2por Beltrán de Heredia, VicenteTabla de Contenidos: “…Nicolás V; Calixto III; Pío II; Paulo II; Sixto IV; Inocencio VIII; Alejandro VI; Julio II; León X; Adriano VI; Clemente VII, Paulo III; Súplicas y bulas referentes a las Universidades de Lisboa y Coimbra; Súplicas y bulas referentes a la Universidad de Valladolid; Bulas referentes a las Universidad de Alcalá; Addenda et Corrigenda.…”
Publicado 1966
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3por Kong, Zhaowei, Hu, Mingzhu, Sun, Shengyan, Zou, Liye, Shi, Qingde, Jiao, Yubo, Nie, Jinlei“…Nineteen active males participated in three sessions of acute SIT exercise (20 repetitions of 6 s of all-out cycling bouts interspersed with 15 s of passive recovery) under conditions of normobaric normoxia (SL: PIO(2) 150 mmHg, FIO(2) 0.209), moderate hypoxia (MH: PIO(2) 117 mmHg, FIO(2) 0.154, simulating an altitude corresponding to 2500 m), and severe hypoxia (SH: PIO(2) 87 mmHg, FIO(2) 0.112, simulating an altitude of 5000 m) in a randomized order. …”
Publicado 2021
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4por Acciarri, M, Adam, A, Adriani, O, Aguilar-Benítez, M, Ahlen, S P, Alpat, B, Alcaraz, J, Allaby, James V, Aloisio, A, Alverson, G, Alviggi, M G, Ambrosi, G, Anderhub, H, Andreev, V P, Angelescu, T, Antreasyan, D, Arefev, A, Azemoon, T, Aziz, T, Bagnaia, P, Baksay, L, Ball, R C, Banerjee, S, Banicz, K, Barillère, R, Barone, L, Bartalini, P, Baschirotto, A, Basile, M, Battiston, R, Bay, A, Becattini, F, Becker, U, Behner, F, Bencze, G L, Berdugo, J, Berges, P, Bertucci, B, Betev, B L, Biasini, M, Biland, A, Bilei, G M, Bizzarri, R, Blaising, J J, Bobbink, Gerjan J, Böck, R K, Böhm, A, Borgia, B, Boucham, A, Bourilkov, D, Bourquin, Maurice, Boutigny, D, Brambilla, Elena, Branson, J G, Brigljevic, V, Brock, I C, Buijs, A, Bujak, A T, Burger, J D, Burger, W J, Burgos, C, Busenitz, J K, Buytenhuijs, A O, Cai, X D, Capell, M, Cara Romeo, G, Caria, M, Carlino, G, Cartacci, A M, Casaus, J, Castellini, G, Castello, R, Cavallari, F, Cavallo, N, Cecchi, C, Cerrada-Canales, M, Cesaroni, F, Chamizo-Llatas, M, Chan, A, Chang, Y H, Chaturvedi, U K, Chemarin, M, Chen, A, Chen, C, Chen, G, Chen, G M, Chen, H F, Chen, H S, Chen, M, Chiefari, G, Chien, C Y, Choi, M T, Cifarelli, Luisa, Cindolo, F, Civinini, C, Clare, I, Clare, R, Coan, T E, Cohn, H O, Coignet, G, Colijn, A P, Colino, N, Commichau, V, Costantini, S, Cotorobai, F, de la Cruz, B, Dai, T S, D'Alessandro, R, De Asmundis, R, De Boeck, H, Degré, A, Deiters, K, Dénes, E, Denes, P, De Notaristefani, F, DiBitonto, Daryl, Diemoz, M, Van Dierendonck, D N, Di Lodovico, F, Dionisi, C, Dittmar, Michael, Dominguez, A, Doria, A, Dorne, I, Dova, M T, Drago, E, Duchesneau, D, Duinker, P, Durán, I, Dutta, S, Easo, S, Efremenko, Yu V, El-Mamouni, H, Engler, A, Eppling, F J, Erné, F C, Ernenwein, J P, Extermann, Pierre, Fabbretti, R, Fabre, M, Faccini, R, Falciano, S, Favara, A, Fay, J, Felcini, Marta, Ferguson, T, Fernández, D, Fernández, G, Ferroni, F, Fesefeldt, H S, Fiandrini, E, Field, J H, Filthaut, Frank, Fisher, P H, Forconi, G, Fredj, L, Freudenreich, Klaus, Gailloud, M, Galaktionov, Yu, Ganguli, S N, García-Abia, P, Gau, S S, Gentile, S, Gerald, J, Gheordanescu, N, Giagu, S, Goldfarb, S, Goldstein, J, Gong, Z F, González, E, Gougas, Andreas, Goujon, D, Gratta, Giorgio, Grünewald, M W, Gupta, V K, Gurtu, A, Gustafson, H R, Gutay, L J, Hartmann, B, Hasan, A, He, J T, Hebbeker, T, Hervé, A, Hilgers, K, Van Hoek, W C, Hofer, H, Hoorani, H, Hou, S R, Hu, G, Ilyas, M M, Innocente, Vincenzo, Janssen, H, Jin, B N, Jones, L W, de