Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Poesía inglesa
Diagnóstico por imágenes
Música popular
Películas cinematográficas
Relaciones exteriores
Abuso sexual de niños por el clero (Derecho canónico)
Administración de productos
Aparatos e Instrumentos
Arquitectura del paisaje
Arquitectura del paisaje urbano
Aspectos ambientales
Aspectos religiosos
Capacitación de empleados
Civilización medieval
Conducta animal
Crítica e interpretación
Delitos sexuales (Derecho canónico)
1563por Abolins, M, Achenbach, R, Adragna, P, Aielli, G, Aleksandrov, E, Aleksandrov, I, Aloisio, A, Alviggi, M G, Amorim, A, Anderson, K, Andrei, V, Anduaga, X, Antonelli, S, Aracena, I, Ask, S, Asquith, L, Avolio, G, Backlund, S, Badescu, E, Bahat Treidel, O, Baines, J, Barnett, B M, Barria, P, Bartoldus, R, Batreanu, S, Bauss, B, Beck, H P, Bee, C, Bell, P, Bell, W H, Bellagamba, L, Bellomo, M, Ben Ami, S, Bendel, M, Benhammou, Ya, Benslama, K, Berge, D, Berger, N, Berry, T, Bianco, M, Biglietti, M, Blair, R R, Bogaerts, A, Bohm, C, Bold, T, Booth, J R A, Boscherini, D, Bosman, M, Boyd, J, Brawn, I P, Brelier, B, Bressler, S, Bruni, A, Bruni, G, Buda, S, Burckhart-Chromek, D, Buttar, C, Camarri, P, Campanelli, M, Canale, V, Caprini, M, Caracinha, D, Cardarelli, R, Carlino, G, Casadei, D, Casado, M P, Cataldi, G, Cerri, A, Charlton, D G, Chiodini, G, Ciapetti, G, Cimino, D, Ciobotaru, M, Clements, D, Coccaro, A, Coluccia, M R, Conde-Muíño, P, Constantin, S, Conventi, F, Corso-Radu, A, Costa, M J, Coura Torres, R, Cranfield, R, Cranmer, K, Crone, G, Curtis, C J, Dam, M, Damazio, D, Davis, A O, Dawson, I, Dawson, J, De Almeida Simoes, J, De Cecco, S, De Pedis, D, De Santo, A, DeAsmundis, R, DellaPietra, M, DellaVolpe, D, Delsart, P A, Demers, S, Demirkoz, B, Di Mattia, A, Di Ciaccio, A, Di Girolamo, A, Dionisi, C, Djilkibaev, R, Dobinson, Robert W, Dobson, M, Dogaru, M, Dotti, A, Dova, M, Drake, G, Dufour, M -A, Eckweiler, S, Ehrenfeld, W, Eifert, T, Eisenhandler, E F, Ellis, Nick, Emeliyanov, D, Enoque Ferreira de Lima, D, Ermoline, Y, Eschrich, I, Etzion, E, Facius, K, Falciano, S, Farthouat, P, Faulkner, P J W F, Feng, E, Ferland, J, Ferrari, R, Ferrer, M L, Fischer, G, Fonseca-Martin, T, Francis, D, Fukunaga, C, Föhlisch, F, Gadomski, S, Garitaonandia Elejabarrieta, H, Gaudio, G, Gaumer, O, Gee, C N P, George, S, Geweniger, C, Giagu, S, Gillman, A R, Giusti, P, Goncalo, R, Gorini, B, Gorini, E, Gowdy, S, Grabowska-Bold, I, Grancagnolo, F, Grancagnolo, S, Green, B, Galllno, P, Haas, S, Haberichter, W, Hadavand, H, Haeberli, C, Haller, J, Hamilton, A, Hanke, P, Hansen, J R, Hasegawa, Y, Hauschild, M, Hauser, R, Head, S, Hellman, S, Hidvegi, A, Hillier, S