4304por Ackerstaff, K., Alexander, G., Allison, John, Altekamp, N., Anderson, K.J., Anderson, S., Arcelli, S., Asai, S., Ashby, S.F., Axen, D., Azuelos, G., Ball, A.H., Barberio, E., Barlow, Roger J., Bartoldus, R., Batley, J.R., Baumann, S., Bechtluft, J., Behnke, T., Bell, Kenneth Watson, Bella, G., Bentvelsen, S., Bethke, S., Betts, S., Biebel, O., Biguzzi, A., Bird, S.D., Blobel, V., Bloodworth, I.J., Bobinski, M., Bock, P., Bohme, J., Boutemeur, M., Braibant, S., Bright-Thomas, P., Brown, Robert M., Burckhart, H.J., Burgard, C., Burgin, R., Capiluppi, P., Carnegie, R.K., Carter, A.A., Carter, J.R., Chang, C.Y., Charlton, David G., Chrisman, D., Ciocca, C., Clarke, P.E.L., Clay, E., Cohen, I., Conboy, J.E., Cooke, O.C., Couyoumtzelis, C., Coxe, R.L., Cuffiani, M., Dado, S., Dallavalle, G.Marco, Davis, R., De Jong, S., del Pozo, L.A., De Roeck, A., Desch, K., Dienes, B., Dixit, M.S., Doucet, M., Dubbert, J., Duchovni, E., Duckeck, G., Duerdoth, I.P., Eatough, D., Estabrooks, P.G., Evans, H.G., Fabbri, F., Fanfani, A., Fanti, M., Faust, A.A., Fiedler, F., Fierro, M., Fischer, H.M., Fleck, I., Folman, R., Furtjes, A., Futyan, D.I., Gagnon, P., Gary, J.W., Gascon, J., Gascon-Shotkin, S.M., Geich-Gimbel, C., Geralis, T., Giacomelli, G., Giacomelli, P., Gibson, V., Gibson, W.R., Gingrich, D.M., Glenzinski, D., Goldberg, J., Gorn, W., Grandi, C., Gross, E., Grunhaus, J., Gruwe, M., Hanson, G.G., Hansroul, M., Hapke, M., Hargrove, C.K., Hartmann, C., Hauschild, M., Hawkes, C.M., Hawkings, R., Hemingway, R.J., Herndon, M., Herten, G., Heuer, R.D., Hildreth, M.D., Hill, J.C., Hillier, S.J., Hobson, P.R., Hocker, James Andrew, Homer, R.J., Honma, A.K., Horvath, D., Hossain, K.R., Howard, R., Huntemeyer, P., Igo-Kemenes, P., Imrie, D.C., Ishii, K., Jacob, F.R., Jawahery, A., Jeremie, H., Jimack, M., Joly, A., Jones, C.R., Jovanovic, P., Junk, T.R., Karlen, D., Kartvelishvili, V., Kawagoe, K., Kawamoto, T., Kayal, P.I., Keeler, R.K., Kellogg, R.G., Kennedy, B.W., Klier, A., Kluth, S., Kobayashi, T., Kobel, M., Koetke, D.S., Kokott, T.P., Kolrep, M., Komamiya, S., Kowalewski, Robert V., Kress, T., Krieger, P., von Krogh, J., Kyberd, P., Lafferty, G.D., Lanske, D., Lauber, J., Lautenschlager, S.R., Lawson, I., Layter, J.G., Lazic, D., Lee, A.M., Lefebvre, E., Lellouch, D., Letts, J., Levinson, L., Liebisch, R., List, B., Littlewood, C., Lloyd, A.W., Lloyd, S.L., Loebinger, F.K., Long, G.D., Losty, M.J., Ludwig, J., Lui, D., Macchiolo, A., Macpherson, A., Mannelli, M., Marcellini, S., Markopoulos, C., Martin, A.J., Martin, J.P., Martinez, G., Mashimo, T., Mattig, Peter, McDonald, W.John, McKenna, J., Mckigney, E.A., McMahon, T.J., McPherson, R.A., Meijers, F., Menke, S., Merritt, F.S., Mes, H., Meyer, J., Michelini, A., Mihara, S., Mikenberg, G., Miller, D.J., Mir, R., Mohr, W., Montanari, A., Mori, T., Nagai, K., Nakamura, I., Neal, H.A., Nellen, B., Nisius, R., O'Neale, S.W., Oakham, F.G., Odorici, F., Ogren, H.O., Oreglia, M.J., Orito, S., Palinkas, J., Pasztor, G., Pater, J.R., Patrick, G.N., Patt, J., Perez-Ochoa, R., Petzold, S., Pfeifenschneider, P., Pilcher, J.E., Pinfold, J., Plane, David