Jong, P, Josa-Mutuberria, I, Kasser, A, Khan, R A, Kamyshkov, Yu A, Kapinos, P, Kapustinsky, J S, Karyotakis, Yu, Kaur, M, Kienzle-Focacci, M N, Kim, D, Kim, J K, Kim, S C, Kim, Y G, Kinnison, W W, Kirkby, A, Kirkby, D, Kirkby, Jasper, Kittel, E W, Klimentov, A, König, A C, Koffeman, E, Kornadt, O, Koutsenko, V F, Koulbardis, A, Krämer, R W, Kramer, T, Krenz, W, Kuijten, H, Kunin, A, Ladrón de Guevara, P, Landi, G, Lapoint, C, Lassila-Perini, K M, Laurikainen, P, Lebeau, M, Lebedev, A, Lebrun, P, Lecomte, P, Lecoq, P, Le Coultre, P, Lee Jae Sik, Lee, K Y, Leggett, C, Le Goff, J M, Leiste, R, Lenti, M, Leonardi, E, Levchenko, P M, Li Chuan, Lieb, E H, Lin, W T, Linde, Frank L, Lindemann, B, Lista, L, Liu, Z A, Lohmann, W, Longo, E, Lu, W, Lü, Y S, Lübelsmeyer, K, Luci, C, Luckey, D, Ludovici, L, Luminari, L, Lustermann, W, Ma Wen Gan, Macchiolo, A, Maity, M, Malgeri, L, Malinin, A, Maña, C, Mangla, S, Maolinbay, M, Marchesini, P A, Marin, A, Martin, J P, Marzano, F, Massaro, G G G, Mazumdar, K, McNally, D, Mele, S, Merola, L, Meschini, M, Metzger, W J, Mi, Y, Mihul, A, Van Mil, A J W, Mirabelli, G, Mnich, J, Möller, M, Monteleoni, B, Moore, R, Morand, R, Morganti, S, Mount, R, Müller, S, Muheim, F, Nagy, E, Nahn, S, Napolitano, M, Nessi-Tedaldi, F, Newman, H, Nippe, A, Nowak, H, Organtini, G, Ostonen, R, Pandoulas, D, Paoletti, S, Paolucci, P, Pascale, G, Passaleva, G, Patricelli, S, Paul, T, Pauluzzi, M, Paus, C, Pauss, Felicitas, Pei, Y J, Pensotti, S, Perret-Gallix, D, Petrak, S, Pevsner, A, Piccolo, D, Pieri, M, Pinto, J C, Piroué, P A, Pistolesi, E, Plyaskin, V, Pohl, M, Pozhidaev, V, Postema, H, Produit, N, Raghavan, R, Rahal-Callot, G, Rancoita, P G, Rattaggi, M, Raven, G, Razis, P A, Read, K, Redaelli, M, Ren, D, Rescigno, M, Reucroft, S, Ricker, A, Riemann, S, Riemers, B C, Riles, K, Rind, O, Ro, S, Robohm, A, Rodin, J, Rodríguez-Calonge, F J, Roe, B P, Röhner, M, Röhner, S, Romero, L, Rosier-Lees, S, Rosselet, P, Van Rossum, W, Roth, S, Rubio, Juan Antonio, Rykaczewski, H, Salicio, J, Salicio, J M, Sánchez, E, Santocchia, A, Sarakinos, M E, Sarkar, S, Sassowsky, M, Sauvage, G, Schäfer, C, Shchegelskii, V, Schmitz, D, Schmitz, P, Schneegans, M, Schöneich, B, Scholz, N, Schopper, Herwig Franz, Schotanus, D J, Schulte, R, Schultze, K, Schwenke, J, Schwering, G, Sciacca, C, Seiler, P G, Sens, Johannes C, Servoli, L, Shevchenko, S, Shivarov, N, Shoutko, V, Shukla, J, Shumilov, E, Son, D, Sopczak, André, Soulimov, V, Smith, B, Spickermann, T, Spillantini, P, Steuer, M, Stickland, D P, Sticozzi, F, Stone, H, Stoyanov, B, Strauch, K, Sudhakar, K, Sultanov, G G, Sun, L Z, Susinno, G F, Suter, H, Swain, J D, Tang, X W, Tauscher, Ludwig, Taylor, L, Ting, C C, Ting, S M, Toker, O, Tonisch, F, Tonutti, M, Tonwar, S C, Tóth, J, Tsaregorodtsev, A Yu, Tsipolitis, G, Tully, C, Tuchscherer, H, Ulbricht, J, Urbàn, L, Uwer, U, Valente, E, Van de Walle, R T, Vetlitskii, I, Viertel, Gert M, Vivargent, M, Völkert, R, Vogel, H, Vogt, H, Vorobev, I, Vorobyov, A A, Vuilleumier, L, Wadhwa, M, Wallraff, W, Wang, J C, Wang, X L, Wang, Y F, Wang, Z M, Weber, A, Weill, R, Willmott, C, Wittgenstein, F, Wu, S X, Wynhoff, S, Xu, J, Xu, Z Z, Yang, B Z, Yang, C G, Yao, X Y, Ye, J B, Yeh, S C, You, J M, Zaccardelli, C, Zalite, A, Zemp, P, Zeng, J Y, Zeng, Y, Zhang, Z, Zhang, Z P, Zhou, B, Zhou, G J, Zhou, J F, Zhou, Y, Zhu, G Y, Zhu, R Y, Zichichi, Antonino, Van der Zwaan, B C C“…No candidate event has been observed and the following upper limits at 90\% confidence level on the branching ratios have been set \begin{displaymath} \mathrm{Br}(\Bd\ra\eta\eta)<4.1\times 10^{-4},\,\, \mathrm{Br}(\Bs\ra\eta\eta)<1.5\times 10^{-3},\,\, \end{displaymath} \begin{displaymath} \mathrm{Br}(\Bd\ra\eta\pio)<2.5\times 10^{-4},\,\, \mathrm{Br}(\Bs\ra\eta\pio)<1.0\times 10^{-3},\,\, \end{displaymath} \begin{displaymath} \mathrm{Br}(\Bd\ra\pio\pio)<6.0\times 10^{-5},\,\, \mathrm{Br}(\Bs\ra\pio\pio)<2.1\times 10^{-4}. …”