J, Höcker, A, Hrynóva, T, Hughes-Jones, R, Huston, J, Iacobucci, G, Idarraga, J, Iengo, P, Igonkina, O, Ikeno, M, Inada, M, Ishino, M, Iwasaki, H, Izzo, V, Jain, V, Johansen, M, Johns, K, Joos, M, Kadosaka, T, Kajomovitz, E, Kama, S, Kanaya, N, Kawagoe, K, Kawamoto, T, Kazarov, A, Kehoe, R, Khoriauli, G, Kieft, G, Kilvington, G, Kirk, J, Kiyamura, H, Klofver, P, Klous, S, Kluge, E E, Kobayashi, T, Kolos, S, Kono, T, Konstantinidis, N, Korcyl, K, Kordas, K, Kotov, V, Krasznahorkay, A, Kubota, T, Kugel, A, Kuhn, D, Kurashige, H, Kurasige, H, Kuwabara, T, Kwee, R, Landon, M, Lankford, A, LeCompte, T, Leahu, L, Leahu, M, Ledroit, F, Lehmann-Miotto, G, Lei, X, Lellouch, D, Lendermann, V, Levinson, L, Leyton, M, Li, S, Liberti, B, Lifshitz, R, Lim, H, Lohse, T, Losada, M, Luci, C, Luminari, L, Lupu, N, Mahboubi, K, Mahout, G, Mapelli, L, Marchese, F, Martin, B, Martin, B T, Martínez, A, Marzano, F, Masik, J, McMahon, T, McPherson, R, Medinnis, M, Meessen, C, Meier, K, Meirosu, C, Messina, A, Migliaccio, A, Mikenberg, G, Mincer, A, Mineev, M, Misiejuk, A, Mönig, K, Monticelli, F, Moraes, A, Moreno, D, Morettini, P, Murillo Garcia, R, Nagano, K, Nagasaka, Y, Negri, A, Némethy, P, Neusiedl, A, Nisati, A, Niwa, T, Nomachi, M, Nomoto, H, Nozaki, M, Nozicka, M, Ochi, A, Ohm, C, Okumura, Y, Omachi, C, Osculati, B, Oshita, H, Osuna, C, Padilla, C, Panikashvili, N, Parodi, F, Pasqualucci, E, Pastore, F, Patricelli, S, Pauly, T, Pectu, M, Perantoni, M, Perera, V, Perera, V J O, Pérez, E, Pérez-Réale, V, Perrino, R, Pessoa Lima Junior, H, Petersen, J, Petrolo, E, Piegaia, R, Pilcher, J E, Pinto, F, Pinzon, G, Polini, A, Pope, B, Potter, C, Prieur, D P F, Primavera, M, Qian, W, Radescu, V, Rajagopalan, S, Renkel, P, Rescigno, M, Rieke, S, Risler, C, Riu, I, Robertson, S, Roda, C, Rodríguez, D, Rogriquez, Y, Roich, A, Romeo, G, Rosati, S, Ryabov, Yu, Ryan, P, Rühr, F, Sakamoto, H, Salamon, A, Salvatore, D, Sankey, D P C, Santamarina, C, Santamarina-Rios, C, Santonico, R, Sasaki, O, Scannicchio, D, Scannicchio, D A, Schiavi, C, Schlereth, J L, Schmitt, K, Scholtes, I, Schooltz, D, Schuler, G, Schultz-Coulon, H -C, Schäfer, U, Scott, W, Segura, E, Sekhniaidze, G, Shimbo, N, Sidoti, A, Silva, L, Silverstein, S, Siragusa, G, Sivoklokov, S, Sloper, J E, Smizanska, M, Solfaroli, E, Soloviev, I, Soluk, R, Spagnolo, S, Spila, F, Spiwoks, R, Staley, R J, Stamen, R, Stancu, S, Steinberg, P, Stelzer, J, Stradling, A, Strom, D, Strong, J, Su, D, Sugaya, Y, Sugimoto, T, Sushkov, S, Sutton, M, Szymocha, T, Takahashi, Y, Takeda, H, Takeshita, T, Tanaka, S, Tapprogge, S, Tarem, S, Tarem, Z, Teixeira-Dias, P, Thomas, J P, Tokoshuku, K, Tomoto, M, Torrence, E, Touchard, F, Trefzger, T, Tremblet, L, Tripiana, M, Usai, G, Vachon, B, Vandelli, W, Vari, R, Veneziano, S, Ventura, A, Vercesi, V, Vermeulen, J, Von Der Schmitt, J, Wang, M, Watkins, P M, Watson, A, Weber, P, Wengler, T, Werner, P, Wheeler-Ellis, S, Wickens, F, Wiedenmann, W, Wielers, M, Wilkens, H, Winklmeier, F, Woerling, E E, Wu, S -L, Wu, X, Xella, S, Yamaguchi, Y, Yamazaki, Y, Yasu, Y, Yu, M, Zanello, L, Zema, F, Zhang, J, Zhao, L, Zobernig, H, De Seixas, J M, Dos Anjos, A, Zur Nedden, M, Ozcan, E, Ünel, GEnlace del recurso
