981por Abbiendi, G., Ackerstaff, K., Alexander, G., Allison, John, Anderson, K.J., Anderson, S., Arcelli, S., Asai, S., Ashby, S.F., Axen, D., Azuelos, G., Ball, A.H., Barberio, E., Barlow, Roger J., Batley, J.R., Baumann, S., Bechtluft, J., Behnke, T., Bell, Kenneth Watson, Bella, G., Bellerive, A., Bentvelsen, S., Bethke, S., Betts, S., Biebel, O., Biguzzi, A., Bloodworth, I.J., Bock, P., Bohme, J., Boeriu, O., Bonacorsi, D., Boutemeur, M., Braibant, S., Bright-Thomas, P., Brigliadori, L., Brown, Robert M., Burckhart, H.J., Capiluppi, P., Carnegie, R.K., Carter, A.A., Carter, J.R., Chang, C.Y., Charlton, David G., Chrisman, D., Ciocca, C., Clarke, P.E.L., Clay, E., Cohen, I., Conboy, J.E., Cooke, O.C., Couchman, J., Couyoumtzelis, C., Coxe, R.L., Cuffiani, M., Dado, S., Dallavalle, G.Marco, Dallison, S., Davis, R., De Jong, S., de Roeck, A., Dervan, P., Desch, K., Dienes, B., Dixit, M.S., Donkers, M., Dubbert, J., Duchovni, E., Duckeck, G., Duerdoth, I.P., Estabrooks, P.G., Etzion, E., Fabbri, F., Fanfani, A., Fanti, M., Faust, A.A., Feld, L., Ferrari, P., Fiedler, F., Fierro, M., Fleck, I., Frey, A., Furtjes, A., Futyan, D.I., Gagnon, P., Gary, J.W., Gaycken, G., Geich-Gimbel, C., Giacomelli, G., Giacomelli, P., Gibson, W.R., Gingrich, D.M., Glenzinski, D., Goldberg, J., Gorn, W., Grandi, C., Graham, K., Gross, E., Grunhaus, J., Gruwe, M., Hajdu, C., Hanson, G.G., Hansroul, M., Hapke, M., Harder, K., Harel, A., Hargrove, C.K., Harin-Dirac, M., Hauschild, M., Hawkes, C.M., Hawkings, R., Hemingway, R.J., Herten, G., Heuer, R.D., Hildreth, M.D., Hill, J.C., Hobson, P.R., Hocker, James Andrew, Hoffman, Kara Dion, Homer, R.J., Honma, A.K., Horvath, D., Hossain, K.R., Howard, R., Huntemeyer, P., Igo-Kemenes, P., Imrie, D.C., Ishii, K., Jacob, F.R., Jawahery, A., Jeremie, H., Jimack, M., Jones, C.R., Jovanovic, P., Junk, T.R., Kanaya, N., Kanzaki, J., Karlen, D., Kartvelishvili, V., Kawagoe, K., Kawamoto, T., Kayal, P.I., Keeler, R.K., Kellogg, R.G., Kennedy, B.W., Kim, D.H., Klier, A., Kobayashi, T., Kobel, M., Kokott, T.P., Kolrep, M., Komamiya, S., Kowalewski, Robert V., Kress, T., Krieger, P., von Krogh, J., Kuhl, T., Kyberd, P., Lafferty, G.D., Landsman, H., Lanske, D., Lauber, J., Lawson, I., Layter, J.G., Lellouch, D., Letts, J., Levinson, L., Liebisch, R., Lillich, J., List, B., Littlewood, C., Lloyd, A.W., Lloyd, S.L., Loebinger, F.K., Long, G.D., Losty, M.J., Lu, J., Ludwig, J., Lui, D., Macchiolo, A., Macpherson, A., Mader, W., Mannelli, M., Marcellini, S., Marchant, T.E., Martin, A.J., Martin, J.P., Martinez, G., Mashimo, T., Mattig, Peter, McDonald, W.John, McKenna, J., Mckigney, E.A., McMahon, T.J., McPherson, R.A., Meijers, F., Mendez-Lorenzo, P., Merritt, F.S., Mes, H., Meyer, I., Michelini, A., Mihara, S., Mikenberg, G., Miller, D.J., Mohr, W., Montanari, A., Mori, T., Nagai, K., Nakamura, I., Neal, H.A., Nisius, R., O'Neale, S.W., Oakham, F.G., Odorici, F., Ogren, H.O., Okpara, A., Oreglia, M.J., Orito, S., Pasztor, G., Pater, J.R., Patrick, G.N., Patt, J., Perez-Ochoa, R., Petzold, S., Pfeifenschneider, P., Pilcher, J.E., Pinfold, J., Plane, David E., Poffenberger, P., Poli, B., Polok, J., Przybycien, M., Quadt, A., Rembser, C., Rick, H., Robertson, S., Robins, S.A., Rodning, N., Roney, J.M., Rosati, S., Roscoe, K., Rossi, A.M., Rozen, Y., Runge, K., Runolfsson, O., Rust, D.R., Sachs, K., Saeki, T., Sahr, O., Sang, W.M., Sarkisian, E.K.G., Sbarra, C., Schaile, A.D., Schaile, O., Scharff-Hansen, P., Schieck, J., Schmitt, S., Schoning, A., Schroder, Matthias, Schumacher, M., Schwick, C., Scott, W.G., Seuster, R., Shears, T.G., Shen, B.C., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H., Sherwood, P., Siroli, G.P., Skuja, A., Smith, A.M., Snow, G.A., Sobie, R., Soldner-Rembold, S., Spagnolo, S., Sproston, M., Stahl, A., Stephens, K., Stoll, K., Strom, David M., Strohmer, R., Surrow, B., Talbot, S.D., Taras, P., Tarem, S., Teuscher, R., Thiergen, M., Thomas, J., Thomson, M.A., Torrence, E., Towers, S., Trefzger, T., Trigger, I., Trocsanyi, Z., Tsur, E., Turner-Watson, M.F., Ueda, I., Van Kooten, Rick J., Vannerem, P., Verzocchi, M., Voss, H., Wackerle, F., Wagner, A., Waller, D., Ward, C.P., Ward, D.R., Watkins, P.M., Watson, A.T., Watson, N.K., Wells, P.S., Wermes, N., Wetterling, D., White, J.S., Wilson, G.W., Wilson, J.A., Wyatt, T.R., Yamashita, S., Zacek, V., Zer-Zion, D.