridis, C, Parfenova, A, Shaposhnikova, E, Steerenberg, R“…Design studies have been initiated at CERN, exploring the prospects of future high-power proton beams for producing neutrinos, within the LAGUNA-LBNO project. These studies include the design of a 2 MW high-power proton synchrotron (HP-PS) using the LP-SPL as injector. …”
Publicado 2013
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7607por Hayden, D“…We look for anomalous production of prompt like-sign leptons or events with three or more leptons, as well as search for excited leptons, heavy leptons and heavy neutrinos. The searches use data recorded in 2012 at sqrt(s)=8 TeV centre-of-mass energy by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.…”
Publicado 2013
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7608“…We mention possible applications to the oscillations of mesons and neutrinos.…”
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7609por Ellis, Jonathan Richard“…Particle dark matter candidates are reviewed, including massive neutrinos, the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), ultra-heavy relics from the big bang, and cosmological vacuum energy. …”
Publicado 2000
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7610por Ellis, Jonathan Richard“…These questions include the nature of dark matter and dark energy, how the Universe began, modifications to gravity, the effects of neutrinos on the Universe, how cosmic accelerators work, and whether there are new states of matter at high density and pressure. …”
Publicado 2003
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7611por Anderson, Jonathan“…Here one tau is identified through its decay to a muon and neutrinos; the other through its decay to an electron or muon and neutrinos. …”
Publicado 2011
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7612“…We study if a sizeable muon electric dipole can arise in supersymmetric frameworks able to account for the tight experimental bounds on sfermion masses, like an appropriate flavor symmetry, or like a flavor-blind mechanism of SUSY breaking (in presence of radiative corrections charchteristic of GUT models, or due to Yukawa couplings of neutrinos in see-saw models). In some cases it is possible to evade the naive scaling d_mu/d_e = m_mu/m_e and obtain a d_mu as large as 10^{-22--23} e cm. …”
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7613por Sirunyan, A. M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Ambrogi, F., Bergauer, T., Brandstetter, J., Dragicevic, M., Erö, J., Del Valle, A. Escalante, Flechl, M., Frühwirth, R., Jeitler, M., Krammer, N., Krätschmer, I., Liko, D., Madlener, T., Mikulec, I., Rad, N., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Spanring, M., Spitzbart, D., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C.-E., Zarucki, M., Drugakov, V., Mossolov, V., Gonzalez, J. Suarez, Darwish, M. R., De Wolf, E. A., Di Croce, D., Janssen, X., Lelek, A., Pieters, M., Sfar, H. Rejeb, Van Haevermaet, H., Van Mechelen, P., Van Putte, S., Van Remortel, N., Blekman, F., Bols, E. S., Chhibra, S. S., D’Hondt, J., De Clercq, J., Lontkovskyi, D., Lowette, S., Marchesini, I., Moortgat, S., Moreels, L., Python, Q., Skovpen, K., Tavernier, S., Van Doninck, W., Van Mulders, P., Van Parijs, I., Beghin, D., Bilin, B., Brun, H., Clerbaux, B., De Lentdecker, G., Delannoy, H., Dorney, B., Favart, L., Grebenyuk, A., Kalsi, A. K., Popov, A., Postiau, N., Starling, E., Thomas, L., Velde, C. Vander, Vanlaer, P., Vannerom, D., Cornelis, T., Dobur, D., Khvastunov, I., Niedziela, M., Roskas, C., Trocino, D., Tytgat, M., Verbeke, W., Vermassen, B., Vit, M., Zaganidis, N., Bondu, O., Bruno, G., Caputo, C., David, P., Delaere, C., Delcourt, M., Giammanco, A., Lemaitre, V., Magitteri, A., Prisciandaro, J., Saggio, A., Marono, M. Vidal, Vischia, P., Zobec, J., Alves, F. L., Alves, G. A., Silva, G. Correia, Hensel, C., Moraes, A., Teles, P. Rebello, Chagas, E. Belchior Batista Das, Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Coelho, E., Da Costa, E. M., Da Silveira, G. G., De Jesus Damiao, D., De Oliveira Martins, C., De Souza, S. Fonseca, Guativa, L. M. Huertas, Malbouisson, H., Martins, J., Figueiredo, D. Matos, Jaime, M. Medina, De Almeida, M. Melo, Herrera, C. Mora, Mundim, L., Nogima, H., Da Silva, W. L. Prado, Rosas, L. J. Sanchez, Santoro, A., Sznajder, A., Thiel, M., Manganote, E. J. Tonelli, De Araujo, F. Torres Da Silva, Pereira, A. Vilela, Bernardes, C. A., Calligaris, L., Tomei, T. R. Fernandez