Publicado 2007
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1564por Goncalo, R, Abolins, M, Achenbach, R, Adragna, P, Aielli, G, Aleksandrov, E, Aleksandrov, I, Aloisio, A, Alviggi, M G, Amorim, A, Anderson, K, Andrei, V, Anduaga, X, Antonelli, S, Aracena, I, Ask, S, Asquith, L, Avolio, G, Backlund, S, Badescu, E, Bahat Treidel, O, Baines, J, Barnett, B M, Barria, P, Bartoldus, R, Batreanu, S, Bauss, B, Beck, H P, Bee, C, Bell, P, Bell, W H, Bellagamba, L, Bellomo, M, Ben Ami, S, Bendel, M, Benhammou, Ya, Benslama, K, Berge, D, Berger, N, Berry, T, Bianco, M, Biglietti, M, Blair, R R, Bogaerts, A, Bohm, C, Bold, T, Booth, J R A, Boscherini, D, Bosman, M, Boyd, J, Brawn, I P, Brelier, B, Bressler, S, Bruni, A, Bruni, G, Buda, S, Burckhart-Chromek, D, Buttar, C, Camarri, P, Campanelli, M, Canale, V, Caprini, M, Caracinha, D, Cardarelli, R, Carlino, G, Casadei, D, Casado, M P, Cataldi, G, Cerri, A, Charlton, D G, Chiodini, G, Ciapetti, G, Cimino, D, Ciobotaru, M, Clements, D, Coccaro, A, Coluccia, M R, Conde-Muíño, P, Constantin, S, Conventi, F, Corso-Radu, A, Costa, M J, Coura Torres, R, Cranfield, R, Cranmer, K, Crone, G, Curtis, C J, Dam, M, Damazio, D, Davis, A O, Dawson, I, Dawson, J, De Almeida Simoes, J, De Cecco, S, De Pedis, D, De Santo, A, DeAsmundis, R, DellaPietra, M, DellaVolpe, D, Delsart, P -A, Demers, S, Di Mattia, A, Di Ciaccio, A, Di Girolamo, A, Dionisi, C, Djilkibaev, R, Dobinson, Robert W, Dobson, M, Dogaru, M, Dotti, A, Dova, M, Drake, G, Dufour, M -A, Eckweiler, S, Ehrenfeld, W, Eifert, T, Eisenhandler, E F, Ellis, Nick, Emeliyanov, D, Enoque Ferreira de Lima, D, Ermoline, Y, Eschrich, I, Etzion, E, Facius, K, Falciano, S, Farthouat, P, Faulkner, P J W F, Feng, E, Ferland, J, Ferrari, R, Ferrer, M L, Fischer, G, Fonseca-Martin, T, Francis, D, Fukunaga, C, Föhlisch, F, Gadomski, S, Garitaonandia Elejabarrieta, H, Gaudio, G, Gaumer, O, Gee, C N P, George, S, Geweniger, C, Giagu, S, Gillman, A R, Giusti, P, Gorini, B, Gorini, E, Gowdy, S, Grabowska-Bold, I, Grancagnolo, F, Grancagnolo, S, Green, B, Galllno, P, Haas, S, Haberichter, W, Hadavand, H, Haeberli, C, Haller, J, Hamilton, A, Hanke, P, Hansen, J R, Hasegawa, Y, Hauschild, M, Hauser, R, Head, S, Hellman, S, Hidvegi, A, Hillier, S J, Höcker, A, Hrynóva, T, Hughes-Jones, R, Huston, J, Iacobucci, G, Idarraga, J, Iengo, P, Igonkina, O, Ikeno, M, Inada, M, Ishino, M, Iwasaki, H, Izzo, V, Jain, V, Johansen, M, Johns, K, Joos, M, Kadosaka, T, Kajomovitz, E, Kama, S, Kanaya, N, Kawagoe, K, Kawamoto, T, Kazarov, A, Kehoe, R, Khoriauli, G, Kieft, G, Kilvington, G, Kirk, J, Kiyamura, H, Klofver, P, Klous, S, Kluge, E -E, Kobayashi, T, Kolos, S, Kono, T, Konstantinidis, N, Korcyl, K, Kordas, K, Kotov, V, Krasznahorkay, A, Kubota, T, Kugel, A, Kuhn, D, Kurashige, H, Kurasige, H, Kuwabara, T, Kwee, R, Landon, M, Lankford, A, LeCompte, T, Leahu, L, Leahu, M, Ledroit, F, Lehmann-Miotto, G, Lei, X, Lellouch, D, Lendermann, V, Levinson, L, Leyton, M, Li, S, Liberti, B, Lifshitz, R, Lim, H, Lohse, T, Losada, M, Luci, C, Luminari, L, Lupu, N, Mahboubi, K, Mahout, G, Mapelli, L, Marchese, F, Martin, B, Martin, B T, Martínez, A, Marzano, F, Masik, J, McMahon, T, McPherson, R, Medinnis, M, Meessen, C, Meier, K, Meirosu, C, Messina, A, Migliaccio, A, Mikenberg, G, Mincer, A, Mineev, M, Misiejuk, A, Mönig, K, Monticelli, F, Moraes, A, Moreno, D, Morettini, P, Murillo Garcia, R, Nagano, K, Nagasaka, Y, Negri, A, Némethy, P, Neusiedl, A, Nisati, A, Niwa, T, Nomachi, M, Nomoto, H, Nozaki, M, Nozicka, M, Ochi, A, Ohm, C, Okumura, Y, Omachi, C, Osculati, B, Oshita, H, Osuna, C, Padilla, C, Panikashvili, N, Parodi, F, Pasqualucci, E, Pastore, F, Patricelli, S, Pauly, T, Pectu, M, Perantoni, M, Perera, V, Perera, V J O, Pérez, E, Pérez-Réale, V, Perrino, R, Pessoa Lima Junior, H, Petersen, J, Petrolo, E, Piegaia, R, Pilcher, J E, Pinto, F, Pinzon, G, Polini, A, Pope, B, Potter, C, Prieur, D P F, Primavera, M, Qian, W, Radescu, V, Rajagopalan, S, Renkel, P, Rescigno, M, Rieke, S, Risler, C, Riu, I, Robertson, S, Roda, C, Rodríguez, D, Rogriquez, Y, Roich, A, Romeo, G, Rosati, S, Ryabov, Yu, Ryan, P, Rühr, F, Sakamoto, H, Salamon, A, Salvatore, D, Sankey, D P C, Santamarina, C, Santamarina-Rios, C, Santonico, R, Sasaki, O, Scannicchio, D, Scannicchio, D A, Schiavi, C, Schlereth, J L, Schmitt, K, Scholtes, I, Schooltz, D, Schuler, G, Schultz-Coulon, H -C, Schäfer, U, Scott, W, Segura, E, Sekhniaidze, G, Shimbo, N, Sidoti, A, Silva, L, Silverstein, S, Siragusa, G, Sivoklokov, S, Sloper, J E, Smizanska, M, Solfaroli, E, Soloviev, I, Soluk, R, Spagnolo, S, Spila, F, Spiwoks, R, Staley, R J, Stamen, R, Stancu, S, Steinberg, P, Stelzer, J, Stradling, A, Strom, D, Strong, J, Su, D, Sugaya, Y, Sugimoto, T, Sushkov, S, Sutton, M, Szymocha, T, Takahashi, Y, Takeda, H, Takeshita, T, Tanaka, S, Tapprogge, S, Tarem, S, Tarem, Z, Teixeira-Dias, P, Thomas, J P, Tokoshuku, K, Tomoto, M, Torrence, E, Touchard, F, Trefzger, T, Tremblet, L, Tripiana, M, Usai, G, Vachon, B, Vandelli, W, Vari, R, Veneziano, S, Ventura, A, Vercesi, V, Vermeulen, J, Von Der Schmitt, J, Wang, M, Watkins, P M, Watson, A, Weber, P, Wengler, T, Werner, P, Wheeler-Ellis, S, Wickens, F, Wiedenmann, W, Wielers, M, Wilkens, H, Winklmeier, F, Woehrling, E -E, Wu, S -L, Wu, X, Xella, S, Yamaguchi, Y, Yamazaki, Y, Yasu, Y, Yu, M, Zanello, L, Zema, F, Zhang, J, Zhao, L, Zobernig, H, De Seixas, J M, Dos Anjos, A, Zur Nedden, M, Ozcan, E, Ünel, GEnlace del recurso
Publicado 2007