E., Poffenberger, P., Poli, B., Polok, J., Przybycien, M., Rembser, C., Rick, H., Robertson, S., Robins, S.A., Rodning, N., Roney, J.M., Roscoe, K., Rossi, A.M., Rozen, Y., Runge, K., Runolfsson, O., Rust, D.R., Sachs, K., Saeki, T., Sahr, O., Sang, W.M., Sarkisian, E.K.G., Sbarra, C., Schaile, A.D., Schaile, O., Scharf, F., Scharff-Hansen, P., Schieck, J., Schmitt, B., Schmitt, S., Schoning, A., Schorner, T., Schroder, Matthias, Schumacher, M., Schwick, C., Scott, W.G., Seuster, R., Shears, T.G., Shen, B.C., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.H., Sherwood, P., Siroli, G.P., Sittler, A., Skuja, A., Smith, A.M., Snow, G.A., Sobie, R., Soldner-Rembold, S., Sproston, M., Stahl, A., Stephens, K., Steuerer, J., Stoll, K., Strom, David M., Strohmer, R., Tafirout, R., Talbot, S.D., Tanaka, S., Taras, P., Tarem, S., Teuscher, R., Thiergen, M., Thomson, M.A., von Torne, E., Torrence, E., Towers, S., Trigger, I., Trocsanyi, Z., Tsur, E., Turcot, A.S., Turner-Watson, M.F., Van Kooten, Rick J., Vannerem, P., Verzocchi, M., Vikas, P., Voss, H., Wackerle, F., Wagner, A., Ward, C.P., Ward, D.R., Watkins, P.M., Watson, A.T., Watson, N.K., Wells, P.S., Wermes, N., White, J.S., Wilson, G.W., Wilson, J.A., Wyatt, T.R., Yamashita, S., Yekutieli, G., Zacek, V., Zer-Zion, D.“…An upper limit for the tau-neutrino mass has been determined from the decay tau -> 5pi+- \nu_tau using data collected with the OPAL detector from 1991 to 1995 in e+e- collisions at \sqrt{s} ~ M_Z. …”
Publicado 1998
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Enlace del recurso
4305“…We study the feasibility of performing a $\nu_\mu$ disappearance long-baseline experiment using a neutrino beam coming from muon decays. The advantage of such a technique with respect to the production of neutrino beams from pions is that in a muon decay both muon and electron neutrinos are produced in the same quantity. …”
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4306“…In particular we analyze the effect in experiments designed to detect the low energy electron-antineutrino and electron-neutrino from a nuclear reactor and from the Sun. We find that such reduction has to be considered in a relatively high statistic reactor experiment, while it is negligible for pp and 7Be solar neutrino detection.…”
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4307“…As a reference, the proposed $\nu_{\mu}$ neutrino beam from CERN to Gran Sasso was used.…”
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4308por Wertelaers, Piet“…In this paper we will discuss design considerations for a new magnetic horn proposed for the neutrino beam to Gran Sasso. The wish to increase considerably the working current of the horn has motivated this study of the development of the forces exerted on the structure as well as the possible deformations and the stessses. …”
Publicado 1999
