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302por Bharucha, A., Cacciapaglia, G., Deandrea, A., Gaur, N., Harada, D., Mahmoudi, F., Sridhar, K.“…In Standard Model (SM) Higgs Boson pair production initiated by photons ($\gamma \gamma \to h h$) is loop-generated process and thereby very sensitive to any new couplings and particles that may come in loops. …”
Publicado 2021
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304por Rosner, Jonathan L.“…The possibility is explored that such a chain is responsible for an event observed by the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) involving the production of an electron-positron pair, two photons, and missing energy ($e^+ e^- \gamma \gamma E \!\!\!/_T$). An example is given based on the decomposition E$_6 \to$ SU(2)$_I \times$ SU(6), where SU(2)$_I$ is an ``inert'' subgroup whose gauge bosons $W_I^{(\pm)}$ and $Z_I$ are all electromagnetically neutral, while SU(6) contains the conventional SU(5) grand-unified group.…”
Publicado 1996
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305por Barker, Gary“…Using LEP1 data taken in 1994 and 1995, the DELPHI collaboration has a preliminary measurement of $Gamma_{b\overline{b}}/\Gamma_{had}$ which was submitted to the Jerusalem HEP'97 conference. …”
Publicado 1996
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307“…The total $\gamma^*\gamma^*$ cross-section is derived in the Leading Order QCD dipole picture of BFKL dynamics, and compared with the one from 2-gluon exchange. …”
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308por de la Cruz, B“…The studied decay channels are eta /sub c/ to 4 pi , K/sup +/K/sup -/ $9 pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/, phi phi , K/sup 0/K/sup -or+/ pi /sup +or-/, pi /sup 0/K/sup +/K/sup -/, eta pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/, eta ' pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/, rho rho and chi /sub c2/ to J/ psi gamma. (9 refs).…”
Publicado 1999
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310“…We show that the rising total cross section $\sigma(\gamma\gamma \to hadrons)$ recently observed by the L3 and OPAL detectors at LEP is fully consistent with the impact-picture predictions. …”
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312“…The process of exclusive vector meson production (gamma gamma to J/psi rho^0) is studied for almost real photons. …”
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313por Acciarri, M., Achard, P., Adriani, O., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Alcaraz, J., Alemanni, G., Allaby, J., Aloisio, A., Alviggi, M.G., Ambrosi, G., Anderhub, H., Andreev, Valery P., Angelescu, T., Anselmo, F., Arefev, A., Azemoon, T., Aziz, T., Bagnaia, P., Bajo, A., Baksay, L., Balandras, A., Baldew, S.V., Banerjee, S., Banerjee, Sw., Barczyk, A., Barillere, R., Bartalini, P., Basile, M., Batalova, N., Battiston, R., Bay, A., Becattini, F., Becker, U., Behner, F., Bellucci, L., Berbeco, R., Berdugo, J., Berges, P., Bertucci, B., Betev, B.L., Bhattacharya, S., Biasini, M., Biland, A., Blaising, J.J., Blyth, S.C., Bobbink, G.J., Bohm, A., Boldizsar, L., Borgia, B., Bourilkov, D., Bourquin, M., Braccini, S., Branson, J.G., Brochu, F., Buffini, A., Buijs, A., Burger, J.D., Burger, W.J., Cai, X.D., Capell, M., Cara Romeo, G., Carlino, G., Cartacci, A.M., Casaus, J., Castellini, G., Cavallari, F., Cavallo, N., Cecchi, C., Cerrada, M., Cesaroni, F., Chamizo, M., Chang, Y.H., Chaturvedi, U.K., Chemarin, M., Chen, A., Chen, G., Chen, G.M., Chen, H.F., Chen, H.S., Chiefari, G., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Civinini, C., Clare, I., Clare, R., Coignet, G., Colino, N., Costantini, S., Cotorobai, F., de la Cruz, B., Csilling, A., Cucciarelli, S., Dai, T.S., van