3681por Acciarri, M, Adriani, O, Aguilar-Benítez, M, Ahlen, S P, Alcaraz, J, Alemanni, G, Allaby, James V, Aloisio, A, Alviggi, M G, Ambrosi, G, Anderhub, H, Andreev, V P, Angelescu, T, Anselmo, F, Arefev, A, Azemoon, T, Aziz, T, Bagnaia, P, Baksay, L, Ball, R C, Banerjee, S, Banerjee, Sw, Banicz, K, Barczyk, A, Barillère, R, Barone, L, Bartalini, P, Baschirotto, A, Basile, M, Battiston, R, Bay, A, Becattini, F, Becker, U, Behner, F, Berdugo, J, Berges, P, Bertucci, B, Betev, B L, Bhattacharya, S, Biasini, M, Biland, A, Bilei, G M, Bizzarri, R, Blaising, J J, Blyth, S C, Bobbink, Gerjan J, Böck, R K, Böhm, A, Boldizsar, L, Borgia, B, Bourilkov, D, Bourquin, Maurice, Boutigny, D, Braccini, S, Branson, J G, Brigljevic, V, Brock, I C, Buffini, A, Buijs, A, Burger, J D, Burger, W J, Busenitz, J K, Cai, X D, Campanelli, M, Capell, M, Cara Romeo, G, Carlino, G, Cartacci, A M, Casaus, J, Castellini, G, Cavallari, F, Cavallo, N, Cecchi, C, Cerrada-Canales, M, Cesaroni, F, Chamizo-Llatas, M, Chang, Y H, Chaturvedi, U K, Chekanov, S V, Chemarin, M, Chen, A, Chen, G, Chen, G M, Chen, H F, Chen, H S, Chen, M, Chiefari, G, Chien, C Y, Cifarelli, Luisa, Cindolo, F, Civinini, C, Clare, I, Clare, R, Cohn, H O, Coignet, G, Colijn, A P, Colino, N, Costantini, S, Cotorobai, F, de la Cruz, B, Csilling, Akos, Dai, T S, D'Alessandro, R, De Asmundis, R, Degré, A, Deiters, K, Denes, P, De Notaristefani, F, DiBitonto, Daryl, Diemoz, M, Van Dierendonck, D N, Di Lodovico, F, Dionisi, C, Dittmar, Michael, Dominguez, A, Doria, A, Dova, M T, Drago, E, Duchesneau, D, Duinker, P, Durán, I, Dutta, S, Easo, S, Efremenko, Yu V, El-Mamouni, H, Engler, A, Eppling, F J, Erné, F C, Ernenwein, J P, Extermann, Pierre, Fabre, M, Faccini, R, Falciano, S, Favara, A, Fay, J, Fedin, O, Felcini, Marta, Fenyi, B, Ferguson, T, Ferroni, F, Fesefeldt, H S, Fiandrini, E, Field, J H, Filthaut, Frank, Fisher, P H, Fisk, I, Forconi, G, Fredj, L, Freudenreich, Klaus, Furetta, C, Galaktionov, Yu, Ganguli, S N, García-Abia, P, Gau, S S, Gentile, S, Gerald, J, Gheordanescu, N, Giagu, S, Goldfarb, S, Goldstein, J, Gong, Z F, Gougas, Andreas, Gratta, Giorgio, Grünewald, M W, Gupta, V K, Gurtu, A, Gutay, L J, Haas, D, Hartmann, B, Hasan, A, Hatzifotiadou, D, Hebbeker, T, Hervé, A, Hirschfelder, J, Van Hoek, W C, Hofer, H, Hoorani, H, Hou, S R, Hu, G, Innocente, Vincenzo, Jenkes, K, Jin, B N, Jones, L W, de Jong, P, Josa-Mutuberria, I, Kasser, A, Khan, R A, Kamrad, D, Kamyshkov, Yu A, Kapustinsky, J S, Karyotakis, Yu, Kaur, M, Kienzle-Focacci, M N, Kim, D, Kim, D H, Kim, J K, Kim, S C, Kinnison, W W, Kirkby, A, Kirkby, D, Kirkby, Jasper, Kiss, D, Kittel, E W, Klimentov, A, König, A C, Kopp, A, Korolko, I, Koutsenko, V F, Krämer, R W, Krenz, W, Kunin, A, Lacentre, P E, Ladrón de Guevara, P, Landi, G, Lapoint, C, Lassila-Perini, K M, Laurikainen, P, Lavorato, A, Lebeau, M, Lebedev, A, Lebrun, P, Lecomte, P, Lecoq, P, Le Coultre, P, Lee, H J, Leggett, C, Le Goff, J M, Leiste, R, Leonardi, E, Levchenko, P M, Li Chuan, Lin, C H, Lin, W T, Linde, Frank L, Lista, L, Liu, Z A, Lohmann, W, Longo, E, Lu, W, Lü, Y S, Lübelsmeyer, K, Luci, C, Luckey, D, Luminari, L, Lustermann, W, Ma Wen Gan, Maity, M, Majumder, G, Malgeri, L, Malinin, A, Maña, C, Mangeol, D J J, Mangla, S, Marchesini, P A, Marin, A, Martin, J P, Marzano, F, Massaro, G G G, McNally, D, Mele, S, Merola, L, Meschini, M, Metzger, W J, Von der Mey, M, Mi, Y, Migani, D, Mihul, A, Van Mil, A J W, Milcent, H, Mirabelli, G, Mnich, J, Molnár, P, Monteleoni, B, Moore, R, Moulik, T, Mount, R, Muheim, F, Muijs, A J M, Nahn, S, Napolitano, M, Nessi-Tedaldi, F, Newman, H, Niessen, T, Nippe, A, Nisati, A, Nowak, H, Oh, Yu