Perez, Gregores, E. M., Lemos, D. S., Mercadante, P. G., Novaes, S. F., Padula, SandraS., Aleksandrov, A., Antchev, G., Hadjiiska, R., Iaydjiev, P., Marinov, A., Misheva, M., Rodozov, M., Shopova, M., Sultanov, G., Bonchev, M., Dimitrov, A., Ivanov, T., Litov, L., Pavlov, B., Petkov, P., Fang, W., Gao, X., Yuan, L., Ahmad, M., Chen, G. M., Chen, H. S., Chen, M., Jiang, C. H., Leggat, D., Liao, H., Liu, Z., Shaheen, S. M., Spiezia, A., Tao, J., Yazgan, E., Zhang, H., Zhang, S., Zhao, J., Agapitos, A., Ban, Y., Chen, G., Levin, A., Li, J., Li, L., Li, Q., Mao, Y., Qian, S. J., Wang, D., Wang, Q., Hu, Z., Wang, Y., Avila, C., Cabrera, A., Sierra, L. F. Chaparro, Florez, C., Hernández, C. F. González, Delgado, M. A. Segura, Guisao, J. Mejia, Alvarez, J. D. Ruiz, González, C. A. Salazar, Arbelaez, N. Vanegas, Giljanović, D., Godinovic, N., Lelas, D., Puljak, I., Sculac, T., Antunovic, Z., Kovac, M., Brigljevic, V., Ceci, S., Ferencek, D., Kadija, K., Mesic, B., Roguljic, M., Starodumov, A., Susa, T., Ather, M. W., Attikis, A., Erodotou, E., Ioannou, A., Kolosova, M., Konstantinou, S., Mavromanolakis, G., Mousa, J., Nicolaou, C., Ptochos, F., Razis, P. A., Rykaczewski, H., Tsiakkouri, D., Finger, M., Finger, M., Kveton, A., Tomsa, J., Ayala, E., Jarrin, E. Carrera, Zeid, S. Abu, Khalil, S., Bhowmik, S., De Oliveira, A. Carvalho Antunes, Dewanjee, R. K., Ehataht, K., Kadastik, M., Raidal, M., Veelken, C., Eerola, P., Forthomme, L., Kirschenmann, H., Osterberg, K., Voutilainen, M., Garcia, F., Havukainen, J., Heikkilä, J. K., Järvinen, T., Karimäki, V., Kinnunen, R., Lampén, T., Lassila-Perini, K., Laurila, S., Lehti, S., Lindén, T., Luukka, P., Mäenpää, T., Siikonen, H., Tuominen, E., Tuominiemi, J., Tuuva, T., Besancon, M., Couderc, F., Dejardin, M., Denegri, D., Fabbro, B., Faure, J. L., Ferri, F., Ganjour, S., Givernaud, A., Gras, P., de Monchenault, G. Hamel, Jarry, P., Leloup, C., Locci, E., Malcles, J., Rander, J., Rosowsky, A., Sahin, M. Ö., Savoy-Navarro, A., Titov, M., Ahuja, S., Amendola, C., Beaudette, F., Busson, P., Charlot, C., Diab, B., Falmagne, G., de Cassagnac, R. Granier, Kucher, I., Lobanov, A., Perez, C. Martin, Nguyen, M., Ochando, C., Paganini, P., Rembser, J., Salerno, R., Sauvan, J. B., Sirois, Y., Zabi, A., Zghiche, A., Agram, J.-L., Andrea, J., Bloch, D., Bourgatte, G., Brom, J.-M., Chabert, E. C., Collard, C., Conte, E., Fontaine, J.-C., Gelé, D., Goerlach, U., Jansová, M., Bihan, A.-C. Le, Tonon, N., Van Hove, P., Gadrat, S., Beauceron, S., Bernet, C., Boudoul, G., Camen, C., Chanon, N., Chierici, R., Contardo, D., Depasse, P., Mamouni, H. El, Fay, J., Gascon, S., Gouzevitch, M., Ille, B., Jain, Sa., Lagarde, F., Laktineh, I. B., Lattaud, H., Lethuillier, M., Mirabito, L., Perries, S., Sordini, V., Touquet, G., Donckt, M. Vander, Viret, S., Khvedelidze, A., Tsamalaidze, Z., Autermann, C., Feld, L., Kiesel, M. K., Klein, K., Lipinski, M., Meuser, D., Pauls, A., Preuten, M., Rauch, M. P., Schomakers, C., Schulz, J., Teroerde, M., Wittmer, B., Albert, A., Erdmann, M., Erdweg, S., Esch, T., Fischer, B., Fischer, R., Ghosh, S., Hebbeker, T., Hoepfner, K., Keller, H., Mastrolorenzo, L., Merschmeyer, M., Meyer, A., Millet, P., Mocellin, G., Mondal, S., Mukherjee, S., Noll, D., Novak, A., Pook, T., Pozdnyakov, A., Quast, T., Radziej, M., Rath, Y., Reithler, H., Rieger, M., Roemer, J., Schmidt, A., Schuler, S. C., Sharma, A., Thüer, S., Wiedenbeck, S., Flügge, G., Ahmad, W. Haj, Hlushchenko, O., Kress, T., Müller, T., Nehrkorn, A., Nowack, A., Pistone, C., Pooth, O., Roy, D., Sert, H., Stahl, A., Martin, M. Aldaya, Asmuss, P., Babounikau, I., Bakhshiansohi, H., Beernaert, K., Behnke, O., Behrens, U., Martínez, A. Bermúdez, Bertsche, D., Anuar, A. A. Bin, Borras, K., Botta, V., Campbell, A., Cardini, A., Connor, P., Rodríguez, S. Consuegra, Contreras-Campana, C., Danilov, V., De Wit, A., Defranchis, M. M., Didukh, L., Pardos, C. Diez, Damiani, D. Domínguez, Eckerlin, G., Eckstein, D., Eichhorn, T., Elwood, A., Eren, E., Gallo, E., Geiser, A., Luyando, J. M. Grados, Grohsjean, A., Guthoff, M., Haranko, M., Harb, A., Jafari, A., Jomhari, N. Z., Jung, H., Kasem, A., Kasemann, M., Kaveh, H., Keaveney, J., Kleinwort, C., Knolle, J., Krücker, D., Lange, W., Lenz, T., Leonard, J., Lidrych, J., Lipka, K., Lohmann, W., Mankel, R., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Meyer, A. B., Meyer, M., Missiroli, M., Mittag, G., Mnich, J., Mussgiller, A., Myronenko, V., Adán, D. Pérez, Pflitsch, S. K., Pitzl, D., Raspereza, A., Saibel, A., Savitskyi, M., Scheurer, V., Schütze, P., Schwanenberger, C., Shevchenko, R., Singh, A., Tholen, H., Turkot, O., Vagnerini, A., Van De Klundert, M., Van