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1565por Corso, Giovanni, Roncalli, Fabrizio, Marrelli, Daniele, Carneiro, Fátima, Roviello, Franco“…In this study we describe Pope John XXIII's pedigree that harboured gastric cancer as well as six other family members. …”
Publicado 2013
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Online Artículo Texto -
1566por Scheinpflug, Kathi, Krylova, Oxana, Nikolenko, Heike, Thurm, Charley, Dathe, Margitta“…As the phospholipids POPE/CL play a key role in the dynamic organisation of bacterial membranes we discuss the consequences of this peptide-lipid-interaction and outline the impact on antimicrobial peptide research.…”
Publicado 2015
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Online Artículo Texto -
1567“…We observe that the transporter undergoes large-scale conformational changes in the PE environment, particularly in the POPE lipids, resulting in an IF-occluded conformation, a transition that does not occur when the transporter is embedded in any of the PC lipid bilayers. …”
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Online Artículo Texto -
1568por He, Xiaoli, Cai, Yajie, Zhu, Jinglei, Zhang, Mengdi, Zhang, Yadong, Ge, Yang, Zhu, Zengrong, Zhou, Wenwu, Wang, Guirong, Gao, Yulin“…In the present study, we cloned two pheromone receptor genes PopeOR1 and PopeOR3 in P. operculella. The transcripts of them were highly accumulated in the antennae of male adults. …”
Publicado 2021
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Online Artículo Texto -
1569por Garrós, Núria, Mallandrich, Mireia, Beirampour, Negar, Mohammadi, Roya, Domènech, Òscar, Rodríguez-Lagunas, Maria José, Clares, Beatriz, Colom, Helena“…Lα-PC led to higher flux, permeation, and retention in the sclera, whereas POPE:POPG led to higher flux and permeation in the cornea. …”
Publicado 2022
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Online Artículo Texto -
1570“…Specifically, the study focused on the elucidation of possible conformation states of AapA1-28 protein in POPE/POPG (3:1) bilayers and their interactions between the protein and POPE/POPG (3:1) bilayers. …”
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Online Artículo Texto -
1571“…The model bilayer membranes are composed of anionic palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (POPG) and palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (POPE) in a 1:3 ratio (POPG:POPE). We find the parallel PG1 dimer association to be more favorable than the antiparallel one in water and inside the membrane. …”
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1572por Plasencia, Inés, Survery, Sabeen, Ibragimova, Sania, Hansen, Jesper S., Kjellbom, Per, Helix-Nielsen, Claus, Johanson, Urban, Mouritsen, Ole G.“…The structure of SoPIP2;1 was analyzed either with the protein solubilized with octyl-β-D-glucopyranoside (OG) or reconstituted into lipid membranes formed by E. coli lipids, diphytanoylphosphatidylcholine (DPhPC), or reconstituted into lipid membranes formed from mixtures of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPE), 1-palmitoyl-2oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (POPE), 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylserine (POPS), and ergosterol. …”
