3521por Rammensee, Michael“…One of the extensions to the SM includes a new space-time symmetry, called Supersymmetry (SUSY), resulting in a symmetry between fermions and bosons. In most phenomenological SUSY models the production of supersymmetric particles at the LHC is dominated by squark-squark, squark-anti-squark, squark-gluino and gluino-gluino pair production. …”
Publicado 2015
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3522por Hansen, Maike Christina“…The presented approach is model-independent and allows for a direct measurement of CP violation in the Higgs coupling to fermions, which makes it unique among other Higgs CP measurements performed at the LHC. …”
Publicado 2020
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3523por Rauch, Daniel“…Due to its large mass and its couplings to massive bosons and fermions, it has a wide variety of decay channels. …”
Publicado 2020
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3525por Gramstad, Eirik“…SUSY postulates symmetry between fermions and bosons, that is, for every SM particle there is a super partner whose spin differs by ½. …”
Publicado 2008
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3526por Janus, Michel“…Final states with leptons o er a good sensitivity for SUSY models where the coupling to the third generation of fermions is enhanced, e.g. gauge mediated SUSY breaking (GMSB) models, for which the supersymmetric partner of the lepton is the next-to-lightest SUSY particle (NLSP) and its decay to electrons or muons is strongly suppressed. …”
Publicado 2013
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3527por Kiesenhofer, Wolfgang“…It postulates a symmetry between bosons and fermions and thereby provides a mechanism to solve the hierarchyproblem, which is closely related to the stability of the Higgs boson mass. …”
Publicado 2014
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3528por Bugge, Magnar Kopangen“…The $W^*$ boson is a common occurence in theories addressing the unreasonably large radiative corrections to the Higgs boson mass, and differs significantly from the new gauge bosons in its interactions with the SM fermions. We find that new charged bosons are excluded at $95\%$ CL for masses up to $3.28\,\mathrm{TeV}$ in the case of the SSM $W^\prime$ boson and $3.21\,\mathrm{TeV}$ in the case of the $W^*$ reference model. …”
Publicado 2015
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3529por Gilles, Geoffrey“…Several scenarios are considered where the $W'$ boson can couple to left-handed ($W'_{L}$) or right-handed ($W'^{R}$) fermions. A multivariate techniques based on boosted decision trees is used to search for an excess of $W'$ signal process in the recorded data. …”
Publicado 2015
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3530por Kagan, Michael“…Title: Searches for vector-like quarks and resonances decaying into top-quarks with the ATLAS detector at LHC Run I Abstract : In theories beyond the Standard Model (SM) incorporating mechanism to cancel Higgs boson mass divergence, the presence of fermionic top/bottom quark partners, usually referred to as vector-like quarks (VLQs), is often predicted. …”
Publicado 2015
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3531por Meineck, Christian“…The scaling factors of the couplings of the Higgs boson to fermions and bosons have been measured as: \begin{align*} \kappa_{F} &= 0.92\,^{+0.30}_{-0.23}\\ \kappa_{V} &= 1.04\,^{+0.10}_{-0.11}, \end{align*} which is also in good agreement with the Standard Model prediction. …”
Publicado 2015
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3532por Sahin, Mehmet Ozgur“…In this thesis a search for direct pair production of supersymmetric top-quark partners aswell as work on the upgrade of the front-end readout controller of the Hadron Calorimeter(HCAL) of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment are presented.The most appealing extension of the Standard Model (SM) is supersymmetry (SUSY), relating the integer spin (bosons) and half-integer spin elementary particles (fermions). Supersymmetric top-quark partners (t) around and below the TeV energy scale offer a solution to thehierarchy problem. …”
Publicado 2017
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3533por Szalay, Marco“…This experimental program includes the measurement of branching fractions of decays into various fermions and bosons, the coupling to the top quark and the self coupling. …”
Publicado 2018
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3534por Schimmel Brener, Roy“…The benchmark model proposes a leptophobic vector boson, $Z'$, charged under a new $U(1)'$ gauge symmetry which couples to Standard Model quarks and to Dark Matter Dirac fermions. Its interactions with Dark Matter are infinitesimally rare and thus searches involving such mediators primarily focus on their decays to Standard Model particles, identifiable by Large Hadron Collider detectors. …”
Publicado 2021
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3535por Belfkir, Mohamed“…From the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, most of its properties such as mass, spin, production cross-section and its coupling to fermions and bosons have been measured. However, the trilinear self-coupling $\lambda_{HHH}$ of the Higgs boson has not been measured yet. …”
Publicado 2021
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3536por Lawrence, Zak“…Such modifications to the coupling can be probed by studying the Yukawa interaction of the Higgs with fermions. The modification the Lagrangian for the interaction is expressed as $\mathcal{L}_{t\bar{t}H} = -\kappa_{t}' y_t\phi\bar{\psi_t}(\cos\alpha+i\gamma_5\sin\alpha)\psi_t$, where $y_t$ is the SM Yukawa coupling strength, $\kappa_t'$ is the coupling strength modifier, $\alpha$ is the $CP$ mixing angle, $\phi$ the Higgs field and $\psi_t$ & $\bar{\psi_t}$ are the top-quark spinor fields. …”