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4309por Ambrosio, M, Amelchakov, M, Antonioli, P, Aprile, E, Aramo, C, Aynutdinov, V, Bari, G, Benaceur, R, Bencivenni, G, Bologna, G, Bonesini, M, Bruni, G, Bruski, N, Büsser, F W, Campagne, J E, Chernov, D, Chemarin, M, Curioni, A, Chaussard, L, Déclais, Y, Duschesneau, D, Ezubchenko, A, Favier, Jean, Frekers, D, Galeotti, P, Garfagnini, A, Geiser, A, Gharbi, F, Giusti, P, Golubkov, D Y, Goloubev, N A, Gninenko, S N, Gustavino, C, Heinzelmann, G, Hermel, R, Höpfner, K, Jönsson, P E, Katsanevas, S, Kindin, V, Kirsanov, M M, Klanner, Robert, Koppitz, B, Kokoulin, R P, Kompaniets, K, Konovalov, A, Kovzelev, A, Laktineh, I, Mannocchi, G, Marteau, J, Merkel, B, Monacelli, P, Moret, G, Murtas, F, Murtas, G P, Nania, R, Naroska, Beate, Negri, P, Ordine, A, Paganoni, M, Pesci, A, Pessard, H, Periale, L, Petrukhin, A A, Picchi, P, Pullia, Antonio, Ragazzi, S, Redaelli, N G, Repellin, J P, Rondeshagen, D, Ronga, F, Sartorelli, G, Satta, L, Schmidt-Parzefall, W, Spinetti, M, Souga, C, Tabarelli de Fatis, T, Terranova, F, Trabelsi, A, Trinchero, G C, Van Staa, R, Veillet, J J, Villone, B, Votano, L, Winter, Klaus, Wörtche, H J, Wolff, T, Yanson, E, Yashin, Yu PEnlace del recurso
Publicado 1999
4311“…We consider neutrino masses generated at tree level and at one loop, through fermion--sfermion loop diagrams, in the MSSM with R-parity violation. …”
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4313por Ferrari, A“…L'un deux concerne la violation de la parité et la masse des neutrinos. Pour résoudre cette énigme, le modèle symétrique et le mécanisme du See-Saw prédisent l'existence de nouveaux bosons de jauge (WR et Z') et de neutrinos droits de Majorana Nl. …”
Publicado 1999
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4314por Arneodo, F., Babussinov, B., Badertscher, A., Badelek, B., Battistoni, G., Benetti, P., Bernardini, Elisa, Bischofberger, M., Borio di Tigliole, A., Brunetti, R., Bueno, A., Calligarich, E., Campanelli, Mario, Carpanese, C., Cavalli, D., Cavanna, F., Cennini, P., Centro, S., Cesana, A., Chen, C., Chen, Y., Cline, D., Dabrowska, A., Dolfini, R., Felcini, M., Ferrari, A., He, K., Holeczek, J., Huang, X., Gigli Berzolari, A., Gil Botella, Ines, Grech, D., Jokisz, B., Juszczak, C., Kisiel, J., Kielczewska, D., Kozlowski, T., Laffranchi, M., Lagoda, J., Li, Z., Lu, F., Ma, J., Matthey, C., Mauri, F., Markiewicz, M., Mazza, D., Mazzone, L., Meng, G., Montanari, C., Moszynski, M., Navas, Sergio, Nurzia, G., Otwinowski, S., Palamara, O., Pascoli, D., Pasternak, J., Periale, L., Petrera, S., Piano Mortari, Giovanni, Piazzoli, A., Picchi, P., Pietropaolo, F., Rappoldi, A., Raselli, G.L., Rico, J., Rondio, E., Rossella, M., Rossi, C., Rubbia, A., Rubbia, C., Sala, P., Rancati, T., Scannicchio, D., Sergiampietri, F., Sobczyk, J., Sinanis, N., Stepaniak, J., Stodulski, M., Szeptycka, M., Szleper, M., Terrani, M., Ventura, S., Vignoli, C., Wang, H., Wojcik, M., Woo, J., Xu, G., Xu, Z., Zalewska, A., Zalipska, J., Zhang, C., Zhang, Q., Zhen, S., Zipper, W.Enlace del recurso
Publicado 2001
4316por Fabich, A“…The extrapolation to the nominal parameters of a neutrino factory shows that the concept of a jet target is a valid option.…”
Publicado 2002
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