Publicado 2011
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1573“…Multiscale molecular dynamics simulations of the UraA symporter in phospholipid bilayers consisting of: 1) 1-palmitoyl 2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPC); 2) 1-palmitoyl 2-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (POPE); and 3) a mixture of 75% POPE, 20% 1-palmitoyl 2-oleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (POPG); and 5% 1-palmitoyl 2-oleoyl-diphosphatidylglycerol/cardiolipin (CL) to mimic the lipid composition of the bacterial inner membrane, were performed using the MARTINI coarse-grained force field to self-assemble lipids around the crystal structure of this membrane transport protein, followed by atomistic simulations. …”
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Online Artículo Texto -
1574“…We also discuss the issue of the singularity present in a class of such supergravity solutions found by Cvetic, Lu and Pope.…”
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1576por Alonso Alberca, Natxo, Bergshoeff, Eric, Gran, Ulf, Linares, Roman, Ortin, Tomas, Roest, Diederik“…These instantons generalize the SO(3) metric of Belinsky, Gibbons, Page and Pope (which includes the Eguchi-Hanson metric) to the other Bianchi types of class A.…”
Publicado 2003
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1578por Fried, JohannesTabla de Contenidos: “…Boethius and the rise of Europe -- Gregory the Great and the new power of the Franks -- Charlemagne and the first renewal of the Roman Empire -- Consolidation of the kingdoms -- The end of days draws menacingly close -- "The true emperor is the Pope" -- The long century of papal schisms -- The vicar of god -- The triumph of jurisprudence -- The light of reason -- The monarchy -- Waiting for judgment day and the renaissance -- Epilogue: The dark middle ages?.…”
Publicado 2015
Libro -
1579“…LINKED CONTENT This article is linked to King et al and Benson‐Pope and Greary papers. To view these articles, visit and…”
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Online Artículo Texto -
1580por Abolins, M, Achenbach, R, Adorisio, C, Adragna, P, Aharrouche, M, Aielli, G, Al-Shabibi, A, Aleksandrov, I, Alexandre, G, Aloisio, A, Alviggi, M G, Amorim, A, Anderson, K, Andrei, V, Anduaga, X, Antonelli, S, Anulli, F, Aracena, I, Ask, S, Åsman, B, Asquith, L, Avolio, G, Backlund, S, Badescu, E, Bahat Treidel, O, Baines, J, Barnett, B M, Bartoldus, R, Batraneanu, S, Battaglia, A, Bauss, B, Beck, H P, Bee, C, Behera, P, Bell, P, Bell, W H, Bellagamba, L, Bellomo, M, Ben