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Tcl (Lenguaje de programación)
UNIX (Programa para computadora)
VHDL (Lenguaje de programación.)
2701por Abelev, B., Adam, J., Adamova, D., Aggarwal, M.M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agocs, A.G., Agostinelli, A., Agrawal, N., Ahammed, Z., Ahmad, N., Masoodi, A.Ahmad, Ahmed, I., Ahn, S.U., Ahn, S.A., Aimo, I., Aiola, S., Ajaz, M., Akindinov, A., Aleksandrov, D., Alessandro, B., Alexandre, D., Alici, A., Alkin, A., Alme, J., Alt, T., Altini, V., Altinpinar, S., Altsybeev, I., Garcia Prado, C.Alves, Andrei, C., Andronic, A., Anguelov, V., Anielski, J., Anticic, T., Antinori, F., Antonioli, P., Aphecetche, L., Appelshauser, H., Arbor, N., Arcelli, S., Armesto, N., Arnaldi, R., Aronsson, T., Arsene, I.C., Arslandok, M., Augustinus, A., Averbeck, R., Awes, T.C., Azmi, M.D., Bach, M., Badala, A., Baek, Y.W., Bagnasco, S., Bailhache, R., Bairathi, V., Bala, R., Baldisseri, A., Baltasar Dos Santos Pedrosa, F., Ban, J., Baral, R.C., Barbera, R., Barile, F., Barnafoldi, G.G., Barnby, L.S., Barret, V., Bartke, J., Basile, M., Bastid, N., Basu, S., Bathen, B., Batigne, G., Batyunya, B., Batzing, P.C., Baumann, C., Bearden, I.G., Beck, H., Bedda, C., Behera, N.K., Belikov, I., Bellini, F., Bellwied, R., Belmont-Moreno, E., Bencedi, G., Beole, S., Berceanu, I., Bercuci, A., Berdnikov, Y., Berenyi, D., Berger, M.E., Bergognon, A.A.E., Bertens, R.A., Berzano, D., Betev, L., Bhasin, A., Bhati, A.K., Bhattacharjee, B., Bhom, J., Bianchi, L., Bianchi, N., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bilandzic, A., Bjelogrlic, S., Blanco, F., Blau, D., Blume, C., Bock, F., Boehmer, F.V., Bogdanov, A., Boggild, H., Bogolyubsky, M., Boldizsar, L., Bombara, M., Book, J., Borel, H., Borissov, A., Bornschein, J., Bossu, F., Botje, M., Botta, E., Bottger, S., Braun-Munzinger, P., Bregant, M., Breitner, T., Broker, T.A., Browning, T.A., Broz, M., Bruna, E., Bruno, G.E., Budnikov, D., Buesching, H., Bufalino, S., Buncic, P., Busch, O., Buthelezi, Z., Caffarri, D., Cai, X., Caines, H., Caliva, A., Calvo Villar, E., Camerini, P., Canoa Roman, V., Carena, F., Carena, W., Carminati, F., Casanova Diaz, A., Castillo Castellanos, J., Casula, E.A.R., Catanescu, V., Cavicchioli, C., Ceballos Sanchez, C., Cepila, J., Cerello, P., Chang, B., Chapeland, S., Charvet, J.L., Chattopadhyay, S., Chattopadhyay, S., Cherney, M., Cheshkov, C., Cheynis, B., Chibante Barroso, V., Chinellato, D.D., Chochula, P., Chojnacki, M., Choudhury, S., Christakoglou, P., Christensen, C.H., Christiansen, P., Chujo, T., Chung, S.U., Cicalo, C., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Cleymans, J., Colamaria, F., Colella, D., Collu, A., Colocci, M., Conesa Balbastre, G., Conesa del Valle, Z., Connors, M.E., Contin, G., Contreras, J.G., Cormier, T.M., Corrales Morales, Y., Cortese, P., Cortes Maldonado, I., Cosentino, M.R., Costa, F., Crochet, P., Albino, R.Cruz, Cuautle, E., Cunqueiro, L., Dainese, A., Dang, R., Danu, A., Das, D., Das, I., Das, K., Das, S., Dash, A., Dash, S., De, S., Delagrange, H., Deloff, A., Denes, E., D'Erasmo, G., de Barros, G.O.V., De Caro, A., De Cataldo, G., de Cuveland, J., De Falco, A., De Gruttola, D., De Marco, N., De Pasquale, S., de