“…The results are used to measure the energy dependence of the electromagnetic coupling constant alpha_em, and to place limits on new physics as described by four-fermion contact interactions or by the exchange of a new heavy particle such as a sneutrino in supersymmetric theories with R-parity violation. …”
Publicado 1999
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982“…WPHACT 2.0 is the new fully massive version of a MC program and unweighted event generator which computes all Standard Model processes with four fermions in the final state at e**+ e**- colliders. …”
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983“…A search for WW decay of a Higgs boson produced in association with a fermion pair via the Higgs-strahlung or boson-fusion diagram is performed with the data collected by the ALEPH detector in years 1999 and 2000. …”
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988por Schael, S., Barate, R., Bruneliere, R., De Bonis, I., Decamp, D., Goy, C., Jezequel, S., Lees, J.-P., Martin, F., Merle, E., Minard, M.-N., Pietrzyk, B., Trocme, B., Bravo, S., Casado, M.P., Chmeissani, M., Crespo, J.M., Fernandez, E., Fernandez-Bosman, M., Garrido, Ll., Martinez, M., Pacheco, A., Ruiz, H., Colaleo, A., Creanza, D., De Filippis, N., de Palma, M., Iaselli, G., Maggi, G., Maggi, M., Nuzzo, S., Ranieri, A., Raso, G., Ruggieri, F., Selvaggi, G., Silvestris, L., Tempesta, P., Tricomi, A., Zito, G., Huang, X., Lin, J., Ouyang, Q., Wang, T., Xie, Y., Xu, R., Xue, S., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhao, W., Abbaneo, D., Barklow, T., Buchmuller, O., Cattaneo, M., Clerbaux, B., Drevermann, H., Forty, R.W., Frank, M., Gianotti, F., Hansen, J.B., Harvey, J., Hutchcroft, D.E., Janot, P., Jost, B., Kado, M., Mato, P., Moutoussi, A., Ranjard, F., Rolandi, L., Schlatter, D., Teubert, F., Valassi, A., Videau, I., Badaud, F., Dessagne, S., Falvard, A., Fayolle, D., Gay, P., Jousset, J., Michel, B., Monteil, S., Pallin, D., Pascolo, J.M., Perret, P., Hansen, J.D., Hansen, J.R., Hansen, P.H., Kraan, A.C., Nilsson, B.S., Kyriakis, A., Markou, C., Simopoulou, E., Vayaki, A., Zachariadou, K., Blondel, A., Brient, J.-C., Machefert, F., Rouge, A., Videau, H., Ciulli, V., Focardi, E., Parrini, G., Antonelli, A., Antonelli, M., Bencivenni, G., Bossi, F., Capon, G., Cerutti, F., Chiarella, V., Laurelli, P., Mannocchi, G., Murtas, G.P., Passalacqua, L., Kennedy, J., Lynch, J.G., Negus, P., O'Shea, V., Thompson, A.S., Wasserbaech, S., Cavanaugh, R., Dhamotharan, S., Geweniger, C., Hanke, P., Hepp, V., Kluge, E.E., Putzer, A., Stenzel, H., Tittel, K., Wunsch, M., Rutherford, S.A., Sedgbeer, J.K., Thompson, J.C., White, R., Ghete, V.M., Girtler, P., Kneringer, E., Kuhn, D., Rudolph, G., Bouhova-Thacker, E., Bowdery, C.K., Clarke, D.P., Ellis, G., Finch, A.J., Foster, F., Hughes, G., Jones, R.W.L., Pearson, M.R., Robertson, N.A., Smizanska, M., van der Aa, O., Delaere, C., Leibenguth, G., Lemaitre, V., Blumenschein, U., Holldorfer, F., Jakobs, K., Kayser, F., Muller, A.-S., Quast, G., Renk, B., Sander, H.-G., Schmeling, S., Wachsmuth, H., Zeitnitz, C., Ziegler, T., Bonissent, A., Coyle, P., Curtil, C., Ealet, A., Fouchez, D., Payre, P., Tilquin, A., Ragusa, F., David, A., Dietl, H., Ganis, G., Huttmann, K., Lutjens, G., Manner, W., Moser, H.-G., Settles, R., Villegas, M., Wolf, G., Boucrot, J., Callot, O., Davier, M., Duflot, L., Grivaz, J.