2342por Akers, R J, Alexander, Gideon, Allison, J, Anderson, K J, Arcelli, S, Asai, S, Astbury, Alan, Axen, D A, Azuelos, Georges, Ball, A H, Barberio, E, Barlow, R J, Bartoldus, R, Batley, J Richard, Beaudoin, G, Beck, A, Beck, G A, Becker, J, Beeston, C, Behnke, T, Bell, K W, Bella, G, Bentkowski, P, Bentvelsen, Stanislaus Cornelius Maria, Berlich, P, Bethke, Siegfried, Biebel, O, Bloodworth, Ian J, Bock, P, Bosch, H M, Boutemeur, M, Braibant, S, Bright-Thomas, P G, Brown, R M, Buijs, A, Burckhart, Helfried J, Burgard, C, Capiluppi, P, Carnegie, R K, Carter, A A, Carter, J R, Chang, C Y, Charlesworth, C, Charlton, D G, Chu, S L, Clarke, P E L, Clayton, J C, Clowes, S G, Cohen, I, Conboy, J E, Coupland, M, Cuffiani, M, Dado, S, Dallapiccola, C, Dallavalle, G M, Darling, C L, De Jong, S, Deng, H, Dittmar, Michael, Dixit, M S, do Couto e Silva, E, Duboscq, J E, Duchovni, E, Duckeck, G, Duerdoth, I P, Dunwoody, U C, Elcombe, P A, Estabrooks, P G, Etzion, E, Evans, H G, Fabbri, Franco Luigi, Fabbro, B, Fanti, M, Fierro, M, Fincke-Keeler, Margret, Fischer, H M, Fischer, P, Folman, R, Fong, D G, Foucher, M, Fukui, H, Fürtjes, A, Gagnon, P, Gaidot, A, Gary, J W, Gascon, J, Geddes, N I, Geich-Gimbel, C, Gensler, S W, Gentit, F X, Geralis, T, Giacomelli, G, Giacomelli, P, Giacomelli, R, Gibson, V, Gibson, W R, Gillies, James D, Goldberg, J, Gingrich, D M, Goodrick, M J, Gorn, W, Grandi, C, Grannis, P D, Gross, E, Hagemann, J, Hanson, G G, Hansroul, M, Hargrove, C K, Hart, J, Hart, P A, Hauschild, M, Hawkes, C M, Heflin, E, Hemingway, Richard J, Herten, G, Heuer, R D, Hill, J C, Hillier, S J, Hilse, T, Hinshaw, D A, Hobson, P R, Hochman, D, Höcker, A, Homer, R James, Honma, A K, Hughes-Jones, R E, Humbert, R, Igo-Kemenes, P, Ihssen, H, Imrie, D C, Jawahery, A, Jeffreys, P W, Jeremie, H, Jimack, Martin Paul, Jones, M, Jones, R W L, Jovanovic, P, Jui, C, Karlen, D A, Kawagoe, K, Kawamoto, T, Keeler, Richard K, Kellogg, R G, Kennedy, B W, King, B J, King, J, Kluth, S, Kobayashi, T, Kobel, M, Koetke, D S, Kokott, T P, Komamiya, S, Kowalewski, R V, Howard, R, Krieger, P, Von Krogh, J, Kyberd, P, Lafferty, G D, Lafoux, H, Lahmann, R, Lauber, J, Layter, J G, Leblanc, P, Le Dû, P, Lee, A M, Lefebvre, E, Lehto, M H, Lellouch, Daniel, Leroy, C, Letts, J, Levinson, L, Li, Z, Liu, F, Lloyd, S L, Loebinger, F K, Long, G D, Lorazo, B, Losty, Michael J, Lou, X C, Ludwig, J, Luig, A, Mannelli, M, Marcellini, S, Markus, C, Martin, A J, Martin, J P, Mashimo, T, Mättig, P, Maur, U, McKenna, J A, McMahon, T J, McNab, A I, McNutt, J R, Meijers, F, Merritt, F S, Mes, H, Michelini, Aldo, Middleton, R P, Mikenberg, G, Mildenberger, J L, Miller, D J, Mir, R, Mohr, W, Moisan, C, Montanari, A, Mori, T, Morii, M, Müller, U, Nellen, B, Nijjhar, B, O'Neale, S W, Oakham, F G, Odorici, F, Ögren, H O, Oram, C J, Oreglia, M J, Orito, S, Pansart, J P, Patrick, G N, Pearce, M J, Pfister, P, Phillips, P D, Pilcher, J E, Pinfold, J L, Pitman, D, Plane, D E, Poffenberger, P R, Poli, B, Posthaus, A, Pritchard, T W, Przysiezniak, H, Redmond, M W, Rees, D L, Rigby, D, Rison, M, Robins, S A, Robinson, D, Roney, J M, Ros, E, Rossberg, S, Rossi, A M, Rosvick, M, Routenburg, P, Rozen, Y, Runge, K, Runólfsson, O, Rust, D R, Sasaki, M, Sbarra, C, Schaile, A D, Schaile, O, Scharf, F, Scharff-Hansen, P, Schenk, P, Schmitt, B, von der Schmitt, H, Schröder, M, Schultz-Coulon, H C, Schütz, P, Schulz, M, Schwick, C, Schwiening, J, Scott, W G, Settles, M, Shears, T G, Shen, B C, Shepherd-Themistocleous, C H, Sherwood, P, Siroli, G P, Skillman, A, Skuja, A, Smith, A M, Smith, T J, Snow, G A, Sobie, Randall J, Springer, R