D, Opitz, H, Organtini, G, Ostonen, R, Palit, S, Palomares, C, Pandoulas, D, Paoletti, S, Paolucci, P, Park, H K, Park, I H, Pascale, G, Passaleva, G, Patricelli, S, Paul, T, Pauluzzi, M, Paus, C, Pauss, Felicitas, Peach, D, Pei, Y J, Pensotti, S, Perret-Gallix, D, Petersen, B, Petrak, S, Pevsner, A, Piccolo, D, Pieri, M, Piroué, P A, Pistolesi, E, Plyaskin, V, Pohl, M, Pozhidaev, V, Postema, H, Produit, N, Prokofev, D, Prokofiev, D O, Quartieri, J, Rahal-Callot, G, Raja, N, Rancoita, P G, Rattaggi, M, Raven, G, Razis, P A, Read, K, Ren, D, Rescigno, M, Reucroft, S, Van Rhee, T, Riemann, S, Riles, K, Rind, O, Robohm, A, Rodin, J, Roe, B P, Romero, L, Rosier-Lees, S, Rosselet, P, Van Rossum, W, Roth, S, Rubio, Juan Antonio, Ruschmeier, D, Rykaczewski, H, Salicio, J, Sánchez, E, Sanders, M P, Sarakinos, M E, Sarkar, S, Sauvage, G, Schäfer, C, Shchegelskii, V, Schmidt-Kärst, S, Schmitz, D, Schneegans, M, Scholz, N, Schopper, Herwig Franz, Schotanus, D J, Schwenke, J, Schwering, G, Sciacca, C, Sciarrino, D, Servoli, L, Shevchenko, S, Shivarov, N, Shoutko, V, Shukla, J, Shumilov, E, Shvorob, A V, Siedenburg, T, Son, D, Soulimov, V, Smith, B, Spillantini, P, Steuer, M, Stickland, D P, Stone, H, Stoyanov, B, Strässner, A, Sudhakar, K, Sultanov, G G, Sun, L Z, Susinno, G F, Suter, H, Swain, J D, Tang, X W, Tauscher, Ludwig, Taylor, L, Ting, Samuel C C, Ting, S M, Tonwar, S C, Tóth, J, Tully, C, Tuchscherer, H, Tung, K L, Uchida, Y, Ulbricht, J, Uwer, U, Valente, E, Vesztergombi, G, Vetlitskii, I, Viertel, Gert M, Vivargent, M, Vlachos, S, Völkert, R, Vogel, H, Vogt, H, Vorobev, I, Vorobyov, A A, Vorvolakos, A, Wadhwa, M, Wallraff, W, Wang, J C, Wang, X L, Wang, Z M, Weber, A, Wu, S X, Wynhoff, S, Xu, J, Xu, Z Z, Yang, B Z, Yang, C G, Yao, X Y, Ye, J B, Yeh, S C, You, J M, Zalite, A, Zalite, Yu, Zemp, P, Zeng, Y, Zhang, Z, Zhang, Z P, Zhou, B, Zhou, Y, Zhu, G Y, Zhu, R Y, Zichichi, Antonino, Ziegler, F“…Using the Standard Model couplings of neutrinos to the \Zo, the number of light neutrino species is determined to be $N_\nu = 2.98 \pm 0.07 (\mathrm{stat}) \pm 0.07 (\mathrm{sys})…”
Publicado 1998
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3683por Liu, W, Hellström, M, Collatz, R, Benlliure, J, Chulkov, L V, Cortina-Gil, D, Farget, F, Grawe, H, Hu, Z, Iwasa, N, Pfützner, M, Piechaczek, A, Raabe, R, Reusen, I, Roeckl, E, Vancraeynest, J, Wöhr, AEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1998
3686por Ambrosio, M, Aramo, C, Barbarino, G C, Bernardini, P, Bussino, S, Campana, D, De Benedictis, L, De Cataldo, G, De Vincenzi, M, Di Credico, A, Favuzzi, C, Fusco, P, Giglietto, N, Grillo, A, Guarino, F, Gustavino, C, Lamanna, E, Lauro, A, Mancarella, G, Margiotta, A, Martello, D, Mazziotta, M N, Mikheyev, S P, Osteria, G, Rainó, A, Rubizzo, U, Scapparone, E, Spinelli, P, Spurio, M, Surdo, A, Aleksandrov, K V, Baranov, A M, Chechin, V A, Chubenko, A P, Erlykin, A D, Gavalian, G V, Golovkin, S V, Gorine, A M, Gushchin, E T, Kantserov, V A, Kavalov, R L, Kayumov, F F, Kotelnikov, S K, Kozarenko, E N, Kreslo, I E, Kuznetsov, E P, Lomonosov, B N, Lorikian, M P, Medvedkov, A M, Merzon, G I, Mukhamedshin, R A, Ryabov, V A, Semak, A A, Smotryaev, V A, Somov, S V, Tikhomirov, V O, Trostin, I S, Tsarev, V A, Zatsepin, G TEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1998
3687“…Motivated by the Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutrino data, we discuss possible textures for Majorana and Dirac neutrino masses within the see-saw framework. …”