Publicado 2022
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3537por Dutta, Irene“…A combined fit from all these categories saw a slight excess in the data corresponding to 3.0 standard deviations at $M_{H}$ = 125.38 GeV, and gave the first evidence for the Higgs boson decay to second-generation fermions. The best-fit signal strength and the corresponding 68\% CL interval was found to be $\hat{\mu} = 1.19^{+0.41}_{-0.39}$ $\textrm{(stat)}$ $^{+0.17}_{-0.16}$ $\textrm{(syst)}$ at $M_{H}$ = 125.38 GeV. …”
Publicado 2022
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3538por Baumann, Tobias Opdalshei“…We study three specific realisations of the seesaw mechanism; two with heavy neutrinos that couple to SM bosons with the neutrinos being either Majorana or pseudo-Dirac fermions, and one version of the Left-Right Symmetric Model (LRSM) with heavy Majorana neutrinos. …”
Publicado 2023
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3539por Moran, Dermot“…However the Higgs Mechanism of the Standard Model, which is required to give mass to the elecroweak bosons and the fermions, predicts the existence of a Higgs Boson which has yet to be observed experimentally. …”
Publicado 2011
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3540por Erkoc, Sakir“…HISTORICAL EXPERIMENTS AND THEORIESDates of Important Discoveries and Events Blackbody RadiationPhotoelectrice Effect Quantum Theory of Spectra TheComptone Effect Matterwaves, the de Broglie HypothesisThe Davisson -Germer Experiment Heisenberg's Uncertainity PrincipleDifference Between Particles and Waves Interpretation of the Wavefunction AXIOMATIC STRUCTURE OF QUANTUM MECHANICSThe Necessity of Quantum TheoryFunction Spaces Postulates of Quantum Mechanics The Kronecker Delta and the Dirac Delta Function Dirac Notation OBSERVABLES AND SUPERPOSITIONFree Particle Particle In A Box Ensemble Average Hilbert -Space Interpretation The Initial Square Wave Particle Beam Superposition and Uncertainty Degeneracy of States Commutators and Uncertainty TIME DEVELOPMENT AND CONSERVATION THEOREMSTime Development of State Functions, The Discrete Case The Continuous Case, Wave Packets Particle Beam Gaussian Wave Packet Free Particle Propagator The Limiting Cases of the Gaussian Wave Packets Time Development of Expectation Values Conservation of Energy and MomentumConservation of Parity BOUND AND UNBOUND STATES IN ONE-DIMENSIONOne-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation The Simple Harmonic Oscillator Unbound States One-Dimensional Barrier Problems The Finite Potential Well N-PARTICLE SYSTEMSThe Schrödinger Equation for N-Particle Systems Identical Particles The Pauli Principle; Fermions and Bosons THE SCHRÖDINGER EQUATION IN THREE-DIMENSIONSThe Two-Body Systems Separation of Variables in the Two-Body Systems Rotational Invariance The Schrödinger Equation for Non-Central Potentials ANGULAR MOMENTUMCommutation Relations Raising and Lowering Operators Eigen Solutions of Angular Momentum Operators Kinetic Energy and Angular Momentum THE RADIAL EQUATION FOR FREE AND BOUND PARTICLESThe Radial Schrödinger Equation The Free Particle Three-Dimensional Square Well Potential The Hydrogenatom The Spectra of Hydrogenic Atoms The Virial Theorem INTERACTION OF ELECTRONS WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDMaxwell 's Equations and Gauge Transformations Motion of a Free Electron in a Uniform Magnetic Field Motion of a Bound Electron in a Uniform Magnetic Field The Principal of Gauge Invariance and Flux Quantization MATRIX REPRESENTATIONSMatrix Representations of Wave Functions and OperatorsMatrix Algebra Types of Matrix Representations Harmonic Oscillator in Matrix Representations Matrix Representations of Angular Momentum Operators SPIN AND THE ADDITION OF ANGULAR MOMENTASystems with Spin One-Half The Addition of Angular Momenta TIME-INDEPENDENT PERTURBATION THEORYNondegenerate Perturbation Theory Degenerate Perturbation Theory THE VARIATIONAL METHODThe Variational Principle Linear Variation Functions THE WKB APPROXIMATION Turning Points The Connection Formulas The WKB Approximation to a Potential Well The WKB Approximation to a Potential Barrier TIME-DEPENDENT PERTURBATION THEORYTime -Dependent Schrödinger Equation Time -Dependent Perturbation Approximations Sinusoidal Perturbations Emission and Absorption of Radiation Incoherent Perturbations Selection RulesTHE ADIABATIC APPROXIMATIONThe Adiabatic Processes The Adiabatic TheoremNonholonomic Processes Experimental Evidences of Nonholonomic Processes PATH-INTEGRATION METHODAn Approximation to Time -Evolution for a Free Particle Path Integral Evaluation of the Free Particle Propagator Equivalence to the Schrödinger Equation SCATTERING THEORYClassical Scattering TheoryCenter-of-Mass and Laboratory Frames Quantum Scattering Theory The Method of Partial waves (Low -Energy Case)Expansion of a Plane Wave into Spherical Waves Expansion of the Scattering Amplitude Scattering from a Delta Potential Scattering from a Square -Well Potential Scattering from a Hardsphere Scattering of Identical Particles Energy Dependence and Resonance Scattering The Lippman-Schwinger Equation (High-Energy Case)The Greens Function for the Scattering Problem Born Approximation INELASTIC SCATTERING Bibliography and References 409Appendix 413Index 417.…”
Publicado 2006
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