Rooij, R., Diaz Corchero, M.A., Dietel, T., Divia, R., Di Bari, D., Di Liberto, S., Di Mauro, A., Di Nezza, P., Djuvsland, O., Dobrin, A., Dobrowolski, T., Domenicis Gimenez, D., Donigus, B., Dordic, O., Dorheim, S., Dubey, A.K., Dubla, A., Ducroux, L., Dupieux, P., Dutta Majumdar, A.K., Elia, D., Engel, H., Erazmus, B., Erdal, H.A., Eschweiler, D., Espagnon, B., Estienne, M., Esumi, S., Evans, D., Evdokimov, S., Eyyubova, G., Fabris, D., Faivre, J., Falchieri, D., Fantoni, A., Fasel, M., Fehlker, D., Feldkamp, L., Felea, D., Feliciello, A., Feofilov, G., Ferencei, J., Fernandez Tellez, A., Ferreiro, E.G., Ferretti, A., Festanti, A., Figiel, J., Figueredo, M.A.S., Filchagin, S., Finogeev, D., Fionda, F.M., Fiore, E.M., Floratos, E., Floris, M., Foertsch, S., Foka, P., Fokin, S., Fragiacomo, E., Francescon, A., Frankenfeld, U., Fuchs, U., Furget, C., Fusco Girard, M., Gaardhoje, J.J., Gagliardi, M., Gallio, M., Gangadharan, D.R., Ganoti, P., Garabatos, C., Garcia-Solis, E., Gargiulo, C., Garishvili, I., Gerhard, J., Germain, M., Gheata, A., Gheata, M., Ghidini, B., Ghosh, P., Ghosh, S.K., Gianotti, P., Giubellino, P., Gladysz-Dziadus, E., Glassel, P., Gomez, R., Gonzalez-Zamora, P., Gorbunov, S., Gorlich, L., Gotovac, S., Graczykowski, L.K., Grajcarek, R., Grelli, A., Grigoras, A., Grigoras, C., Grigoriev, V., Grigoryan, A., Grigoryan, S., Grinyov, B., Grion, N., Grosse-Oetringhaus, J.F., Grossiord, J.Y., Grosso, R., Guber, F., Guernane, R., Guerzoni, B., Guilbaud, M., Gulbrandsen, K., Gulkanyan, H., Gunji, T., Gupta, A., Gupta, R., Khan, K.H., Haake, R., Haaland, O., Hadjidakis, C., Haiduc, M., Hamagaki, H., Hamar, G., Hanratty, L.D., Hansen, A., Harris, J.W., Hartmann, H., Harton, A., Hatzifotiadou, D., Hayashi, S., Hayrapetyan, A., Heckel, S.T., Heide, M., Helstrup, H., Herghelegiu, A., Herrera Corral, G., Hess, B.A., Hetland, K.F., Hicks, B., Hippolyte, B., Hladky, J., Hristov, P., Huang, M., Humanic, T.J., Hutter, D., Hwang, D.S., Ianigro, J.C., Ilkaev, R., Ilkiv, I., Inaba, M., Incani, E., Innocenti, G.M., Ionita, C., Ippolitov, M., Irfan, M., Ivanov, M., Ivanov, V., Ivanytskyi, O., Jacholkowski, A., Jahnke, C., Jang, H.J., Janik, M.A., Jayarathna, P.H.S.Y., Jena, S., Jimenez Bustamante, R.T., Jones, P.G., Jung, H., Jusko, A., Kalcher, S., Kalinak, P., Kalweit, A., Kamin, J., Kang, J.H., Kaplin, V., Kar, S., Karasu Uysal, A., Karavichev, O., Karavicheva, T., Karpechev, E., Kebschull, U., Keidel, R., Ketzer, B., Khan, M.Mohisin., Khan, P., Khan, S.A., Khanzadeev, A., Kharlov, Y., Kileng, B., Kim, B., Kim, D.W., Kim, D.J., Kim, J.S., Kim, M., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kim, T., Kirsch, S., Kisel, I., Kiselev, S., Kisiel, A., Kiss, G., Klay, J.L., Klein, J., Klein-Bosing, C., Kluge, A., Knichel, M.L., Knospe, A.G., Kobdaj, C., Kohler, M.K., Kollegger, T., Kolojvari, A., Kondratiev, V., Kondratyeva, N., Konevskikh, A., Kovalenko, V., Kowalski, M., Kox, S., Koyithatta Meethaleveedu, G., Kral, J., Kralik, I., Kramer, F., Kravcakova, A., Krelina, M., Kretz, M., Krivda, M., Krizek, F., Krus, M., Kryshen, E., Krzewicki, M., Kucera, V., Kucheriaev, Y., Kugathasan, T., Kuhn, C., Kuijer, P.G., Kulakov, I., Kumar, J., Kurashvili, P., Kurepin, A., Kurepin, A.B., Kuryakin, A., Kushpil, S., Kushpil, V., Kweon, M.J., Kwon, Y., Ladron