Ami, S, Bendel, M, Benhammou, Ya, Benslama, K, Berge, D, Berger, N, Berry, T, Bianco, M, Biau, C, Biglietti, M, Blair, R E, Bogaerts, A, Bohm, C, Boisvert, V, Bold, T, Bondioli, M, Booth, J R A, Boscherini, D, Bosman, M, Boyd, J, Bracinik, J, Brawn, I P, Brelier, B, Bressler, S, Brooks, W, Brunet, S, Bruni, A, Bruni, G, Bucci, F, Buda, S, Burckhart-Chromek, D, Buttar, C, Camarri, P, Campanelli, M, Canale, V, Caprini, M, Caracinha, D, Cardarelli, R, Carlino, G, Casadei, D, Casado, M P, Cataldi, G, Cerri, A, Charlton, D G, Childers, J T, Chiodini, G, Ciapetti, G, Cimino, D, Ciobotaru, M, Clements, D, Coccaro, A, Collins, N J, Conde-Muíño, P, Constantin, S, Conventi, F, Corradi, M, Corso-Radu, A, Costa, M J, Coura Torres, R, Cranfield, R, Cranmer, K, Crone, G, Crupi, R, Cuenca-Almenar, C, Curtis, C J, Czyczula, Z, Dam, M, Damazio, D, Darlea, G L, Davis, A O, Dawson, I, De Pedis, D, De Santo, A, De Seixas, J M, DeAsmundis, R, Degenhardt, J, Della Volpe, D, DellaPietra, M, Delsart, P-A, Demers, S, Demirkoz, B, Di Mattia, A, Díaz, M, Di Ciaccio, A, Dionisi, C, Djilkibaev, R, Dobson, E, Dobson, M, Dogaru, M, Dos Anjos, A, Dotti, A, Dova, M T, Drake, G, Dufour, M-A, Eckweiler, S, Ehrenfeld, W, Eifert, T, Eisenhandler, E F, Ellis, Nick, Emeliyanov, D, Enoque Ferreira de Lima, D, Ermoline, Y, Eschrich, I, Etzion, E, Falciano, S, Farthouat, P, Faulkner, P J W, Fedorko, I, Feng, E, Ferland, J, Ferrari, R, Ferrer, M L, Flacher, H, Fleckner, J E, Flowerdew, M, Föhlisch, F, Fonseca-Martin, T, Francis, D, Fratina, S, Fukunaga, C, Gadomski, S, Gallacher, M P, Gällnö, P, Garitaonandia Elejabarrieta, H, Gaudio, G, Gee, C N P, George, S, Ghete, V M, Giagu, S, Gillman, A R, Giusti, P, Goncalo, R, Gonzalez Pinto, F, Gonzalez Silva, L, Göringer, C, Gorini, B, Gorini, E, Grabowska-Bold, I, Grancagnolo, F, Grancagnolo, S, Green, B, Groll, M, Haas, S, Hadavand, H, Hadley, D R, Haller, J, Hamilton, A, Hanke, P, Hansen, J R, Hasagawa, S, Hasegawa, Y, Hauschild, M, Hauser, R, Hayakawa, T, Head, S, Heijboer, A, Hellman, S, Hidvégi, A, Hillier, S J, Hirayama, S, Höcker, A, Hori, T, Hrynóva, T, Hughes-Jones, R, Huston, J, Iacobucci, G, Idarraga, J, Igonkina, O, Ikeno, M, Ishikawa, A, Ishino, M, Iwasaki, H, Izzo, V, Jain, V, Jiménez-Otero, S, Johansen, M, Johns, K, Joos, M, Kadosaka, T, Kajomovitz, E, Kalinowski, A, Kama, S, Kanaya, N, Kanega, F, Kawagoe, K, Kawamoto, T, Kazarov, A, Kehoe, R, Kessoku, K, Khoriauli, G, Kieft, G, Kirk, J, Kiyamura, H, Klofver, P, Klous, S, Kluge, E-E, Kobayashi, T, Koeneke, K, Kolos, S, Kono, T, Konoplich, R, Konstantinidis, N, Korcyl, K, Kordas, K, Kotov, V, Krasznahorkay, A, Kubota, T, Kugel, A, Kurashige, H, Kwee, R, Landon, M, Lankford, A J, Leahu, L, Leahu, M, LeCompte, T, Ledroit, F, Lehmann-Miotto, G, Lei, X, Lellouch, D, Lendermann, V, Levinson, L, Leyton, M, Li, S, Liberti, B, Lifshitz, R, Lilley, J