Onsem, G. P., Walsh, R., Wen, Y., Wichmann, K., Wissing, C., Zenaiev, O., Zlebcik, R., Aggleton, R., Bein, S., Benato, L., Benecke, A., Blobel, V., Dreyer, T., Ebrahimi, A., Fröhlich, A., Garbers, C., Garutti, E., Gonzalez, D., Gunnellini, P., Haller, J., Hinzmann, A., Karavdina, A., Kasieczka, G., Klanner, R., Kogler, R., Kovalchuk, N., Kurz, S., Kutzner, V., Lange, J., Lange, T., Malara, A., Multhaup, J., Niemeyer, C. E. N., Perieanu, A., Reimers, A., Rieger, O., Scharf, C., Schleper, P., Schumann, S., Schwandt, J., Sonneveld, J., Stadie, H., Steinbrück, G., Stober, F. M., Stöver, M., Vormwald, B., Zoi, I., Akbiyik, M., Barth, C., Baselga, M., Baur, S., Berger, T., Butz, E., Caspart, R., Chwalek, T., De Boer, W., Dierlamm, A., El Morabit, K., Faltermann, N., Giffels, M., Goldenzweig, P., Gottmann, A., Harrendorf, M. A., Hartmann, F., Husemann, U., Kudella, S., Mitra, S., Mozer, M. U., Müller, Th., Musich, M., Nürnberg, A., Quast, G., Rabbertz, K., Schröder, M., Shvetsov, I., Simonis, H. J., Ulrich, R., Weber, M., Wöhrmann, C., Wolf, R., Anagnostou, G., Asenov, P., Daskalakis, G., Geralis, T., Kyriakis, A., Loukas, D., Paspalaki, G., Diamantopoulou, M., Karathanasis, G., Kontaxakis, P., Manousakis-katsikakis, A., Panagiotou, A., Papavergou, I., Saoulidou, N., Stakia, A., Theofilatos, K., Vellidis, K., Vourliotis, E., Bakas, G., Kousouris, K., Papakrivopoulos, I., Tsipolitis, G., Evangelou, I., Foudas, C., Gianneios, P., Katsoulis, P., Kokkas, P., Mallios, S., Manitara, K., Manthos, N., Papadopoulos, I., Strologas, J., Triantis, F. A., Tsitsonis, D., Bartók, M., Csanad, M., Major, P., Mandal, K., Mehta, A., Nagy, M. I., Pasztor, G., Surányi, O., Veres, G. I., Bencze, G., Hajdu, C., Horvath, D., Sikler, F., Vámi, T., Veszpremi, V., Vesztergombi, G., Beni, N., Czellar, S., Karancsi, J., Makovec, A., Molnar, J., Szillasi, Z., Raics, P., Teyssier, D., Trocsanyi, Z. L., Ujvari, B., Csorgo, T., Metzger, W. J., Nemes, F., Novak, T., Choudhury, S., Komaragiri, J. R., Tiwari, P. C., Bahinipati, S., Kar, C., Kole, G., Mal, P., Bindhu, V. K. Muraleedharan Nair, Nayak, A., Sahoo, D. K., Swain, S. K., Bansal, S., Beri, S. B., Bhatnagar, V., Chauhan, S., Chawla, R., Dhingra, N., Gupta, R., Kaur, A., Kaur, M., Kaur, S., Kumari, P., Lohan, M., Meena, M., Sandeep, K., Sharma, S., Singh, J. B., Virdi, A. K., Bhardwaj, A., Choudhary, B. C., Garg, R. B., Gola, M., Keshri, S., Kumar, Ashok, Malhotra, S., Naimuddin, M., Priyanka, P., Ranjan, K., Shah, Aashaq, Sharma, R., Bhardwaj, R., Bharti, M., Bhattacharya, R., Bhattacharya, S., Bhawandeep, U., Bhowmik, D., Dey, S., Dutta, S., Ghosh, S., Maity, M., Mondal, K., Nandan, S., Purohit, A., Rout, P. K., Saha, G., Sarkar, S., Sarkar, T., Sharan, M., Singh, B., Thakur, S., Behera, P. K., Kalbhor, P., Muhammad, A., Pujahari, P. R., Sharma, A., Sikdar, A. K., Chudasama, R., Dutta, D., Jha, V., Kumar, V., Mishra, D. K., Netrakanti, P. K., Pant, L. M., Shukla, P., Aziz, T., Bhat, M. A., Dugad, S., Mohanty, G. B., Sur, N., Verma, RavindraKumar, Banerjee, S., Bhattacharya, S., Chatterjee, S., Das, P., Guchait, M., Karmakar, S., Kumar, S., Majumder, G., Mazumdar, K., Sahoo, N., Sawant, S., Chauhan, S., Dube, S., Hegde, V., Kapoor, A., Kothekar, K., Pandey, S., Rane, A., Rastogi, A., Sharma, S., Chenarani, S., Tadavani, E. Eskandari, Etesami, S. M., Khakzad, M., Najafabadi, M. Mohammadi, Naseri, M., Hosseinabadi, F. Rezaei, Felcini, M., Grunewald, M., Abbrescia, M., Aly, R., Calabria, C., Colaleo, A., Creanza, D., Cristella, L., De Filippis, N., De Palma, M., Di Florio, A., Fiore, L., Gelmi, A., Iaselli, G., Ince, M., Lezki, S., Maggi, G., Maggi, M., Miniello, G., My, S., Nuzzo, S., Pompili, A., Pugliese, G., Radogna, R., Ranieri, A., Selvaggi, G., Silvestris, L., Venditti, R., Verwilligen, P., Abbiendi, G., Battilana, C., Bonacorsi, D., Borgonovi, L., Braibant-Giacomelli, S., Campanini, R., Capiluppi, P., Castro, A., Cavallo, F. R., Ciocca, C., Codispoti, G., Cuffiani, M., Dallavalle, G. M., Fabbri, F., Fanfani, A., Fontanesi, E., Giacomelli, P., Grandi, C., Guiducci, L., Iemmi, F., Lo Meo, S., Marcellini, S., Masetti, G., Navarria, F. L., Perrotta, A., Primavera, F., Rossi, A. M., Rovelli, T., Siroli, G. P., Tosi, N., Albergo, S., Costa, S., Di Mattia, A., Potenza, R., Tricomi, A., Tuve, C., Barbagli, G., Ceccarelli, R., Chatterjee, K., Ciulli, V., Civinini, C., D’Alessandro, R., Focardi, E., Latino, G., Lenzi, P., Meschini, M., Paoletti, S., Sguazzoni, G., Strom, D., Viliani, L., Benussi, L., Bianco, S., Piccolo, D., Bozzo, M., Ferro, F., Mulargia, R., Robutti, E., Tosi, S., Benaglia, A., Beschi, A., Brivio, F., Ciriolo, V., Di Guida, S., Dinardo, M. E., Dini, P., Gennai, S., Ghezzi, A., Govoni, P., Guzzi, L., Malberti, M., Malvezzi, S., Menasce, D., Monti, F., Moroni, L., Ortona, G., Paganoni, M., Pedrini, D., Ragazzi, S., de