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Hacienda pública
3041Publicado 2000“…(Report from the TREF restricted group). The Finance Committee is invited to recommend to Council to approve the funding proposal outlined in the present document with the corresponding modifications of the budget estimates proposed with the June 2000 Medium-Term Plan.…”
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3042Publicado 2001“…For the reasons set out in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a project agreement with ISTC for a total amount of 775 000 US dollars. …”
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3043Publicado 2002“…At its meeting on 14 March 2001 the Finance Committee requested the preparation of a document outlining the strategy for future procurement of electronics for the LHC experiments. …”
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3044Publicado 2002“…For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to approve an increase of 730 408 Swiss francs in the authorised amount for an existing contract with the company STORAGETEK (CH) for the supply of upgraded automated magnetic tape drives, bringing the total authorised amount from 2 206 563 Swiss francs to 2 936 971 Swiss francs, not subject to revision. …”
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3045Publicado 2003“…For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of an amendment to the contract for the two end-cap toroids with RUTHERFORD APPLETON LABORATORY (RAL) (GB) for an extension of the scope of work for an amount exceeding the previously approved amount of 13 346 700 Swiss francs, subject to revision for inflation, bringing the total contract amount to 15 446 700 Swiss francs, subject to revision for inflation. …”
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3046Publicado 2003“…This document concerns the renewal of a blanket purchase contract for the supply and maintenance of VME single-board computers for the LHC and its injectors. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of the renewal of a blanket purchase contract with CREATIVE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (CH), without competitive tendering, for the supply and maintenance of VME single-board computers for an estimated total amount not exceeding 2 500 000 Swiss francs for the period 2004-2006. …”
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3047Publicado 2003“…For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract, without competitive tendering, with the firm SIEMENS (CH), for the supply of 1388 digital valve positioners for the cryogenic helium distribution line for a total amount of 1 063 000 euros (1 654 028 Swiss francs), not subject to revision. …”
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3048Publicado 2003“…For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to approve an amendment to the existing contract for the supply and installation of pipelines for the LHC accelerator tunnel with the firm RENCO (IT) for an amount exceeding the previously approved amount of 21 995 304 Swiss francs by up to 5 000 000 Swiss francs, not subject to revision, bringing the total contract amount to a maximum amount of 26 995 304 Swiss francs, not subject to revision. …”
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3049Publicado 2003“…By the closing date, CERN had received five tenders from four firms and one consortium. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract with CIB (CH), the lowest bidder, for the wood construction work for the Globe of Innovation project for an estimated amount not exceeding 820 000 Swiss francs, not subject to revision. …”
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3050Publicado 2004“…The total amount will be financed by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) of the Government of India. …”
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3051Publicado 2004“…This document concerns the award of a blanket contract for the supply of microprocessor-based protection and control devices for the CERN HV distribution network. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a blanket order contract with SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC (PT), the lowest technically acceptable bidder after realignment, for the supply of microprocessor-based protection and control devices for the CERN HV distribution network for a total amount of 1 900 000 euros (2 924 128 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation after 1 January 2007. …”
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3052Publicado 2005“…For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to approve amendments to the existing contract for the supply, installation and modification of air-handling systems for the LHC with AMEC SPIE (DE) for a total amount not exceeding 2 563 080 euros (3 900 000 Swiss francs), not subject to revision, bringing the total contract amount to a maximum of 10 785 570 euros (16 411 390 Swiss francs), not subject to revision. …”
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3053Publicado 2005“…For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to approve an amendment to an existing contract with the firm ALSTOM (FR) for the supply of an additional 1 270 km of superconducting wire (Types 1 and 2) for an amount of 257 549 euros (402 679 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation, bringing the total to a maximum amount of 2 814 170 euros (4 399 955 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation. …”
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3054Publicado 2005“…For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to approve an amendment to an existing contract with JEHIER (FR) for the supply of an additional 2 420 MLI blankets for an amount of 1 863 400 euros (2 909 513 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation, bringing the total to a maximum amount of 7 934 359 euros (12 388 708 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation. …”
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3055Publicado 2005“…For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to approve an amendment to an existing contract with the firm ACCEL (DE) for the supply of four additional MQY-type superconducting quadrupole magnets for an amount of 569 000 euros (881 950 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation, bringing the total to a maximum amount of up to 3 198 656 euros (4 957 917 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation. …”
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3056Publicado 2005“…For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to approve amendments to the existing contract with the firm INIZIATIVE INDUSTRIALI (IT) for the supply of additional steel structures for the LHC shafts, tunnels, caverns and experimental areas for an amount of 500 000 euros (775 000 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation, bringing the total to 6 525 745 euros (10 114 905 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation. …”
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3057Publicado 2005“…The Finance Committee is invited to recommend the Council, and the Council is invited to approve, the proposal set out in paragraph 3.1 of this document allowing the Director-General to retain the services of a few staff members with their consent beyond the age of 65 where the interests of the Organization so require. …”
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3058Publicado 2005“…This document concerns the award of a blanket purchase contract for the supply of high performance ten-Gigabit Ethernet routers for the LHC. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a blanket purchase contract with the consortium T-SYSTEMS (DE) â?" …”
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3059Publicado 2005“…For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to approve an amendment to an existing contract with SLOVENSKE ENERGETICKE STROJARNE (SK) for the supply of 25 additional vacuum vessels for the short-straight sections for the LHC for an amount of 140 000 euros (216 999 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation, bringing the total to a maximum amount of 6 176 855 euros (9 574 097 Swiss francs), subject to revision for inflation. …”
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3060Publicado 2005“…For the reasons explained in this document, the Finance Committee is invited to approve the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, with DAUPHELEC (FR) for the electrical and pneumatic installation of the service modules of the cryogenic distribution line (QRL) for the LHC in the sector 7-8 (in the framework of the re-installation of this sector by CERN) as well as for completion of valve cabling in all sectors for a total amount of 178 015 euros (268 000 Swiss francs), not subject to revision. 2005/101/5/e…”
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