de Guevara, P., Lagana Fernandes, C., Lakomov, I., Langoy, R., Lara, C., Lardeux, A., Lattuca, A., La Pointe, S.L., La Rocca, P., Lea, R., Lee, G.R., Legrand, I., Lehnert, J., Lemmon, R.C., Lenhardt, M., Lenti, V., Leogrande, E., Leoncino, M., Leon Monzon, I., Levai, P., Li, S., Lien, J., Lietava, R., Lindal, S., Lindenstruth, V., Lippmann, C., Lisa, M.A., Ljunggren, H.M., Lodato, D.F., Loenne, P.I., Loggins, V.R., Loginov, V., Lohner, D., Loizides, C., Lopez, X., Lopez Torres, E., Lu, X.G., Luettig, P., Lunardon, M., Luo, J., Luparello, G., Luzzi, C., Gago, A.M., Jacobs, P.M., Ma, R., Maevskaya, A., Mager, M., Mahapatra, D.P., Maire, A., Malaev, M., Maldonado Cervantes, I., Malinina, L., Mal'Kevich, D., Malzacher, P., Mamonov, A., Manceau, L., Manko, V., Manso, F., Manzari, V., Marchisone, M., Mares, J., Margagliotti, G.V., Margotti, A., Marin, A., Markert, C., Marquard, M., Martashvili, I., Martin, N.A., Martinengo, P., Martinez, M.I., Martinez Garcia, G., Blanco, J.Martin, Martynov, Y., Mas, A., Masciocchi, S., Masera, M., Masoni, A., Massacrier, L., Mastroserio, A., Matyja, A., Mayer, C., Mazer, J., Mazumder, R., Mazzoni, M.A., Meddi, F., Menchaca-Rocha, A., Mercado Perez, J., Meres, M., Miake, Y., Mikhaylov, K., Milano, L., Milosevic, J., Mischke, A., Mishra, A.N., Miskowiec, D., Mitu, C.M., Mlynarz, J., Mohanty, B., Molnar, L., Montano Zetina, L., Montes, E., Morando, M., Moreira De Godoy, D.A., Moretto, S., Morreale, A., Morsch, A., Muccifora, V., Mudnic, E., Muhuri, S., Mukherjee, M., Muller, H., Munhoz, M.G., Murray, S., Musa, L., Musinsky, J., Nandi, B.K., Nania, R., Nappi, E., Nattrass, C., Nayak, T.K., Nazarenko, S., Nedosekin, A., Nicassio, M., Niculescu, M., Nielsen, B.S., Nikolaev, S., Nikulin, S., Nikulin, V., Nilsen, B.S., Noferini, F., Nomokonov, P., Nooren, G., Nyanin, A., Nyatha, A., Nystrand, J., Oeschler, H., Oh, S., Oh, S.K., Okatan, A., Olah, L., Oleniacz, J., Oliveira Da Silva, A.C., Onderwaater, J., Oppedisano, C., Ortiz Velasquez, A., Oskarsson, A., Otwinowski, J., Oyama, K., Pachmayer, Y., Pachr, M., Pagano, P., Paic, G., Painke, F., Pajares, C., Pal, S.K., Palmeri, A., Pant, D., Papikyan, V., Pappalardo, G.S., Park, W.J., Passfeld, A., Patalakha, D.I., Paticchio, V., Paul, B., Pawlak, T., Peitzmann, T., Pereira Da Costa, H., Pereira De Oliveira Filho, E., Peresunko, D., Perez Lara, C.E., Peryt, W., Pesci, A., Pestov, Y., Petracek, V., Petran, M., Petris, M., Petrovici, M., Petta, C., Piano, S., Pikna, M., Pillot, P., Pinazza, O., Pinsky, L., Piyarathna, D.B., Ploskon, M., Planinic, M., Pluta, J., Pochybova, S., Podesta-Lerma, P.L.M., Poghosyan, M.G., Pohjoisaho, E.H.O., Polichtchouk, B., Poljak, N., Pop, A., Porteboeuf-Houssais, S., Porter, J., Pospisil, V., Potukuchi, B., Prasad, S.K., Preghenella, R., Prino, F., Pruneau, C.A., Pshenichnov, I., Puddu, G., Pujahari, P., Punin, V., Putschke, J., Qvigstad, H., Rachevski, A., Raha, S., Rak, J., Rakotozafindrabe, A., Ramello, L., Raniwala, R., Raniwala, S., Rasanen, S.S., Rascanu, B.T., Rathee, D., Rauf, A.W., Razazi, V., Read, K.F., Real, J.S., Redlich, K., Reed, R.J., Rehman, A., Reichelt, P., Reicher, M., Reidt, F., Renfordt, R., Reolon, A.R., Reshetin, A., Rettig, F., Revol, J.P., Reygers, K., Riabov, V., Ricci, R.A., Richert, T., Richter, M., Riedler, P., Riegler, W., Riggi, F., Rivetti, A., Rocco, E., Rodriguez