W, Sproston, M, Stahl, A, Stegmann, C, Stephens, K, Steuerer, J, Stockhausen, B, Ströhmer, R, Strom, D, Szymanski, P, Takeda, H, Takeshita, T, Tarem, S, Tecchio, M, Teixeira-Dias, P, Tesch, N, Thomson, M A, Towers, S, Tsukamoto, T, Turner-Watson, M F, Van den Plas, D, Van Kooten, R, Vasseur, G, Vincter, M G, Wagner, A, Wagner, D L, Ward, C P, Ward, D R, Ward, J J, Watkins, P M, Watson, A T, Watson, N K, Weber, P, Wells, P S, Wermes, N, Wilkens, B, Wilson, G W, Wilson, J A, Winterer, V H, Wlodek, T, Wolf, G, Wotton, S A, Wyatt, T R, Yeaman, A, Yekutieli, G, Yurko, M, Zeuner, W, Zorn, G TEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1994
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2343por Aguilar-Arevalo, A., Aoki, M., Blecher, M., Britton, D.I., vom Bruch, D., Bryman, D.A., Chen, S., Comfort, J., Doria, L., Cuen-Rochin, S., Gumplinger, P., Hussein, A., Igarashi, Y., Ito, S., Kettell, S.H., Kurchaninov, L., Littenberg, L.S., Malbrunot, C., Mischke, R.E., Numao, T., Protopopescu, D., Sher, A., Sullivan, T., Vavilov, D.“…In the present work of the PIENU experiment, heavy neutrinos were sought in pion decays π+→μ+ν at rest by examining the observed muon energy spectrum for extra peaks in addition to the expected peak for a light neutrino. …”
Publicado 2019
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2347“…The MiniBooNE experiment has observed a significant excess of electron neutrinos in a muon neutrino beam, in conflict with standard neutrino oscillations. …”
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2349por Beyer, R, Büsser, F W, Capone, A, Cocco, A G, De Pedis, D, Di Capua, E, Dore, U, Ereditato, A, Favart, D, Fiorillo, G, Flegel, Wilfried, Foos, C, Frenkel-Rambaldi, A, Gerland, L, Gorbunov, P, Grégoire, G, Grigoriev, E A, Khovanskii, V D, Knoops, E, Layda, T, Lemaître, V, Lippich, W, Loverre, P F, Macina, Daniela, Maslennikov, A M, Mouthuy, T, Nathaniel, A, Niebergall, F, Øverås, H, Palladino, Vittorio, Panman, J, Piredda, G, Rädel, G, Rozanov, A N, Santacesaria, R, Stähelin, P, Staude, A, Strolin, P, Vilain, P, Vogt, J, Voss, T, Wilquet, G, Winter, Klaus, Zacek, G, Zacek, V, Akkus, B, Arik, E, Hiller, K, Nahnhauer, R, Ricciardi, S, Roloff, H E, Saitta, B, Serin-Zeyrek, M, Sever, R, Tolun, PEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1994
2352por Smith, W H, Kinnel, T, Sandler, P H, Arroyo, C G, Bachmann, K T, Bazarko, A O, Bolton, T, Foudas, C, King, B J, Lefmann, W C, Leung, W C, Mishra, S R, Oltman, E, Quintas, P Z, Rabinowitz, S A, Sciulli, F J, Seligman, W G, Shaevitz, M H, Merritt, F S, Oreglia, M J, Schumm, B A, Bernstein, R H, Borcherding, F O, Fisk, H E, Lamm, M J, Marsh, W, Merritt, K W B, Schellman, H M, Yovanovitch, D D, Bodek, Arie, Budd, H S, De Barbaro, P, Sakumoto, W KEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1994
2353por Papadopoulou, A., Ashkenazi, A., Gardiner, S., Betancourt, M., Dytman, S., Weinstein, L.B., Piasetzky, E., Hauenstein, F., Khachatryan, M., Dolan, S., Megias, G., Hen, O.“…The extraction of neutrino mixing parameters from accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiments relies on proper modeling of neutrino-nucleus scattering processes using neutrino-interaction event generators. …”
Publicado 2020
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2354“…This is done using a numerical random scan imposing successively the neutrino mass and mixing, relic density, Higgs mass, direct detection, collider and LFV constraints. …”
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2355“…We explore the sensitivity of displaced vertex searches at LHCb for testing sterile neutrino extensions of the Standard Model towards explaining the observed neutrino masses. …”
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