Fatis, T. Tabarelli, Zuolo, D., Buontempo, S., Cavallo, N., De Iorio, A., Di Crescenzo, A., Fabozzi, F., Fienga, F., Galati, G., Iorio, A. O. M., Lista, L., Meola, S., Paolucci, P., Rossi, B., Sciacca, C., Voevodina, E., Azzi, P., Bacchetta, N., D.Bisello, D., Boletti, A., Bragagnolo, A., Carlin, R., Checchia, P., De Castro Manzano, P., Dorigo, T., Dosselli, U., Gasparini, F., Gasparini, U., Gozzelino, A., Hoh, S. Y., Lujan, P., Margoni, M., Meneguzzo, A. T., Pazzini, J., Presilla, M., Ronchese, P., Rossin, R., Simonetto, F., Tiko, A., Tosi, M., Zanetti, M., Zotto, P., Zumerle, G., Braghieri, A., Montagna, P., Ratti, S. P., Re, V., Ressegotti, M., Riccardi, C., Salvini, P., Vai, I., Vitulo, P., Biasini, M., Bilei, G. M., Cecchi, C., Ciangottini, D., Fanò, L., Lariccia, P., Leonardi, R., Manoni, E., Mantovani, G., Mariani, V., Menichelli, M., Rossi, A., Santocchia, A., Spiga, D., Androsov, K., Azzurri, P., Bagliesi, G., Bertacchi, V., Bianchini, L., Boccali, T., Castaldi, R., Ciocci, M. A., Dell’Orso, R., Fedi, G., Giannini, L., Giassi, A., Grippo, M. T., Ligabue, F., Manca, E., Mandorli, G., Messineo, A., Palla, F., Rizzi, A., Rolandi, G., Chowdhury, S. Roy, Scribano, A., Spagnolo, P., Tenchini, R., Tonelli, G., Turini, N., Venturi, A., Verdini, P. G., Cavallari, F., Cipriani, M., Del Re, D., Di Marco, E., Diemoz, M., Longo, E., Marzocchi, B., Meridiani, P., Organtini, G., Pandolfi, F., Paramatti, R., Quaranta, C., Rahatlou, S., Rovelli, C., Santanastasio, F., Soffi, L., Amapane, N., Arcidiacono, R., Argiro, S., Arneodo, M., Bartosik, N., Bellan, R., Biino, C., Cappati, A., Cartiglia, N., Cometti, S., Costa, M., Covarelli, R., Demaria, N., Kiani, B., Mariotti, C., Maselli, S., Migliore, E., Monaco, V., Monteil, E., Monteno, M., Obertino, M. M., Pacher, L., Pastrone, N., Pelliccioni, M., Angioni, G. L. Pinna, Romero, A., Ruspa, M., Sacchi, R., Salvatico, R., Sola, V., Solano, A., Soldi, D., Staiano, A., Belforte, S., Candelise, V., Casarsa, M., Cossutti, F., Da Rold, A., Della Ricca, G., Vazzoler, F., Zanetti, A., Kim, B., Kim, D. H., Kim, G. N., Kim, M. S., Lee, J., Lee, S. W., Moon, C. S., Oh, Y. D., Pak, S. I., Sekmen, S., Son, D. C., Yang, Y. C., Kim, H., Moon, D. H., Oh, G., Francois, B., Kim, T. J., Park, J., Cho, S., Choi, S., Go, Y., Gyun, D., Ha, S., Hong, B., Lee, K., Lee, K. S., Lim, J., Park, J., Park, S. K., Roh, Y., Yoo, J., Goh, J., Kim, H. S., Almond, J., Bhyun, J. H., Choi, J., Jeon, S., Kim, J., Kim, J. S., Lee, H., Lee, K., Lee, S., Nam, K., Oh, M., Oh, S. B., Radburn-Smith, B. C., Yang, U. K., Yoo, H. D., Yoon, I., Yu, G. B., Jeon, D., Kim, H., Kim, J. H., Lee, J. S. H., Park, I. C., Watson, I., Choi, Y., Hwang, C., Jeong, Y., Lee, J., Lee, Y., Yu, I., Veckalns, V., Dudenas, V., Juodagalvis, A., Tamulaitis, G., Vaitkus, J., Ibrahim, Z. A., Idris, F. Mohamad, Abdullah, W. A. T. Wan, Yusli, M. N., Zolkapli, Z., Benitez, J. F., Hernandez, A. Castaneda, Quijada, J. A. Murillo, Palomo, L. Valencia, Castilla-Valdez, H., De La Cruz-Burelo, E., La Cruz, I. Heredia-De, Lopez-Fernandez, R., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Moreno, S. Carrillo, Barrera, C. Oropeza, Ramirez-Garcia, M., Valencia, F. Vazquez, Eysermans, J., Pedraza, I., Ibarguen, H. A. Salazar, Estrada, C. Uribe, Pineda, A. Morelos, Raicevic, N., Krofcheck, D., Bheesette, S., Butler, P. H., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, M., Hassan, Q., Hoorani, H. R., Khan, W. A., Shah, M. A., Shoaib, M., Waqas, M., Avati, V., Grzanka, L., Malawski, M., Bialkowska, H., Bluj, M., Boimska, B., Górski, M., Kazana, M., Szleper, M., Zalewski, P., Bunkowski, K., Byszuk, A., Doroba, K., Kalinowski, A., Konecki, M., Krolikowski, J., Misiura, M., Olszewski, M., Pyskir, A., Walczak, M., Araujo, M., Bargassa, P., Bastos, D., Di Francesco, A., Faccioli, P., Galinhas, B., Gallinaro, M., Hollar, J., Leonardo, N., Seixas, J., Shchelina, K., Strong, G., Toldaiev, O., Varela, J., Alexakhin, V., Baginyan, A., Gavrilenko, M., Golutvin, I., Gorbunov, I., Kamenev, A., Karjavine, V., Korenkov, V., Lanev, A., Malakhov, A., Matveev, V., Mitsyn, V. V., Moisenz, P., Palichik, V., Perelygin, V., Savina, M., Shmatov, S., Shulha, S., Trofimov, V., Zarubin, A., Chtchipounov, L., Golovtsov, V., Ivanov, Y., Kim, V., Kuznetsova, E., Levchenko, P., Murzin, V., Oreshkin, V., Smirnov, I., Sosnov, D., Sulimov, V., Uvarov, L., Vorobyev, A., Andreev, Yu., Dermenev, A., Gninenko, S., Golubev, N., Karneyeu, A., Kirsanov, M., Krasnikov, N., Pashenkov, A., Tlisov, D., Toropin, A., Epshteyn, V., Gavrilov, V., Lychkovskaya, N., Nikitenko, A., Popov, V., Pozdnyakov, I., Safronov, G., Spiridonov, A., Stepennov, A., Toms, M., Vlasov, E., Zhokin, A., Aushev, T., Chadeeva, M., Parygin, P., Philippov, D., Popova, E., Rusinov, V., Andreev, V., Azarkin, M., Dremin, I., Kirakosyan, M., Terkulov, A., Baskakov, A., Belyaev, A., Boos, E., Bunichev, V., Dubinin, M., Dudko, L., Ershov, A., Gribushin, A., Klyukhin, V., Kodolova, O., Lokhtin, I., Obraztsov, S., Savrin, V., Barnyakov, A., Blinov, V., Dimova, T., Kardapoltsev, L., Skovpen, Y., Azhgirey, I., Bayshev, I., Bitioukov, S., Kachanov, V., Konstantinov, D., Mandrik, P., Petrov, V., Ryutin, R., Slabospitskii, S., Sobol, A., Troshin, S., Tyurin, N., Uzunian, A., Volkov, A., Babaev, A., Iuzhakov, A., Okhotnikov, V., Borchsh, V., Ivanchenko, V., Tcherniaev, E., Adzic, P., Cirkovic, P., Devetak, D., Dordevic, M., Milenovic, P., Milosevic, J., Stojanovic, M., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Maestre, J. Alcaraz, Fernández, A. lvarez, Bachiller, I., Luna, M. Barrio, Cifuentes, J. A. Brochero, Carrillo Montoya, C. A., Cepeda, M., Cerrada, M., Colino, N., Cruz, B. De La, Peris, A. Delgado, Bedoya, C. Fernandez, Ramos, J. P. Fernández, Flix, J., Fouz, M. C., Lopez, O. Gonzalez, Lopez, S. Goy, Hernandez, J. M., Josa, M. I., Moran, D., Tobar, Navarro, Yzquierdo, A. Pérez-Calero, Pelayo, J. Puerta, Redondo, I., Romero, L., Navas, S. Sánchez, Soares, M. S., Triossi, A., Willmott, C., Albajar, C., de Trocóniz, J. F., Gonzalez, B. Alvarez, Cuevas, J., Erice, C., Menendez, J. Fernandez, Folgueras, S., Caballero, I. Gonzalez, Fernández, J. R. González, Cortezon, E. Palencia, Bouza, V. Rodríguez, Cruz, S. Sanchez, Cabrillo, I. J., Calderon, A., Quero, B. Chazin, Campderros, J. Duarte, Fernandez, M., Manteca, P. J. Fernández, Alonso, A. García, Gomez, G., Rivero, C. Martinez, del Arbol, P. Martinez Ruiz, Matorras, F., Gomez, J. Piedra, Prieels, C., Rodrigo, T., Ruiz-Jimeno, A., Russo, L., Scodellaro, L., Trevisani, N., Vila, I., Garcia, J. M. Vizan, Malagalage, K., Dharmaratna, W. G. D., Wickramage, N., Abbaneo, D., Akgun, B., Auffray, E., Auzinger, G., Baechler, J., Baillon, P., Ball, A. H., Barney, D., Bendavid, J., Bianco, M., Bocci, A., Bortignon, P., Bossini, E., Botta, C., Brondolin, E., Camporesi, T., Caratelli, A., Cerminara, G., Chapon, E., Cucciati, G., d’Enterria, D., Dabrowski, A., Daci, N., Daponte, V., David, A., Davignon, O., De Roeck, A., Deelen, N., Deile, M., Dobson, M., Dünser, M., Dupont, N., Elliott-Peisert, A., Fallavollita, F., Fasanella, D., Fiorendi, S., Franzoni, G., Fulcher, J., Funk, W., Giani, S., Gigi, D., Gilbert, A., Gill, K., Glege, F., Gruchala, M., Guilbaud, M., Gulhan, D., Hegeman, J., Heidegger, C., Iiyama, Y., Innocente, V., Janot, P., Karacheban, O., Kaspar, J., Kieseler, J., Krammer, M., Lange, C., Lecoq, P., Lourenço, C., Malgeri, L., Mannelli, M., Massironi, A., Meijers, F., Merlin, J. A., Mersi, S., Meschi, E., Moortgat, F., Mulders, M., Ngadiuba, J., Nourbakhsh, S., Orfanelli, S., Orsini, L., Pantaleo, F., Pape, L., Perez, E., Peruzzi, M., Petrilli, A., Petrucciani, G., Pfeiffer, A., Pierini, M., Pitters, F. M., Rabady, D., Racz, A., Rovere, M., Sakulin, H., Schäfer, C., Schwick, C., Selvaggi, M., Sharma, A., Silva, P., Snoeys, W., Sphicas, P., Steggemann, J., Summers, S., Tavolaro, V. R., Treille, D., Tsirou, A., Vartak, A., Verzetti, M., Zeuner, W. D., Caminada, L., Deiters, K., Erdmann, W., Horisberger, R., Ingram, Q., Kaestli, H. C., Kotlinski, D., Langenegger, U., Rohe, T., Wiederkehr, S. A., Backhaus, M., Berger, P., Chernyavskaya, N., Dissertori, G., Dittmar, M., Donegà, M., Dorfer, C., Gómez Espinosa, T. A., Grab, C., Hits, D., Klijnsma, T., Lustermann, W., Manzoni, R. A., Marionneau, M., Meinhard, M. T., Micheli, F., Musella, P., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Pauss, F., Perrin, G., Perrozzi, L., Pigazzini, S., Ratti, M. G., Reichmann, M., Reissel, C., Reitenspiess, T., Ruini, D., Becerra, D. A. Sanz, Schönenberger, M., Shchutska, L., Olsson, M. L. Vesterbacka, Wallny, R., Zhu, D. H., Aarrestad, T. K., Amsler, C., Brzhechko, D., Canelli, M. F., De Cosa, A., Del Burgo, R., Donato, S., Kilminster, B., Leontsinis, S., Mikuni, V. M., Neutelings, I., Rauco, G., Robmann, P., Salerno, D., Schweiger, K., Seitz, C., Takahashi, Y., Wertz, S., Zucchetta, A., Doan, T. H., Kuo, C. M., Lin, W., Roy, A., Yu, S. S., Chang, P., Chao, Y., Chen, K. F., Chen, P. H., Hou, W.-S., Li, Y. y., Lu, R.