Cahuantzi, M., Rodriguez Manso, A., Roed, K., Rogochaya, E., Rohni, S., Rohr, D., Rohrich, D., Romita, R., Ronchetti, F., Ronflette, L., Rosnet, P., Rossegger, S., Rossi, A., Roy, A., Roy, C., Roy, P., Rubio Montero, A.J., Rui, R., Russo, R., Ryabinkin, E., Ryabov, Y., Rybicki, A., Sadovsky, S., Safarik, K., Sahlmuller, B., Sahoo, R., Sahu, P.K., Saini, J., Salgado, C.A., Salzwedel, J., Sambyal, S., Samsonov, V., Sanchez Castro, X., Sanchez Rodriguez, F.J., Sandor, L., Sandoval, A., Sano, M., Santagati, G., Sarkar, D., Scapparone, E., Scarlassara, F., Scharenberg, R.P., Schiaua, C., Schicker, R., Schmidt, C., Schmidt, H.R., Schuchmann, S., Schukraft, J., Schulc, M., Schuster, T., Schutz, Y., Schwarz, K., Schweda, K., Scioli, G., Scomparin, E., Scott, P.A., Scott, R., Segato, G., Seger, J.E., Selyuzhenkov, I., Seo, J., Serradilla, E., Sevcenco, A., Shabetai, A., Shabratova, G., Shahoyan, R., Shangaraev, A., Sharma, N., Sharma, S., Shigaki, K., Shtejer, K., Sibiriak, Y., Siddhanta, S., Siemiarczuk, T., Silvermyr, D., Silvestre, C., Simatovic, G., Singaraju, R., Singh, R., Singha, S., Singhal, V., Sinha, B.C., Sinha, T., Sitar, B., Sitta, M., Skaali, T.B., Skjerdal, K., Smakal, R., Smirnov, N., Snellings, R.J.M., Sogaard, C., Soltz, R., Song, J., Song, M., Soramel, F., Sorensen, S., Spacek, M., Sputowska, I., Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M., Srivastava, B.K., Stachel, J., Stan, I., Stefanek, G., Steinpreis, M., Stenlund, E., Steyn, G., Stiller, J.H., Stocco, D., Stolpovskiy, M., Strmen, P., Suaide, A.A.P., Subieta Vasquez, M.A., Sugitate, T., Suire, C., Suleymanov, M., Sultanov, R., Sumbera, M., Susa, T., Symons, T.J.M., Szanto de Toledo, A., Szarka, I., Szczepankiewicz, A., Szymanski, M., Takahashi, J., Tangaro, M.A., J.Tapia Takaki, D., Peloni, A.Tarantola, Tarazona Martinez, A., Tauro, A., Tejeda Munoz, G., Telesca, A., Terrevoli, C., Minasyan, A.Ter, Thader, J., Thomas, D., Tieulent, R., Timmins, A.R., Toia, A., Torii, H., Trubnikov, V., Trzaska, W.H., Tsuji, T., Tumkin, A., Turrisi, R., Tveter, T.S., Ulery, J., Ullaland, K., Ulrich, J., Uras, A., Usai, G.L., Vajzer, M., Vala, M., Valencia Palomo, L., Vallero, S., Vande Vyvre, P., Vannucci, L., Van Hoorne, J.W., van Leeuwen, M., Vargas, A., Varma, R., Vasileiou, M., Vasiliev, A., Vechernin, V., Veldhoen, M., Venaruzzo, M., Vercellin, E., Limon, S.Vergara, Vernet, R., Verweij, M., Vickovic, L., Viesti, G., Viinikainen, J., Vilakazi, Z., Villalobos Baillie, O., Vinogradov, A., Vinogradov, L., Vinogradov, Y., Virgili, T., Viyogi, Y.P., Vodopyanov, A., Volkl, M.A., Voloshin, K., Voloshin, S.A., Volpe, G., von Haller, B., Vorobyev, I., Vranic, D., Vrlakova, J., Vulpescu, B., Vyushin, A., Wagner, B., Wagner, J., Wagner, V., Wang, M., Wang, Y., Watanabe, D., Weber, M., Wessels, J.P., Westerhoff, U., Wiechula, J., Wikne, J., Wilde, M., Wilk, G., Wilkinson, J., Williams, M.C.S., Windelband, B., Winn, M., Xiang, C., Yaldo, C.G., Yamaguchi, Y., Yang, H., Yang, P., Yang, S., Yano, S., Yasnopolskiy, S., Yi, J., Yin, Z., Yoo, I.K., Yushmanov, I., Zaccolo, V., Zach, C., Zaman, A., Zampolli, C., Zaporozhets, S., Zarochentsev, A., Zavada, P., Zaviyalov, N., Zbroszczyk, H., Zgura, I.S., Zhalov, M., Zhang, F., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, C., Zhou, D., Zhou, F., Zhou, Y., Zhu, H., Zhu, J., Zhu, X., Zichichi, A., Zimmermann, A., Zimmermann, M.B., Zinovjev, G., Zoccarato, Y., Zynovyev, M., Zyzak, M.Enlace del recurso
