241por Cassidy, David C“…This pivotal historical episode is conveyed, along with the emotions as well as the facts, through drama, historical narrative, and photographs of the captive German nuclear scientists - who included Werner Heisenberg, Otto Hahn, and Max von Laue. The unique story that unfolds in the play is based on secretly recorded transcripts of the scientists’ actual conversations at Farm Hall, together with related documents and photographs.…”
Publicado 2017
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242Publicado 2022“…A recently published letter written by Werner Heisenberg in October 1943 has been interpreted as reporting on a sudden chasm in a close relationship between Heisenberg and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker. …”
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243por Heisenberg, Elisabeth“…Une femme raconte la vie de son mari, Werner Heisenberg, Prix Nobel de Physique 1932. Après une enfance heureuse, ce brillant étudiant fut l'élève d'Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Arnold Sommerfeld. …”
Publicado 1990
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244por Lindley, David“…The uncertainty in this delightful book refers to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, an idea first postulated in 1927 by physicist Werner Heisenberg in his attempt to make sense out of the developing field of quantum mechanics. …”
Publicado 2007
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245por Ferrari, Jérôme“…Fasciné par la figure du physicien allemand Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), fondateur de la mécanique quantique, inventeur du célèbre "principe d'incertitude" et Prix Nobel de physique en 1932, un jeune aspirant-philosophe désenchanté s'efforce, à l'aube du XXIe siècle, de considérer l'incomplétude de sa propre existence à l'aune des travaux et de la destinée de cet exceptionnel homme de sciences qui incarne pour lui la rencontre du langage scientifique et de la poésie, lesquels, chacun à leur manière, en ouvrant la voie au scandale de l'inédit, dessillent les yeux sur le monde pour en révéler la mystérieuse beauté que ne cessent de confisquer le matérialisme à l'œuvre dans l'Histoire des hommes.…”
Publicado 2015
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246por Ball, Philip“…Peter Debye, a Dutch physicist, rose to run the Reich's most important research institute before leaving for the United States in 1940. Werner Heisenberg, discovered the Uncertainty Principle, and became the leading figure in Germany's race for the atomic bomb. …”
Publicado 2013
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247“…In clear and compelling prose, Teller tells of the people, events, and ideas that shaped him as a scientist, beginning with his early love of music and math, and continuing with his study of quantum physics with Werner Heisenberg. Present at many of the pivotal moments in modern science, Teller also describes his friendships with some of the century's greatest minds-Einstein, Bohr, Fermi, Szilard, von Neumann, Oppenheimer-and offers an honest account of the development of the atomic and hydrogen bombs. …”
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248por Börner, Gerhard“…He received his PhD for a thesis on particle physics under the supervision of Werner Heisenberg and Hans-Peter Dürr. Professor Börner is the author of the successful graduate textbook "The Early Universe" (published by Springer and now in its 4th edition), as well as of several popular science books on cosmology. …”
Publicado 2011
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249por Burwell, Jennifer“…Why, then, did these mathematically driven concepts compel founders of the field, particularly Erwin Schrödinger, Niels Bohr, and Werner Heisenberg, to spend so much time reflecting on ontological, epistemological, and linguistic concerns? …”
Publicado 2018
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250por Heisenberg, Werner“…Figura geniale e controversa, Werner Heisenberg è stato un protagonista assoluto dell’epopea scientifica del secolo scorso, insieme a Bohr e Fermi, Einstein e Planck. …”
Publicado 2003
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251por Heisenberg, Werner“…Un punto di svolta che ha condotto il «metodo» della scienza dal gretto riduzionismo dell'epoca classica a una sua più concreta elaborazione in senso storicistico e complesso. Werner Heisenberg (Würzburg, 1901-Monaco, 1976) si è laureato a Monaco, nel 1924, con Arnold Sommerfeld. …”
Publicado 1999
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252por Soifer, Alexander“…Soifer traces Van der Waerden’s early years in a family of great Dutch public servants, his life as professor in Leipzig during the entire Nazi period, and his personal and professional friendship with one of the great physicists Werner Heisenberg. We encounter heroes and villains and a much more numerous group in between these two extremes. …”
Publicado 2015
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253Publicado 1990Tabla de Contenidos: “…Henri Poincar{lstrok}, Max Planck, Alfred North Whitehead, Albert Einstein, Sir Arthur Eddington, Niels Bohr, G.H. Hardy, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Theodosius Dobzhansky, C.H. …”