“…Systems of Units, Significant Figures, Coordinate Systems, and VectorsSystems of UnitsConversion of UnitsSignificant FiguresScientific NotationTrigonometryCoordinate SystemsVectorsAddition and Subtraction of VectorsGuideline for Determining the Direction of the ResultantMotion in One DimensionDisplacementAverage VelocityAverage SpeedInstantaneous VelocityAccelerationEquations of MotionFree-Falling ObjectTwo-Dimensional Motion and Circular MotionDisplacement, Velocity, and AccelerationEquations of Motion in Two DimensionsProjectile MotionUniform Circular MotionLinear Velocity, Angular Velocity, Period, and FrequencyNonuniform Circular MotionNewton's Laws: Implications and ApplicationsStatement of Newton's LawsDiscussion of
Newton's Laws of MotionFree Body DiagramRemarks on the Application of Newton's Second and Third LawsNewton's Gravitational LawMass, Weight, and Newton's Gravitational LawNewton's Third Law and Apparent WeightDynamics of a Uniform Circular MotionNewton's Laws: Friction in Linear and Circular MotionsFrictional ForcesBanked RoadsWork and EnergyWorkWork-Energy TheoremConservative ForcesPotential EnergyNonconservative Forces and the Total Mechanical EnergyPowerLinear Momentum and CollisionSystems of ParticlesMotion of the Center of MassLinear Momentum of a System of ParticlesCollisions and Change in Linear MomentumImpulseCollisions in Two DimensionsTypes of CollisionRotational MotionAngular Kinematic QuantitiesRotational Motion in a PlaneTorqueRigid BodyMoment of InertiaParallel Axis TheoremEquilibrium of a Rigid BodyAngular MomentumRotational Kinetic EnergyA Rigid Body in Translational and Rotational MotionsTotal Mechanical Energy of a Rigid BodySimple Harmonic MotionHooke's LawPotential Energy of a SpringMass-Spring System in SHMSimple Pendulum in SHMThermal Physics: Temperature, Heat, and Thermal ExpansionHeat is a Form of Energy, Specific Heat, and Heat CapacityHeat and Internal EnergyZeroth Law of ThermodynamicsThermometers and Temperature ScalesThermal ExpansionCalorimetryHeat Transfer: Transfer by ConductionWaves and Wave MotionWave MotionTypes of WavesMathematical Treatment of an Ideal WaveIntensity of WavesSuperposition of Waves: Interference and Standing WavesFluidsPressure: Definition and UnitsPressure Within FluidsDensity of FluidsVariation of Pressure with Depth in a Static FluidPascal's Principle and ApplicationsArchimedes' PrincipleDynamics of Fluids: Equation of ContinuityBernoulli's EquationElectric Forces and FieldsIntroductionConductors and Insulators: Charged ObjectsCoulomb's LawThe Electric FieldConductors in an Electric FieldGauss' LawElectric Potential Energy and PotentialIntroductionPotential EnergyElectric PotentialElectric Potential of Point charges: Spatially Varying EDirect Current CircuitsIntroductionOhm's LawResistivitySimple CircuitsElectric PowerKirchhoff's RulesCapacitorsMagnetic Forces and FieldsIntroductionThe Magnetic FieldThe Magnetic Force on an Electric CurrentMagnetic Fields Produced by Moving ChargesMagnetic Materials and Permanent MagnetsElectromagnetic InductionIntroductionFaraday's LawElectric GeneratorsSelf-InductanceTransformersAlternating Current Electric CircuitsIntroductionAlternating SignalsPhase Relations in Simple AC CircuitsRCL Series CircuitRoot-Mean-Square Average Values, PowerElectromagnetic WavesIntroductionThe Electromagnetic SpectrumGeometrical OpticsIntroductionWavefronts and RaysReflectionRefractionThin LensesOptical InstrumentsPhysical (Wave) OpticsIntroductionDouble-Slit ExperimentThin-Film InterferenceSingle-Slit DiffractionThe Diffraction GratingPolarizationModern PhysicsIntroductionAtomsLine SpectraThe Bohr ModelBeyond the Bohr ModelThe Periodic Table of ElementsX-RaysQuantum PhysicsThermal RadiationWave-Particle DualityQuantum MechanicsThe Heisenberg Uncertainty PrincipleThe Atomic Nucleus, Radioactivity.…”
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