Publicado 2013
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2702por Hu, Zhengjun, Zhong, Rui, Zhao, Deng, Wang, Fei, Huang, Huaqiang, Jiang, Dengxu, Zhang, Zhong, Liang, Yijian“…Global kyphosis (GK), thoracic kyphosis (TK), lumbar lordosis (LL), sagittal vertical axis (SVA), osteotomized vertebra intervertebral angle (OVI), chin-brow vertical angle (CBVA), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) score and Scoliosis Research Society-22 Patient Questionnaire (SRS-22) were all compared pre- and postoperation. …”
Publicado 2023
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2703por Zheng, Ning, Gui, Zhu, Liu, Xiaodong, Wu, Yang, Wang, Huadong, Cai, Aoling, Wu, Jinfeng, Li, Xihai, Kaewborisuth, Challika, Zhang, Zhijian, Wang, Qitian, Manyande, Anne, Xu, Fuqiang, Wang, Jie“…Furthermore, the cre-dependent antegrade transsynaptic viral tracer H129ΔTK-TT was applied to label the outputs of VTA neurons. …”
Publicado 2023
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Online Artículo Texto -
2704por Witte, Hanno M., Riedl, Jörg, Künstner, Axel, Fähnrich, Anke, Ketzer, Julius, Fliedner, Stephanie M. J., Reimer, Niklas, Bernard, Veronica, von Bubnoff, Nikolas, Merz, Hartmut, Busch, Hauke, Feller, Alfred, Gebauer, Niklas“…We classified mutations in accordance with biomarker/treatment baskets and detected a heterogeneous spectrum of targetable alterations affecting immune evasion (IE; n = 30), B-cell targets (BCT; n = 26), DNA damage repair (DDR; n = 20), tyrosine kinases (TK; n = 13), cell cycle (CC; n = 7), PI3K-MTOR-AKT pathway (PAM; n = 2), RAF-MEK-ERK cascade (RME; n = 1), and others (OTH; n = 11). …”
Publicado 2023
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2705por Ajaka, Leama, Day, Shandra, Liscynesky, Christina, Colburn, Nora, Sun, Christine, Sovic, Michael, Pancholi, Preeti, Balada-Llasat, Joan-Miquel, Smith, Heather, Murthy, Shashanka“…Assembled genomes were taxonomically classified with GTDB-Tk software and were typed using multilocus sequence typing (MLST). …”
Publicado 2023
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2706por Fang, Jing, Shi, Gongfu, Wei, Shuli, Ma, Jie, Zhang, Xiangqian, Wang, Jianguo, Chen, Liyu, Liu, Ying, Zhao, Xiaoqing, Lu, Zhanyuan“…By contrast, the soil total phosphorus (TP), total potassium (TK), and soil catalase (S-CAT) contents were significantly increased (p < 0.05). …”
Publicado 2023
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2707por Novick, Tessa K., Mader, Michael J., Johansen, Kirsten L., Matsui, Elizabeth C., Montgomery, Elizabeth, Jacobs, Elizabeth A., Crews, Deidra C.Enlace del recurso
Publicado 2023
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2708por Paricharak, Shardul, Klenka, Tom, Augustin, Martin, Patel, Umesh A, Bender, Andreas“…RESULTS: Using this representation, a bioactivity-based classification was made of the kinome, which partially resembles previous sequence-based classifications, where particularly kinases from the TK, CDK, CLK and AGC branches cluster together. …”