N, Lim, H, Lohse, T, Losada, M, Luci, C, Luminari, L, Lupu, N, Mackeprang, R, Maettig, S, Mahboubi, K, Mahout, G, Maltrana, D, Mapelli, L, Marchese, F, Marino, C, Martin, B, Martin, B T, Marzano, F, Masik, J, Matsushita, T, McMahon, T, McPherson, R, Medinnis, M, Meessen, C, Meier, K, Meirosu, C, Messina, A, Middleton, R P, Migliaccio, A, Mikenberg, G, Mincer, A, Mineev, M, Misiejuk, A, Moa, T, Mönig, K, Monticelli, F, Moraes, A, Moreno, D, Morettini, P, Morris, J D, Müller, F, Murillo Garcia, R, Nagano, K, Nagasaka, Y, Nakatsuka, H, Navarro, G A, Negri, A, Némethy, P, Neusiedl, A, Nisati, A, Niwa, T, Nomoto, H, Nozaki, M, Nozicka, M, Ochi, A, Oda, S, Ohm, C, Okumura, Y, Oltmann, B, Olvito, D, Omachi, C, Osculati, B, Oshita, H, Osuna, C, Özcan, E, Ozone, K, Padilla, C, Panes, B, Panikashvili, N, Parodi, F, Pasqualucci, E, Pastore, F, Patricelli, S, Pauly, T, Perantoni, M, Perera, V J O, Pérez, E, Pérez-Réale, V, Perrino, R, Pessoa Lima Junior, H, Petcu, M, Petersen, B, Petersen, J, Petrolo, E, Piegaia, R, Pilcher, J E, Pinzon, G, Policicchio, A, Polini, A, Pope, B, Potter, C, Prieur, D P F, Primavera, M, Prokishin, F, Qian, W, Quinonez, F, Radescu, V, Rajagopalan, S, Ramos Dos Santos Neves, R, Reinsch, A, Renkel, P, Rescigno, M, Rieke, S, Risler, C, Riu, I, Robertson, S, Roda, C, Rodríguez, D, Rogriquez, Y, Roich, A, Romeo, G, Rosati, S, Rühr, F, Ruiz-Martinez, A, Ryabov, Yu, Ryan, P, Saavedra, A, Sakamoto, H, Salamon, A, Salvatore, D, Sankey, D P C, Santamarina, C, Santonico, R, Sasaki, O, Savu, D, Scannicchio, D, Schäfer, U, Schiavi, C, Schlereth, J L, Schmitt, K, Schmitt, S, Scholtes, I, Schooltz, D, Schroer, N, Schuler, G, Schultz-Coulon, H-C, Scott, W, Segura, E, Sekhniaidze, G, Sherman, D, Shimojima, M, Sidoti, A, Silverstein, D, Silverstein, S, Siragusa, G, Sivoklokov, S, Sjoen, R, Sjölin, J, Sloper, J E, Smizanska, M, Soloviev, I, Spagnolo, S, Spiwoks, R, Staley, R J, Stamen, R, Stancu, S, Steinberg, P, Stelzer, J, Stockton, M C, Stradling, A, Strässner, A, Strom, D, Su, D, Sugaya, Y, Sugimoto, T, Sushkov, S, Sutton, M, Suzuki, Y, Szymocha, T, Taffard, A, Takahashi, Y, Takeda, H, Takeshita, T, Tamsett, M, Tan, C L A, Tanaka, S, Tapprogge, S, Tarem, S, Tarem, Z, Teixeira-Dias, P, Thomas, J P, Thompson, P D, Tokushuku, K, Tomoto, M, Torrence, E, Touchard, F, Tremblet, L, Tripiana, M, Ünel, G, Urquijo, P, Urrejola, P, Usai, G, Vachon, B, Vandelli, W, Vari, R, Vaz-Gil-Lopes, L, Veneziano, S, Ventura, A, Vercesi, V, Vermeulen, J C, Von Der Schmitt, J, Vorwerk, V, Wang, M, Watkins, P M, Watson, A, Weber, P, Weidberg, T, Wengler, T, Werner, P, Werth, M, Wessels, M, Wheeler-Ellis, S, Whiteson, D, Wickens, F J, Wiedenmann, W, Wielers, M, Wildt, M, Wilkens, H, Winklmeier, F, Wu, S-L, Wu, X, Xella, S, Yamazaki, Y, Yasu, Y, Zanello, L, Zema, F, Zhang, J, Zhao, L, Zobernig, H, Zur Nedden, MEnlace del recurso
Publicado 2008