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Cine documental
181por Salotti, Jean-Marc“…What is the feasibility of survival on another planet and being self-sustaining? This question is of particular importance for the future of the space conquest and perhaps also for the future of humanity in general [1,2]. …”
Publicado 2020
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182por Edwards, DavidEnlace del recurso
Publicado 2020
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183por Crous, P.W., Wingfield, M.J., Chooi, Y.-H., Gilchrist, C.L.M., Lacey, E., Pitt, J.I., Roets, F., Swart, W.J., Cano-Lira, J.F., Valenzuela-Lopez, N., Hubka, V., Shivas, R.G., Stchigel, A.M., Holdom, D.G., Jurjević, Ž., Kachalkin, A.V., Lebel, T., Lock, C., Martín, M.P., Tan, Y.P., Tomashevskaya, M.A., Vitelli, J.S., Baseia, I.G., Bhatt, V.K., Brandrud, T.E., De Souza, J.T., Dima, B., Lacey, H.J., Lombard, L., Johnston, P.R., Morte, A., Papp, V., Rodríguez, A., Rodríguez-Andrade, E., Semwal, K.C., Tegart, L., Abad, Z.G., Akulov, A., Alvarado, P., Alves, A., Andrade, J.P., Arenas, F., Asenjo, C., Ballarà, J., Barrett, M.D., Berná, L.M., Berraf-Tebbal, A., Bianchinotti, M.V., Bransgrove, K., Burgess, T.I., Carmo, F.S., Chávez, R., Čmoková, A., Dearnaley, J.D.W., de A. Santiago, A.L.C.M., Freitas-Neto, J.F., Denman, S., Douglas, B., Dovana, F., Eichmeier, A., Esteve-Raventós, F., Farid, A., Fedosova, A.G., Ferisin, G., Ferreira, R.J., Ferrer, A., Figueiredo, C.N., Figueiredo, Y.F., Reinoso-Fuentealba, C.G., Garrido-Benavent, I., Cañete-Gibas, C.F., Gil-Durán, C., Glushakova, A.M., Gonçalves, M.F.M., González, M., Gorczak, M., Gorton, C., Guard, F.E., Guarnizo, A.L., Guarro, J., Gutiérrez, M., Hamal, P., Hien, L.T., Hocking, A.D., Houbraken, J., Hunter, G.C., Inácio, C.A., Jourdan, M., Kapitonov, V.I., Kelly, L., Khanh, T.N., Kisło, K., Kiss, L., Kiyashko, A., Kolařík, M., Kruse, J., Kubátová, A., Kučera, V., Kučerová, I., Kušan, I., Lee, H.B., Levicán, G., Lewis, A., Liem, N.V., Liimatainen, K., Lim, H.J., Lyons, M.N., Maciá-Vicente, J.G., Magaña-Dueñas, V., Mahiques, R., Malysheva, E.F., Marbach, P.A.S., Marinho, P., Matočec, N., McTaggart, A.R., Mešić, A., Morin, L., Muñoz-Mohedano, J.M., Navarro-Ródenas, A., Nicolli, C.P., Oliveira, R.L., Otsing, E., Ovrebo, C.L., Pankratov, T.A., Paños, A., Paz-Conde, A., Pérez-Sierra, A., Phosri, C., Pintos, Á., Pošta, A., Prencipe, S., Rubio, E., Saitta, A., Sales, L.S., Sanhueza, L., Shuttleworth, L.A., Smith, J., Smith, M.E., Spadaro, D., Spetik, M., Sochor, M., Sochorová, Z., Sousa, J.O., Suwannasai, N., Tedersoo, L., Thanh, H.M., Thao, L.D., Tkalčec, Z., Vaghefi, N., Venzhik, A.S., Verbeken, A., Vizzini, A., Voyron, S., Wainhouse, M., Whalley, A.J.S., Wrzosek, M., Zapata, M., Zeil-Rolfe, I., Groenewald, J.Z.Enlace del recurso
Publicado 2020
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184“…Planets intermediate in size between the Earth and Neptune, and orbiting closer to their host stars than Mercury does the Sun, are the most common type of planet revealed by exoplanet surveys over the last quarter century. …”
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185por Bertoni, Giuseppe“…SIMPLE SUMMARY: Animal breeding must be seen within sustainability that includes human health and the health of the planet (ecology), without neglecting the economic and ethical aspects. …”
Publicado 2021