Publicado 2013
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2709por Li, Rongsong, Navab, Kaveh, Hough, Greg, Daher, Nancy, Zhang, Min, Mittelstein, David, Lee, Katherine, Pakbin, Payam, Saffari, Arian, Bhetraratana, May, Sulaiman, Dawoud, Beebe, Tyler, Wu, Lan, Jen, Nelson, Wine, Eytan, Tseng, Chi-Hong, Araujo, Jesus A., Fogelman, Alan, Sioutas, Constantinos, Navab, Mohamed, Hsiai, Tzung K.“…Citation: Li R, Navab K, Hough G, Daher N, Zhang M, Mittelstein D, Lee K, Pakbin P, Saffari A, Bhetraratana M, Sulaiman D, Beebe T, Wu L, Jen N, Wine E, Tseng CH, Araujo JA, Fogelman A, Sioutas C, Navab M, Hsiai TK. 2015. Effect of exposure to atmospheric ultrafine particles on production of free fatty acids and lipid metabolites in the mouse small intestine. …”
Publicado 2014
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Online Artículo Texto -
2710por Piccoli, Mario L, Braccini, José, Cardoso, Fernando F, Sargolzaei, Medhi, Larmer, Steven G, Schenkel, Flávio S“…BACKGROUND: Strategies for imputing genotypes from the Illumina-Bovine3K, Illumina-BovineLD (6K), BeefLD-GGP (8K), a non-commercial-15K and IndicusLD-GGP (20K) to either Illumina-BovineSNP50 (50K) or to Illumina-BovineHD (777K) SNP panel, as well as for imputing from 50K, GGP-IndicusHD (90iK) and GGP-BeefHD (90tK) to 777K were investigated. Imputation of low density (<50K) genotypes to 777K was carried out in either one or two steps. …”
Publicado 2014
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Online Artículo Texto -
2711por Sbihi, Hind, Allen, Ryan W., Becker, Allan, Brook, Jeffrey R., Mandhane, Piush, Scott, James A., Sears, Malcolm R., Subbarao, Padmaja, Takaro, Tim K., Turvey, Stuart E., Brauer, Michael“…CITATION: Sbihi H, Allen RW, Becker A, Brook JR, Mandhane P, Scott JA, Sears MR, Subbarao P, Takaro TK, Turvey SE, Brauer M. 2015. Perinatal exposure to traffic-related air pollution and atopy at 1 year of age in a multi-center Canadian birth cohort study. …”
Publicado 2015
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Online Artículo Texto -
2712por Spitschak, Alf, Meier, Claudia, Kowtharapu, Bhavani, Engelmann, David, Pützer, Brigitte M.“…Inhibition of RET oncogenic signaling through a dominant-negative RET∆TK mutant in TT cells reduces miR-182, whereas overexpression of RETM918T in NThy-ori 3.1 cells increases miR-182 levels. …”
Publicado 2017
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Online Artículo Texto -
2713“…Sagittal spinal and pelvic parameters were measured from the standing lateral radiograph, and the following 11 radiological parameters were measured, including global kyphosis (GK), thoracic kyphosis (TK), C7 tilt (C7T), sagittal vertical axis (SVA), spino-pelvic angle (SSA), lumbar lordosis (LL), upper arc of lumbar lordosis (ULL), lower arc of lumbar lordosis (LLL), pelvic incidence (PI), sacrum slope (SS), pelvic tilt (PT), and T9 tilt (T9T). …”
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Online Artículo Texto -