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3688por Sarkar, U“…We review here the constraints on the left-handed Majorana neutrino masses arising from this survival requirement of the baryon asymmetry of the universe. …”
Publicado 1998
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3689por Alivisatos, P, Berridge, S C, Bokor, N, Britton, C L, Bryan, W, Bugg, W M, Busenitz, J K, Chikamatsu, T, Cohn, H, De Braeckeleer, L, Dieterle, B D, Efremenko, Yu V, Enomoto, S, Furuno, K, Frank, S, Gould, C R, Gratta, Giorgio, Hanada, H, Hart, E, Hatakeyama, S, Horton-Smith, G A, Itoh, T, Iwamoto, T, Kamyshkov, Yu A, Kawakami, S, Koga, M, Kornis, J, Lee, K B, Liew, H L, Mashiko, K, Miller, L, Nakajima, M, Nakajima, T, Németh, A, Novikov, V, Ogawa, H, Oki, K, Pacher, P, Piepke, A G, Riley, S, Sleep, P N, Shirai, J, Suekane, F, Suzuki, A, Tajima, O, Tagashira, K, Takayama, T, Tamae, K, Tanaka, H, Takagi, D, Taniguchi, T, Tornow, W, Tracy, D, Vogel, P, Wang, Y F, Watanabe, H, Wintenberg, A L, Wolf, J, Wolker, JEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1998
3691“…Assuming three light neutrinos and the see-saw mechanism we present a semiquantitative model of fermion masses based on (SUSY) SU(5) and abelian horizontal charges. …”
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3692por Kodama, K, Güler, M, Pesen, E, Serin-Zeyrek, M, Sever, R, Tolun, P, Zeyrek, M T, Moser, U, Pretzl, Klaus P, Kawamura, T, Ogawa, S, Shibuya, H, Stiegler, U, Aoki, S, Hara, T, Artamonov, S A, Gorbunov, P, Khovanskii, V D, Bonekämper, D, Bruski, N, Frekers, D, Rondeshagen, D, Wolff, T, Hoshino, K, Komatsu, M, Kotaka, Y, Nakamura, M, Nakano, T, Niwa, K, Sato, O, Toshito, T, Buontempo, S, Carbonara, F, Cocco, A G, Cuomo, V, D'Ambrosio, N, De Lellis, G, Ereditato, A, Fiorillo, G, Listone, R, Messina, M, Migliozzi, P, Sorrentino, S, Strolin, P, Tioukov, V, Barbuto, E, Bozza, C, Grella, G, Iovane, G, Romano, G, Sato, Y, Tetzuka, IEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1998
3693por Dar, Arnon“…However, high energy neutrinos from distant GRBs may be observed with large surface/volume telescopes which are under construction. …”
Publicado 1999
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3694por Wolf, B“…In the hadronic tau decays into pion and rho the ksi parameter which equals the average tau neutrino heli-city is determined. All measurements show agreement with the Standard Model expectation at the current level of precision.…”
Publicado 1993
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3695por Von Krogh, J, Fry, W, Camerini, U, Cline, D, Loveless, R J, Mapp, J K, March, R H, Reeder, D D, Barbaro-Galtieri, A, Bosetti, Peter C, Lynch, G, Marriner, J P, Solmitz, F T, Stevenson, M L, Haidt, Dieter, Harigel, G G, Wachsmuth, H W, Cence, R J, Harris, F, Parker, S, Peters, M, Peterson, V, Stenger, Victor JEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1976
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3698por Bueno, A G“…The design of a new neutrino facility at CERN is described. Delivered by the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), protons at 400 GeV/c create a neutrino beam directed towards the Gran Sasso Laboratory (Italy), located 732 km away from CERN, thus allowing the possibility to perform long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments aiming at elucidating the source of the atmospheric neutrino anomaly. …”
Publicado 1999
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3700por Kayser, B“…It will be explained why the behaviour of atmospheric neutrinos provides compelling, clean evidence for neutrino mass. …”
Publicado 1999
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