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A hybridization test confirmed the presence of baculoviral DNA in our samples 1 Clevenger apparatus 1 Diprionidae 1 El Ae de S. molle contiene principalmente α-felandreno, limoneno β-felandreno, canfeno y α-pineno 1 El Ae se obtuvo con destiladores Rayleigh y Clevenger y distintos tiempos de extracción (20 a 120 min 1 El buffer CTAB garantizó la obtención y calidad de ARN total del tejido embrionario de nuez pecanera 1 El perfil fitoquímico del Ae indicó mayor presencia de monoterpenos hidrocarbonados 1 El reactivo TRI Reagent® permitió concentraciones altas de ARN total, pero contaminado 1 El tiempo de extracción afectó la composición del aceite en mayor medida que el sistema usado 1 Eo of S. molle contained mainly α-phellandrene, limonene β-phellandrene, camphene and α-pinene 1 Eo was obtained with Rayleigh and Clevenger distillers and different extraction times (20 to 120 min) 1 Essential oil (Eo) of Schinus molle leaves from central Mexico was characterized 1 Extraction time affected oil composition to a greater extent than the system used 1 La calidad del ARN total varió de acuerdo con la eficiencia del método utilizado 1 La presencia de polifenoles y polisacáridos dificultan la extracción de ARN total de nuez pecanera 1 Monoctenus 1 Monocteus 1 Neodiprion 1 PCR de transcripción inversa 1 RNA extraction protocols based on TRI Reagent®, CTAB buffer and a commercial kit were evaluated 1 Rayleigh distillation 1 Rictus mortem of sawflies infected with the baculovirus differs from that of lepidopterans 1 Se caracterizó aceite esencial (Ae) de hojas de Schinus molle de la región central de México 1 Se evaluaron protocolos de extracción de ARN basados en TRI Reagent®, buffer CTAB y un kit comercial 1 Ten populations of eight sawfly species of Mexico yielded eleven samples baculoviral inocula 1 The CTAB buffer provided high concentrations and quality of total RNA from pecan embryo tissue 1 The TRI Reagent® provided high but contaminated concentrations of total RNA 1 The first search for baculoviruses in sawflies is presented 1 The phytochemical profile of Eo indicated a higher presence of hydrocarbon monoterpenes 1 The presence of polyphenols and polysaccharides impede the extraction of total RNA from pecan nut 1
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