2714por Zhang, Fan, Lin, Jie-Diao, Zuo, Xiao-Yu, Zhuang, Yi-Xuan, Hong, Chao-Qun, Zhang, Guo-Jun, Cui, Xiao-Jiang, Cui, Yu-Kun“…AA genes with highest degree and betweenness were considered as hub genes of GCN, namely CDC20, MELK, PTTG1, CCNB2, CDC45, CCNB1, TK1 and PSMB2, which could distinguish cancer from normal controls with ALDOA. …”
Publicado 2017
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2715por Mendez-David, Indira, Guilloux, Jean-Philippe, Papp, Mariusz, Tritschler, Laurent, Mocaer, Elisabeth, Gardier, Alain M., Bretin, Sylvie, David, Denis J.“…In a mouse model of genetic ablation of hippocampal neurogenesis (GFAP-Tk model), neurogenesis dependent/independent effects of chronic S 47445 treatment were tested, as well as BDNF hippocampal expression. …”
Publicado 2017
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Online Artículo Texto -
2716por Wei, Xu, Gengwu, Li, Chao, Chen, Yifan, Li, Shang, Sang, Ruixi, Hu, Yunhan, Ji, Xiaodong, Zhu, Zhikun, Li“…Measurements of sagittal parameters from total spinal radiographs: thoracic kyphosis (TK), Lumbar lordosis (LL), sacral slope (SS), pelvic tilt (PT), pelvic incidence (PI), sagittal vertical axis (SVA), T1 tilt angle (TA), and T1 pelvic angle (TPA). (3.) …”
Publicado 2018
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Online Artículo Texto -
2717por Micci, Maria-Adelaide, Krishnan, Balaji, Bishop, Elizabeth, Zhang, Wen-Ru, Guptarak, Jutatip, Grant, Auston, Zolochevska, Olga, Tumurbaatar, Batbayar, Franklin, Whitney, Marino, Claudia, Widen, Steven G., Luthra, Arjun, Kernie, Steven G., Taglialatela, Giulio“…Aβο binding to synapses was assessed in cultured hippocampal neurons and on synaptosomes isolated from hippocampal slices from wild type mice and from an inducible mouse model of NSC ablation (Nestin-δ-HSV-TK mice) treated with exosomes. Expression of CaMKII and of AMPA and NMDA glutamate receptor subunits in synaptosomes was measured by western blot. …”
Publicado 2019
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Online Artículo Texto -
2718por Gao, Shane, Guo, Xuanxuan, Zhao, Simeng, Jin, Yinpeng, Zhou, Fei, Yuan, Ping, Cao, Limei, Wang, Jian, Qiu, Yue, Sun, Chenxi, Kang, Zhanrong, Gao, Fengjuan, Xu, Wei, Hu, Xiao, Yang, Danjing, Qin, Ying, Ning, Ke, Shaw, Pamela J., Zhong, Guisheng, Cheng, Liming, Zhu, Hongwen, Gao, Zhengliang, Chen, Xu, Xu, Jun“…When ablating the transplanted hADSC-MNs harboring HSV-TK-mCherry overexpression system with antivirial Ganciclovir (GCV), functional relapse was detected by motor-evoked potential (MEP) and BMS assays, implying that transplanted hADSC-MNs participated in rebuilding the neural circuits, which was further confirmed by retrograde neuronal tracing system (WGA). …”
Publicado 2019
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Online Artículo Texto -
2719“…Macroscopic (necropsy), microscopic/histopathological, and caesarean examinations were also performed. Toxicokinetic (TK) evaluations were performed at various time-points after dosing to assess exposure. …”
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Online Artículo Texto -
2720“…The Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB-Tk) was used for bacterial taxonomic identification. …”
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Online Artículo Texto