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187por Crous, P.W., Cowan, D.A., Maggs-Kölling, G., Yilmaz, N., Larsson, E., Angelini, C., Brandrud, T.E., Dearnaley, J.D.W., Dima, B., Dovana, F., Fechner, N., García, D., Gené, J., Halling, R.E., Houbraken, J., Leonard, P., Luangsa-ard, J.J., Noisripoom, W., Rea-Ireland, A.E., Ševčíková, H., Smyth, C.W., Vizzini, A., Adam, J.D., Adams, G.C., Alexandrova, A.V., Alizadeh, A., Duarte, E. Álvarez, Andjic, V., Antonín, V., Arenas, F., Assabgui, R., Ballarà, J., Banwell, A., Berraf-Tebbal, A., Bhatt, V.K., Bonito, G., Botha, W., Burgess, T.I., Caboň, M., Calvert, J., Carvalhais, L.C., Courtecuisse, R., Cullington, P., Davoodian, N., Decock, C.A., Dimitrov, R., Di Piazza, S., Drenth, A., Dumez, S., Eichmeier, A., Etayo, J., Fernández, I., Fiard, J.-P., Fournier, J., Fuentes-Aponte, S., Ghanbary, M.A.T., Ghorbani, G., Giraldo, A., Glushakova, A.M., Gouliamova, D.E., Guarro, J., Halleen, F., Hampe, F., Hernández-Restrepo, M., Iturrieta-González, I., Jeppson, M., Kachalkin, A.V., Karimi, O., Khalid, A.N., Khonsanit, A., Kim, J.I., Kim, K., Kiran, M., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Kučera, V., Kušan, I., Langenhoven, S.D., Lebel, T., Lebeuf, R., Liimatainen, K., Linde, C., Lindner, D.L., Lombard, L., Mahamedi, A.E., Matočec, N., Maxwell, A., May, T.W., McTaggart, A.R., Meijer, M., Mešić, A., Mileto, A.J., Miller, A.N., Molia, A., Mongkolsamrit, S., Cortés, C. Muñoz, Muñoz-Mohedano, J., Morte, A., Morozova, O.V., Mostert, L., Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa, R., Nagy, L.G., Navarro-Ródenas, A., Örstadius, L., Overton, B.E., Papp, V., Para, R., Peintner, U., Pham, T.H.G., Pordel, A., Pošta, A., Rodríguez, A., Romberg, M., Sandoval-Denis, M., Seifert, K.A., Semwal, K.C., Sewall, B.J., Shivas, R.G., Slovák, M., Smith, K., Spetik, M., Spies, C.F.J., Syme, K., Tasanathai, K., Thorn, R.G., Tkalčec, Z., Tomashevskaya, M.A., Torres-Garcia, D., Ullah, Z., Visagie, C.M., Voitk, A., Winton, L.M., Groenewald, J.Z.Enlace del recurso
Publicado 2020
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188por Crous, P.W., Cowan, D.A., Maggs-Kölling, G., Yilmaz, N., Thangavel, R., Wingfield, M.J., Noordeloos, M.E., Dima, B., Brandrud, T.E., Jansen, G.M., Morozova, O.V., Vila, J., Shivas, R.G., Tan, Y.P., Bishop-Hurley, S., Lacey, E., Marney, T.S., Larsson, E., Le Floch, G., Lombard, L., Nodet, P., Hubka, V., Alvarado, P., Berraf-Tebbal, A., Reyes, J.D., Delgado, G., Eichmeier, A., Jordal, J.B., Kachalkin, A.V., Kubátová, A., Maciá-Vicente, J.G., Malysheva, E.F., Papp, V., Rajeshkumar, K.C., Sharma, A., Spetik, M., Szabóová, D., Tomashevskaya, M.A., Abad, J.A., Abad, Z.G., Alexandrova, A.V., Anand, G., Arenas, F., Ashtekar, N., Balashov, S., Bañares, Á., Baroncelli, R., Bera, I., Biketova, A.Yu., Blomquist, C.L., Boekhout, T., Boertmann, D., Bulyonkova, T.M., Burgess, T.I., Carnegie, A.J., Cobo-Diaz, J.F., Corriol, G., Cunnington, J.H., da Cruz, M.O., Damm, U., Davoodian, N., de A. Santiago, A.L.C.M., Dearnaley, J., de Freitas, L.W.S., Dhileepan, K., Dimitrov, R., Di Piazza, S., Fatima, S., Fuljer, F., Galera, H., Ghosh, A., Giraldo, A., Glushakova, A.M., Gorczak, M., Gouliamova, D.E., Gramaje, D., Groenewald, M., Gunsch, C.K., Gutiérrez, A., Holdom, D., Houbraken, J., Ismailov, A.B., Istel, Ł., Iturriaga, T., Jeppson, M., Jurjević, Ž., Kalinina, L.B., Kapitonov, V.I., Kautmanová, I., Khalid, A.N., Kiran, M., Kiss, L., Kovács, Á., Kurose, D., Kušan, I., Lad, S., Læssøe, T., Lee, H.B., Luangsa-ard, J.J., Lynch, M., Mahamedi, A.E., Malysheva, V.F., Mateos, A., Matočec, N., Mešić, A., Miller, A.N., Mongkolsamrit, S., Moreno, G., Morte, A., Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa, R., Naseer, A., Navarro-Ródenas, A., Nguyen, T.T.T., Noisripoom, W., Ntandu, J.E., Nuytinck, J., Ostrý, V., Pankratov, T.A., Pawłowska, J., Pecenka, J., Pham, T.H.G., Polhorský, A., Pošta, A., Raudabaugh, D.B., Reschke, K., Rodríguez, A., Romero, M., Rooney-Latham, S., Roux, J., Sandoval-Denis, M., Smith, M.Th., Steinrucken, T.V., Svetasheva, T.Y., Tkalčec, Z., van