461por Hinzmann, Andreas“…A commissioning analysis using approximately 100~$\mu$b$^{-1}$ of minimum bias pp collision data at $\sqrt{s}=7~{\rm TeV}$ shows that for jets with $p_T>10$~GeV/c the agreement between the data and PYTHIA predictions for properties of minimum bias events appears to be good, and there is consistency of track jets and calorimeter-based jets.…”
Publicado 2010
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462por Volyanskyy, Dmytro“…A comparison of the data with Monte Carlo predictions provided by PYTHIA6 and PHOJET generators is given. In addition, first observation of the single-diffractive production of di-jets at $\sqrt{s}=$7 TeV is presented.…”
Publicado 2011
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463por Volyanskyy, Dmytro“…A comparison of the data with Monte Carlo predictions provided by PYTHIA6 and PHOJET generators is given. In addition, first observation of the single-diffractive production of di-jets at $\sqrt{s}=7$~TeV is presented.…”
Publicado 2011
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464por The ATLAS collaboration“…The distributions for the main observables are compared to Pythia Monte Carlo simulation.…”
Publicado 2011
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465por CMS Collaboration“…The measurement is compared to next-to-leading order perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics calculations, to \PYTHIA\ and \HERWIG\ parton shower event generators, as well as to the {\sc cascade} Monte Carlo.…”
Publicado 2011
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466por Bernat, P“…The data are compared to NLO parton shower prediction from POWHEG, all order resummation prediction from HEJ, and LO predictions from PYTHIA, HERWIG++ and ALPGEN event generators…”
Publicado 2011
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467“…Radiation background simulations have been performed using PYTHIA8 and FLUKA for the ATLAS Phase II tracker upgrade at the HL-LHC. …”
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468por CMS Collaboration“…The performance is studied using fully GEANT simulated PYTHIA events embedded into HYDJET PbPb underlying event. …”
Publicado 2013
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469por The ATLAS collaboration“…Radiation background simulations have been performed using PYTHIA8 and FLUKA for the ATLAS Phase II tracker upgrade at the HL-LHC. …”
Publicado 2014
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470por Rodríguez, Arturo“…The FCC project as well as the Pythia + Delphes analysis within the FCC software are introduced. …”
Publicado 2016
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471por Alvarez, Manuel“…The data are unfolded to the particle level and compared to Monte Carlo generators like PYTHIA8, HERWIG++ and SHERPA. A comparison with NLOJET++ predictions is also performed. …”
Publicado 2017
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472por Shendre, Priyanka“…A simulation of 10000 events of proton-proton collision was generated using PYTHIA8 and jets were reconstructed by FASTJET3. This project aims to study the effect of various parameters which affect the jet multiplicity.…”
Publicado 2018
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473por Lesch, Marcel Markus“…The studies have been performed with Monte Carlo simulations of the ALICE detector using the PYTHIA generator as an input. Lastly, the implementation of the trigger in the ALICE Run3 analysis framework O2 is briefly discussed.…”
Publicado 2021
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474por The ATLAS collaboration“…The parameters of the POWHEG+Pythia8 samples are optimised and the results are compared to predictions from POWHEG+HERWIG7 and Sherpa The studies include comparisons to simulations at parton level with stable top quarks, to simulations at particle level and to unfolded data with the aim to implement the improved theoretical knowledge, yield better agreement with data and define systematic uncertainties for the modelling of the $ttbb$ process.…”
Publicado 2022
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475“…Comparison is made to outputs of the popular Monte Carlo event generator PYTHIA.…”
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476por Giunta, M“…Gluon jets of this type, selected from hadronic Z0 decay events produced in e+e- annihilations at LEP, are used to test three QCD models which include a simulation of color reconnection: one in the Ariadne Monte Carlo, one in the Herwig Monte Carlo, and the other by Rathsman in the Pythia Monte Carlo. We conclude that color reconnection as implemented by the Rathsman and Ariadne models is disfavored. …”
Publicado 2003
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477por CERN. Geneva. ALEPH“…The measured cross section is compared to the PYTHIA and the PHOT02 Monte Carlo Model, a NLO QCD calculation and BFKL calculations. …”
Publicado 2002
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478“…This report presents some results for minimum bias events in proton-proton collisions at LHC energies, generated using PYTHIA6.200 and PHOJET1.12 Monte Carlo event generators. …”
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479“…The latter process is simulated by means of the PYTHIA program. The matching of two contributions allows to simulate correctly events in the entire kinematical region avoiding the double counting and the events with negative weights.…”
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480“…Full simulation of production, decay to muon and neutrino and detection in CMS has been performed with PYTHIA and CMSIM. Background from Standard Model W bosons and muons produced in QCD jets have been taken into account. …”
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