-S., Paganis, E., Psallidas, A., Steen, A., Asavapibhop, B., Asawatangtrakuldee, C., Srimanobhas, N., Suwonjandee, N., Bat, A., Boran, F., Cerci, S., Damarseckin, S., Demiroglu, Z. S., Dolek, F., Dozen, C., Dumanoglu, I., Gokbulut, G., Guler, EmineGurpinar, Guler, Y., Hos, I., Isik, C., Kangal, E. E., Kara, O., Topaksu, A. Kayis, Kiminsu, U., Oglakci, M., Onengut, G., Ozdemir, K., Ozturk, S., Simsek, A. E., Cerci, D. Sunar, Tok, U. G., Turkcapar, S., Zorbakir, I. S., Zorbilmez, C., Isildak, B., Karapinar, G., Yalvac, M., Atakisi, I. O., Gülmez, E., Kaya, M., Kaya, O., Kaynak, B., Özçelik, Ö., Tekten, S., Yetkin, E. A., Cakir, A., Cankocak, K., Komurcu, Y., Sen, S., Ozkorucuklu, S., Grynyov, B., Levchuk, L., Ball, F., Bhal, E., Bologna, S., Brooke, J. J., Burns, D., Clement, E., Cussans, D., Flacher, H., Goldstein, J., Heath, G. P., Heath, H. F., Kreczko, L., Paramesvaran, S., Penning, B., Sakuma, T., Nasr-Storey, S. Seif El, Smith, D., Smith, V. J., Taylor, J., Titterton, A., Bell, K. W., Belyaev, A., Brew, C., Brown, R. M., Cieri, D., Cockerill, D. J. A., Coughlan, J. A., Harder, K., Harper, S., Linacre, J., Manolopoulos, K., Newbold, D. M., Olaiya, E., Petyt, D., Reis, T., Schuh, T., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H., Thea, A., Tomalin, I. R., Williams, T., Womersley, W. J., Bainbridge, R., Bloch, P., Borg, J., Breeze, S., Buchmuller, O., Bundock, A., CHAHAL, GurpreetSingh, Colling, D., Dauncey, P., Davies, G., Della Negra, M., Di Maria, R., Everaerts, P., Hall, G., Iles, G., James, T., Komm, M., Laner, C., Lyons, L., Magnan, A.-M., Malik, S., Martelli, A., Milosevic, V., Nash, J., Palladino, V., Pesaresi, M., Raymond, D. M., Richards, A., Rose, A., Scott, E., Seez, C., Shtipliyski, A., Stoye, M., Strebler, T., Tapper, A., Uchida, K., Virdee, T., Wardle, N., Winterbottom, D., Wright, J., Zecchinelli, A. G., Zenz, S. C., Cole, J. E., Hobson, P. R., Khan, A., Kyberd, P., Mackay, C. K., Morton, A., Reid, I. D., Teodorescu, L., Zahid, S., Call, K., Dittmann, J., Hatakeyama, K., Madrid, C., McMaster, B., Pastika, N., Smith, C., Bartek, R., Dominguez, A., Uniyal, R., Buccilli, A., Cooper, S. I., Henderson, C., Rumerio, P., West, C., Arcaro, D., Bose, T., Demiragli, Z., Gastler, D., Girgis, S., Pinna, D., Richardson, C., Rohlf, J., Sperka, D., Suarez, I., Sulak, L., Zou, D., Benelli, G., Burkle, B., Coubez, X., Cutts, D., Duh, Y. t., Hadley, M., Hakala, J., Heintz, U., Hogan, J. M., Kwok, K. H. M., Laird, E., Landsberg, G., Lee, J., Mao, Z., Narain, M., Sagir, S., Syarif, R., Usai, E., Yu, D., Band, R., Brainerd, C., Breedon, R., De La Barca Sanchez, M. Calderon, Chertok, M., Conway, J., Conway, R., Cox, P. T., Erbacher, R., Flores, C., Funk, G., Jensen, F., Ko, W., Kukral, O., Lander, R., Mulhearn, M., Pellett, D., Pilot, J., Shi, M., Taylor, D., Tos, K., Tripathi, M., Wang, Z., Zhang, F., Bachtis, M., Bravo, C., Cousins, R., Dasgupta, A., Florent, A., Hauser, J., Ignatenko, M., Mccoll, N., Nash, W. A., Regnard, S., Saltzberg, D., Schnaible, C., Stone, B., Valuev, V., Burt, K., Clare, R., Gary, J. W., Shirazi, S. M. A. Ghiasi, Hanson, G., Karapostoli, G., Kennedy, E., Long, O. R., Negrete, M. Olmedo, Paneva, M. I., Si, W., Wang, L., Wei, H., Wimpenny, S., Yates, B. R., Zhang, Y., Branson, J. G., Chang, P., Cittolin, S., Derdzinski, M., Gerosa, R., Gilbert, D., Hashemi, B., Klein, D., Krutelyov, V., Letts, J., Masciovecchio, M., May, S., Padhi, S., Pieri, M., Sharma, V., Tadel, M., Würthwein, F., Yagil, A., Della Porta, G. Zevi, Amin, N., Bhandari, R., Campagnari, C., Citron, M., Colegrove, O., Dutta, V., Sevilla, M. Franco, Gouskos, L., Incandela, J., Marsh, B., Mei, H., Ovcharova, A., Qu, H., Richman, J., Sarica, U., Stuart, D., Wang, S., Anderson, D., Bornheim, A., Cerri, O., Dutta, I., Lawhorn, J. M., Lu, N., Mao, J., Newman, H. B., Nguyen, T. Q., Pata, J., Spiropulu, M., Vlimant, J. R., Xie, S., Zhang, Z., Zhu, R. Y., Andrews, M. B., Ferguson, T., Mudholkar, T., Paulini, M., Sun, M., Vorobiev, I., Weinberg, M., Cumalat, J. P., Ford, W. T., Johnson, A., MacDonald, E., Mulholland, T., Patel, R., Perloff, A., Stenson, K., Ulmer, K. A., Wagner, S. R., Alexander, J., Chaves, J., Cheng, Y., Chu, J., Datta, A., Frankenthal, A., Mcdermott, K., Patterson, J. R., Quach, D., Rinkevicius, A., Ryd, A., Tan, S. M., Tao, Z., Thom, J., Wittich, P., Zientek, M., Abdullin, S., Albrow, M., Alyari, M., Apollinari, G., Apresyan, A., Apyan, A., Banerjee, S., Bauerdick, L. A. T., Beretvas, A., Berryhill, J., Bhat, P. C., Burkett, K., Butler, J. N., Canepa, A., Cerati, G. B., Cheung, H. W. K., Chlebana, F., Cremonesi, M., Duarte, J., Elvira, V. D., Freeman, J., Gecse, Z., Gottschalk, E., Gray, L., Green, D., Grünendahl, S., Gutsche, O., Hall, AllisonReinsvold, Hanlon, J., Harris, R. M., Hasegawa, S., Heller, R., Hirschauer, J., Jayatilaka, B., Jindariani, S., Johnson, M., Joshi, U., Klima, B., Kortelainen, M. J., Kreis, B., Lammel, S., Lewis, J., Lincoln, D., Lipton, R., Liu, M., Liu, T., Lykken, J., Maeshima, K., Marraffino, J. M., Mason, D., McBride, P., Merkel, P., Mrenna, S., Nahn, S., O’Dell, V., Papadimitriou, V., Pedro, K., Pena, C., Rakness, G., Ravera, F., Ristori, L., Schneider, B., Sexton-Kennedy, E., Smith, N., Soha, A., Spalding, W. J., Spiegel, L., Stoynev, S., Strait, J., Strobbe, N., Taylor, L., Tkaczyk, S., Tran, N. V., Uplegger, L., Vaandering, E. W., Vernieri, C., Verzocchi, M., Vidal, R., Wang, M., Weber, H. A., Acosta, D., Avery, P., Bourilkov, D., Brinkerhoff, A., Cadamuro, L., Carnes, A., Cherepanov, V., Curry, D., Errico, F., Field, R. D., Gleyzer, S. V., Joshi, B. M., Kim, M., Konigsberg, J., Korytov, A., Lo, K. H., Ma, P., Matchev, K., Menendez, N., Mitselmakher, G., Rosenzweig, D., Shi, K., Wang, J., Wang, S., Zuo, X., Joshi, Y. R., Adams, T., Askew, A., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Johnson, K. F., Khurana, R., Kolberg, T., Martinez, G., Perry, T., Prosper, H., Schiber, C., Yohay, R., Zhang, J., Baarmand, M. M., Bhopatkar, V., Hohlmann, M., Noonan, D., Rahmani, M., Saunders, M., Yumiceva, F., Adams, M. R., Apanasevich, L., Berry, D., Betts, R. R., Cavanaugh, R., Chen, X., Dittmer, S., Evdokimov, O., Gerber, C. E., Hangal, D. A., Hofman, D. J., Jung, K., Mills, C., Roy, T., Tonjes, M. B., Varelas, N., Wang, H., Wang, X., Wu, Z., Alhusseini, M., Bilki, B., Clarida, W., Dilsiz, K., Durgut, S., Gandrajula, R. P., Haytmyradov, M., Khristenko, V., Köseyan, O. K., Merlo, J.-P., Mestvirishvili, A., Moeller, A., Nachtman, J., Ogul, H., Onel, Y., Ozok, F., Penzo, A., Snyder, C., Tiras, E., Wetzel, J., Blumenfeld, B., Cocoros, A., Eminizer, N., Fehling, D., Feng, L., Gritsan, A. V., Hung, W. T., Maksimovic, P., Roskes, J., Swartz, M., Xiao, M., Barrera, C. Baldenegro, Baringer, P., Bean, A., Boren, S., Bowen, J., Bylinkin, A., Isidori, T., Khalil, S., King, J., Krintiras, G., Kropivnitskaya, A., Lindsey, C., Majumder, D., Mcbrayer, W., Minafra, N., Murray, M., Rogan, C., Royon, C., Sanders, S., Schmitz, E., Takaki, J. D. Tapia, Wang, Q., Williams, J., Wilson, G., Duric, S., Ivanov, A., Kaadze, K., Kim, D., Maravin, Y., Mendis, D. R., Mitchell, T., Modak, A., Mohammadi, A., Rebassoo, F., Wright, D., Baden, A., Baron, O., Belloni, A., Eno, S. C., Feng, Y., Hadley, N. J., Jabeen, S., Jeng, G. Y., Kellogg, R. G., Kunkle, J., Mignerey, A. C., Nabili, S., Ricci-Tam, F., Seidel, M., Shin, Y. H., Skuja, A., Tonwar, S. C., Wong, K., Abercrombie, D., Allen, B., Baty, A., Bi, R., Brandt, S., Busza, W., Cali, I. A., D’Alfonso, M., Ceballos, G. Gomez, Goncharov, M., Harris, P., Hsu, D., Hu, M., Klute, M., Kovalskyi, D., Lee, Y.-J., Luckey, P. D., Maier, B., Marini, A. C., Mcginn, C., Mironov, C., Narayanan, S., Niu, X., Paus, C., Rankin, D., Roland, C., Roland, G., Shi, Z., Stephans, G. S. F., Sumorok, K., Tatar, K., Velicanu, D., Wang, J., Wang, T. W., Wyslouch, B., Benvenuti, A. C., Chatterjee, R. M., Evans, A., Guts, S., Hansen, P., Hiltbrand, J., Jain, Sh., Kubota, Y., Lesko, Z., Mans, J., Rusack, R., Wadud, M. A., Acosta, J. G., Oliveros, S., Bloom, K., Claes, D. R., Fangmeier, C., Finco, L., Golf, F., Suarez, R. Gonzalez, Kamalieddin, R., Kravchenko, I., Siado, J. E., Snow, G. R., Stieger, B., Agarwal, G., Harrington, C., Iashvili, I., Kharchilava, A., McLean, C., Nguyen, D., Parker, A., Pekkanen, J., Rappoccio, S., Roozbahani, B., Alverson, G., Barberis, E., Freer, C., Haddad, Y., Hortiangtham, A., Madigan, G., Morse, D. M., Orimoto, T., Skinnari, L., Tishelman-Charny, A., Wamorkar, T., Wang, B., Wisecarver, A., Wood, D., Bhattacharya, S., Bueghly, J., Gunter, T., Hahn, K. A., Odell, N., Schmitt, M. H., Sung, K., Trovato, M., Velasco, M., Bucci, R., Dev, N., Goldouzian, R., Hildreth, M., Anampa, K. Hurtado, Jessop, C., Karmgard, D. J., Lannon, K., Li, W., Loukas, N., Marinelli, N., Mcalister, I., Meng, F., Mueller, C., Musienko, Y., Planer, M., Ruchti, R., Siddireddy, P., Smith, G., Taroni, S., Wayne, M., Wightman, A., Wolf, M., Woodard, A., Alimena, J., Bylsma, B., Durkin, L. S., Flowers, S., Francis, B., Hill, C., Ji, W., Lefeld, A., Ling, T. Y., Winer, B. L., Cooperstein, S., Dezoort, G., Elmer, P., Hardenbrook, J., Haubrich, N., Higginbotham, S., Kalogeropoulos, A., Kwan, S., Lange, D., Lucchini, M. T., Luo, J., Marlow, D., Mei, K., Ojalvo, I., Olsen, J., Palmer, C., Piroué, P., Salfeld-Nebgen, J., Stickland, D., Tully, C., Wang, Z., Malik, S., Norberg, S., Barker, A., Barnes, V. E., Das, S., Gutay, L., Jones, M., Jung, A. W., Khatiwada, A., Mahakud, B., Miller, D. H., Negro, G., Neumeister, N., Peng, C. C., Piperov, S., Qiu, H., Schulte, J. F., Sun, J., Wang, F., Xiao, R., Xie, W., Cheng, T., Dolen, J., Parashar, N., Ecklund, K. M., Freed, S., Geurts, F. J. M., Kilpatrick, M., Kumar, Arun, Li, W., Padley, B. P., Redjimi, R., Roberts, J., Rorie, J., Shi, W., Leiton, A. G. Stahl, Tu, Z., Zhang, A., Bodek, A., de