der Linde, E.J., v.d. Vegte, M., Vauras, J., Verbeken, A., Visagie, C.M., Vitelli, J.S., Volobuev, S.V., Weill, A., Wrzosek, M., Zmitrovich, I.V., Zvyagina, E.A., Groenewald, J.Z.“…Citation: Crous PW, Cowan DA, Maggs-Kölling, et al. 2021. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1182–1283. Persoonia 46: 313–528.…”
Publicado 2021
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189por Roth, SteffenEnlace del recurso
Publicado 2021
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190por Meng, Fanran, Wagner, Andreas, Kremer, Alexandre B., Kanazawa, Daisuke, Leung, Jane J., Goult, Peter, Guan, Min, Herrmann, Sophie, Speelman, Eveline, Sauter, Pim, Lingeswaran, Shajeeshan, Stuchtey, Martin M., Hansen, Katja, Masanet, Eric, Serrenho, André C., Ishii, Naoko, Kikuchi, Yasunori, Cullen, Jonathan M.“…This study presents seven planet-compatible pathways toward 2050 employing demand-side and supply-side interventions with cumulative total investment costs of US$1.2–3.7 trillion. …”
Publicado 2023
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191“…Although our Moon and the planets have not changed much in the five years since the first edition of this book was published, the technology allowing you to photograph them has changed dramatically. …”
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192por Schilling, Govert“…"The Hunt for Planet X is a fascinating tale by one of the world's premier astronomy writers. …”
Publicado 2009
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193“…MARSWALK ONE: First Steps on a New Planet addresses the question of why we should embark on a journey to Mars, documenting what the first human crew will do when they place their feet in the red dust of the planet. …”
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194por Ollivier, Marc, Roques, Francoise, Casoli, Fabienne, Encrenaz, Thérèse, Selsis, Franck“…Over the past ten years, the discovery of extrasolar planets has opened a new field of astronomy, and this area of research is rapidly growing, from both the observational and theoretical point of view. …”
Publicado 2009
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196por Eales, Stephen“…This book looks at answers to the biggest questions in astronomy – the questions of how the planets, stars, galaxies and the universe were formed. …”
Publicado 2007
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197“…On 14 March 1964 Richard Feynman, one of the greatest scientific thinkers of the 20th Century, delivered a lecture entitled 'The Motion of the Planets Around the Sun'. For thirty years this remarkable lecture was believed to be lost. …”
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198“…While in the past terrestrial and planetary auroras have been largely treated in separate books, Auroral Phenomenology and Magnetospheric Processes: Earth and Other Planets takes a holistic approach, treating the aurora as a fundamental process and discussing the phenomenology, physics, and relationship with the respective planetary magnetospheres in one volume. …”
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