Publicado 1995
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5por Lei, On-Kei, Kong, Zhaowei, Loprinzi, Paul D., Shi, Qingde, Sun, Shengyan, Zou, Liye, Hu, Yang, Nie, Jinlei“…Executive functions were measured during the follicular stage via an interference control task before (rest) and during exercise with 45% peak power output under normobaric normoxia (PIO(2) = 150 mmHg, FIO(2) = 0.21), and (2) hypoxia (PIO(2) = 87 mmHg, FIO(2) = 0.12, simulated at an altitude of 4000 m). …”
Publicado 2019
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6por Kong, Zhaowei, Shi, Qingde, Nie, Jinlei, Tong, Tomas K., Song, Lili, Yi, Longyan, Hu, Yang“…Twenty-four sedentary overweight Chinese young women (weight: 68.8 ± 7.0 kg, BMI: 25.8 ± 2.3 kg·m(−2)) participated in the HIIT under either normoxia (NORM, n = 13, PIO(2): 150 mmHg, FIO(2): 0.21) or normobaric hypoxia (HYP, n = 11, PIO(2): 117 mmHg, FIO(2): 0.15) for 5 weeks. …”
Publicado 2017
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7“…RESULTS: A total of 27 RCTs with 12 interventions were included, and all therapies tended to increase clinical pregnancy, especially pioglitazone (PIO) (log OR 3.14, 95% CI 1.56 ~ 4.70, moderate confidence), clomiphene citrate (CC) + exenatide (EXE) (2.96, 1.07 ~ 4.82, moderate confidence) and CC + metformin (MET) + PIO (2.82, 0.99 ~ 4.60, moderate confidence). Moreover, CC + MET + PIO (2.8, -0.25 ~ 6.06, very low confidence) could increase live birth most when compared to placebo, even without a significant difference. …”
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8“…As a result, this paper has theoretically studied the impacts of high-altitude environment on human bodies, analyzed the relationship between labor intensity and oxygen consumption in high-altitude areas and determined the critical oxygen-supply altitude values for tunnel construction based on two different standard evaluation systems, i.e., variation of air density and equivalent PIO(2). In addition, it has finally determined the oxygen supply standard for construction personnel in high-altitude areas based on the relationship between construction labor intensity and oxygen consumption.…”
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9“…Mice were orally given PIO (2.5 mg/kg) from 1 week after aortic banding and continuing for 7 weeks. …”
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10por Fabries, Pierre, Gomez-Merino, Danielle, Sauvet, Fabien, Malgoyre, Alexandra, Koulmann, Nathalie, Chennaoui, Mounir“…At altitude, humans are exposed to systemic environmental hypoxia induced by the decrease in barometric pressure (<1,013 hPa) which decreases the inspired partial pressure of oxygen (PIO(2)), while the oxygen fraction is constant (equal to approximately 20.9%). …”
Publicado 2022
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11por Foulquier, Sébastien, Dupuis, François, Perrin-Sarrado, Caroline, Gatè, Katy Maguin, Leroy, Pierre, Liminana, Patrick, Atkinson, Jeffrey, Capdeville-Atkinson, Christine, Lartaud, Isabelle“…In a second study, SHR were treated with CANDE, pioglitazone (a PPAR-gamma agonist, PIO 2.5 mg/kg per day) or CANDE+PIO, compared to TELMI. …”
Publicado 2012
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