Barbaro, P., Demina, R., Dulemba, J. L., Fallon, C., Ferbel, T., Galanti, M., Garcia-Bellido, A., Han, J., Hindrichs, O., Khukhunaishvili, A., Ranken, E., Tan, P., Taus, R., Chiarito, B., Chou, J. P., Gandrakota, A., Gershtein, Y., Halkiadakis, E., Hart, A., Heindl, M., Hughes, E., Kaplan, S., Kyriacou, S., Laflotte, I., Lath, A., Montalvo, R., Nash, K., Osherson, M., Saka, H., Salur, S., Schnetzer, S., Sheffield, D., Somalwar, S., Stone, R., Thomas, S., Thomassen, P., Acharya, H., Delannoy, A. G., Riley, G., Spanier, S., Bouhali, O., Celik, A., Dalchenko, M., De Mattia, M., Delgado, A., Dildick, S., Eusebi, R., Gilmore, J., Huang, T., Kamon, T., Luo, S., Marley, D., Mueller, R., Overton, D., Perniè, L., Rathjens, D., Safonov, A., Akchurin, N., Damgov, J., De Guio, F., Kunori, S., Lamichhane, K., Lee, S. W., Mengke, T., Muthumuni, S., Peltola, T., Undleeb, S., Volobouev, I., Wang, Z., Whitbeck, A., Greene, S., Gurrola, A., Janjam, R., Johns, W., Maguire, C., Melo, A., Ni, H., Padeken, K., Romeo, F., Sheldon, P., Tuo, S., Velkovska, J., Verweij, M., Arenton, M. W., Barria, P., Cox, B., Cummings, G., Hirosky, R., Joyce, M., Ledovskoy, A., Neu, C., Tannenwald, B., Wang, Y., Wolfe, E., Xia, F., Harr, R., Karchin, P. E., Poudyal, N., Sturdy, J., Thapa, P., Zaleski, S., Buchanan, J., Caillol, C., Carlsmith, D., Dasu, S., De Bruyn, I., Dodd, L., Fiori, F., Galloni, C., Gomber, B., He, H., Herndon, M., Hervé, A., Hussain, U., Klabbers, P., Lanaro, A., Loeliger, A., Long, K., Loveless, R., Sreekala, J. Madhusudanan, Ruggles, T., Savin, A., Sharma, V., Smith, W. H., Teague, D., Trembath-reichert, S., Woods, N.“…Events are considered in which each [Formula: see text] lepton decays to one or more hadrons and a neutrino, or in which one of the [Formula: see text] leptons decays instead to an electron or a muon and two neutrinos. …”
Publicado 2020
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Online Artículo Texto -
7614por Chen, X“…ATLAS sets out to search for the exotic signatures of W', Z', SUSY, Leptoquarks, LRSM Majorana neutrinos and diboson resonances. We present the prospects of these searches, and the sensitivities reached in some of these searches with the early data collected by ATLAS in 2010.…”
Publicado 2011
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7615por Chen, X“…A number of exotic signatures, such as W', Z', SUSY, Leptoquarks, LRSM Majorana neutrinos and diboson resonances, are being searched for by ATLAS. …”
Publicado 2011
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7616por Nikolopoulos, K“…Above 200 GeV, the sensitivity is highly improved using channels in which one of the Z bosons decays into neutrinos or hadrons. The good signal to background ratio makes these channels ideal for a discovery.…”
Publicado 2011
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7617por Nikolopoulos, K“…Above 200 GeV, the sensitivity is highly improved using channels in which one of the Z bosons decays into neutrinos or hadrons. The good signal to background ratio makes these channels ideal for a discovery.…”
Publicado 2011
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7618por Romanowska-Rybinska, Katarzyna“…Among them are searches for heavy gauge bosons $W$ and $Z$, heavy neutrinos, heavy quarks, Kaluza-Klein gravitons, long-lived particles, quark and lepton compositness, microscopic black holes and a number of exotic dijet resonances such as excited quarks.…”
Publicado 2013
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7619por Spiezia, Aniello“…The topology is sensitive to many models beyond the standard model like supersymmetric models, extra dimensions, heavy majorana neutrinos and double charged higgs. No excess of data with respect the Standard Model predictions is seen and the results are interpreted as limits on the parameters of the CMSSM model, in the framework of the susy search.…”
Publicado 2013
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7620por Lafferty, George“…The studies include searches for lepton flavour violating decays of the $\tau$ lepton and the $B$ and $D$ mesons, and of $B$ and $D$ meson decays that would be mediated by Majorana neutrinos. Results are also presented for the rare processes $B_s \to \mu^+\mu^-$ and $B^0 \to \mu^+\mu^-$, $D^0 \to \pi^+\pi^-\mu^+\mu^-$, $b \to s\gamma$ transitions, and $B \to K^{(*)}\mu^+\mu^-$.…”
Publicado 2014
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