-F., Heusse, Ph., Jacholkowska, A., Serin, L., Veillet, J.-J., Azzurri, P., Bagliesi, Giuseppe, Boccali, T., Foa, L., Giammanco, A., Giassi, A., Ligabue, F., Messineo, A., Palla, F., Sanguinetti, G., Sciaba, A., Sguazzoni, G., Spagnolo, P., Tenchini, R., Venturi, A., Verdini, P.G., Awunor, O., Blair, G.A., Cowan, G., Garcia-Bellido, A., Green, M.G., Medcalf, T., Misiejuk, A., Strong, J.A., Teixeira-Dias, P., Clifft, R.W., Edgecock, T.R., Norton, P.R., Tomalin, I.R., Ward, J.J., Bloch-Devaux, Brigitte, Boumediene, D., Colas, P., Fabbro, B., Lancon, E., Lemaire, M.-C., Locci, E., Perez, P., Rander, J., Tuchming, B., Vallage, B., Litke, A.M., Taylor, G., Booth, C.N., Cartwright, S., Combley, F., Hodgson, P.N., Lehto, M., Thompson, L.F., Bohrer, A., Brandt, S., Grupen, C., Hess, J., Ngac, A., Prange, G., Borean, C., Giannini, G., He, H., Putz, J., Rothberg, J., Armstrong, S.R., Berkelman, K., Cranmer, K., Ferguson, D.P.S., Gao, Y., Gonzalez, S., Hayes, O.J., Hu, H., Jin, S., Kile, J., McNamara, P.A., III, Nielsen, J., Pan, Y.B., von Wimmersperg-Toeller, J.H., Wiedenmann, W., Wu, J., Wu, Sau Lan, Wu, X., Zobernig, G., USA, Dissertori, G.“…Cross sections, angular distributions and forward-backward asymmetries are presented, of two-fermion events produced in e+e- collisions at centre-of-mass energies from 189 to 209 GeV at LEP, measured with the ALEPH detector. …”
Publicado 2006
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993por Jiang, W. B., Yang, L., Guo, C. Y., Hu, Z., Lee, J. M., Smidman, M., Wang, Y. F., Shang, T., Cheng, Z. W., Gao, F., Ishii, H., Tsuei, K. D., Liao, Y. F., Lu, X., Tjeng, L. H., Chen, J. M., Yuan, H. Q.“…These demonstrate a crossover upon reducing the unit cell volume, from an intermediate valence state in Yb(2)Ni(12)As(7) to a heavy-fermion paramagnetic state in Yb(2)Ni(12)P(7), where the Yb is nearly trivalent. …”
Publicado 2015
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Online Artículo Texto -
994“…Ultracold fermionic gases in optical lattices give a great opportunity for creating different types of novel states. …”
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Online Artículo Texto -
995por Giannakis, Ioannis, Leshen, Justin, Kavai, Mariam, Ran, Sheng, Kang, Chang-Jong, Saha, Shanta R., Zhao, Y., Xu, Z., Lynn, J. W., Miao, Lin, Wray, L. Andrew, Kotliar, Gabriel, Butch, Nicholas P., Aynajian, Pegor“…Novel electronic phenomena frequently form in heavy-fermions because of the mutual localized and itinerant nature of f-electrons. …”
Publicado 2019
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Online Artículo Texto -
996“…Our model comprises a half-filled fermionic Hubbard chain subject to a constant electric field. …”
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Online Artículo Texto -
997por Greenaway, M. T., Kumaravadivel, P., Wengraf, J., Ponomarenko, L. A., Berdyugin, A. I., Li, J., Edgar, J. H., Kumar, R. Krishna, Geim, A. K., Eaves, L.“…They offer avenues for research on out-of-equilibrium phenomena in other two-dimensional fermion systems.…”
Publicado 2021
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999por Zhu, Zheyi, Kim, Stephan, Lei, Shiming, Schoop, Leslie M., Cava, R. J., Ong, N. P.Enlace del recurso
Publicado 2022
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1000por Bratt, J.D., Edwards, R.G., Engelhardt, M., Hagler, Ph., Lin, H.W., Lin, M.F., Meyer, H.B., Musch, B., Negele, J.W., Orginos, K., Pochinsky, A.V., Procura, M., Richards, D.G., Schroers, W., Syritsyn, S.N.“…We present high statistics results for the structure of the nucleon from a mixed-action calculation using 2+1 flavors of asqtad sea and domain wall valence fermions. We perform extrapolations of our data based on different chiral effective field theory schemes and compare our results with available information from phenomenology. …”
Publicado 2010
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