Dalen, J.A., D'Alessandro, R., de Asmundis, R., Deglon, P., Degre, A., Deiters, K., della Volpe, D., Delmeire, E., Denes, P., DeNotaristefani, F., De Salvo, A., Diemoz, M., Dierckxsens, M., van Dierendonck, D., Dionisi, C., Dittmar, M., Dominguez, A., Doria, A., Dova, M.T., Duchesneau, D., Dufournaud, D., Duinker, P., El Mamouni, H., Engler, A., Eppling, F.J., Erne, F.C., Ewers, A., Extermann, P., Fabre, M., Falagan, M.A., Falciano, S., Favara, A., Fay, J., Fedin, O., Felcini, M., Ferguson, T., Fesefeldt, H., Fiandrini, E., Field, J.H., Filthaut, F., Fisher, P.H., Fisk, I., Forconi, G., Freudenreich, K., Furetta, C., Galaktionov, Iouri, Ganguli, S.N., Garcia-Abia, Pablo, Gataullin, M., Gau, S.S., Gentile, S., Gheordanescu, N., Giagu, S., Gong, Z.F., Grenier, Gerald Jean, Grimm, O., Gruenewald, M.W., Guida, M., van Gulik, R., Gupta, V.K., Gurtu, A., Gutay, L.J., Haas, D., Hasan, A., Hatzifotiadou, D., Hebbeker, T., Herve, Alain, Hidas, P., Hirschfelder, J., Hofer, H., Holzner, G., Hoorani, H., Hou, S.R., Hu, Y., Iashvili, I., Jin, B.N., Jones, Lawrence W., de Jong, P., Josa-Mutuberria, I., Khan, R.A., Kafer, D., Kaur, M., Kienzle-Focacci, M.N., Kim, D., Kim, J.K., Kirkby, Jasper, Kiss, D., Kittel, W., Klimentov, A., Konig, A.C., Kopal, M., Kopp, A., Koutsenko, V., Kraber, M., Kraemer, R.W., Krenz, W., Kruger, A., Kunin, A., Ladron de Guevara, P., Laktineh, I., Landi, G., Lebeau, M., Lebedev, A., Lebrun, P., Lecomte, P., Lecoq, P., Le Coultre, P., Lee, H.J., Le Goff, J.M., Leiste, R., Levtchenko, P., Li, C., Likhoded, S., Lin, C.H., Lin, W.T., Linde, F.L., Lista, L., Liu, Z.A., Lohmann, W., Longo, E., Lu, Y.S., Lubelsmeyer, K., Luci, C., Luckey, David, Lugnier, L., Luminari, L., Lustermann, W., Ma, W.G., Maity, M., Malgeri, L., Malinin, A., Mana, C., Mangeol, D., Mans, J., Marian, G., Martin, J.P., Marzano, F., Mazumdar, K., McNeil, R.R., Mele, S., Merola, L., Meschini, M., Metzger, W.J., von der Mey, M., Mihul, A., Milcent, H., Mirabelli, G., Mnich, J., Mohanty, G.B., Moulik, T., Muanza, G.S., Muijs, A.J.M., Musicar, B., Musy, M., Napolitano, M., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Newman, H., Niessen, T., Nisati, A., Kluge, Hannelies, Ofierzynski, R., Organtini, G., Oulianov, A., Palomares, C., Pandoulas, D., Paoletti, S., Paolucci, P., Paramatti, R., Park, H.K., Park, I.H., Passaleva, G., Patricelli, S., Paul, Thomas Cantzon, Pauluzzi, M., Paus, C., Pauss, F., Pedace, M., Pensotti, S., Perret-Gallix, D., Petersen, B., Piccolo, D., Pierella, F., Pieri, M., Piroue, P.A., Pistolesi, E., Plyaskin, V., Pohl, M., Pojidaev, V., Postema, H., Pothier, J., Prokofev, D.O., Prokofiev, D., Quartieri, J., Rahal-Callot, G., Rahaman, M.A., Raics, P., Raja, N., Ramelli, R., Rancoita, P.G., Ranieri, R., Raspereza, A., Raven, G., Razis, P., Ren, D., Rescigno, M., Reucroft, S., Riemann, S., Riles, Keith, Rodin, J., Roe, B.P., Romero, L., Rosca, A., Rosier-Lees, S., Roth, Stefan, Rosenbleck, C., Roux, B., Rubio, J.A., Ruggiero, G., Rykaczewski, H., Saremi, S., Sarkar, S., Salicio, J., Sanchez, E., Sanders, M.P., Schafer, C., Schegelsky, V., Schmidt-Kaerst, S., Schmitz, D., Schopper, H., Schotanus, D.J., Schwering, G., Sciacca, C., Seganti, A., Servoli, L., Shevchenko, S., Shivarov, N., Shoutko, V., Shumilov, E., Shvorob, A., Siedenburg, T., Son, D., Smith, B., Spillantini, P., Steuer, M., Stickland, D.P., Stone, A., Stoyanov, B., Straessner, A., Sudhakar, K., Sultanov, G., Sun, L.Z., Sushkov, S., Suter, H., Swain, J.D., Szillasi, Z., Sztaricskai, T., Tang, X.W., Tauscher, L., Taylor, L., Tellili, B., Teyssier, D., Timmermans, Charles, Ting, Samuel C.C., Ting, S.M., Tonwar, S.C., Toth, J., Tully, C., Tung, K.L., Uchida, Y., Ulbricht, J., Valente, E., Vesztergombi, G., Vetlitsky, I., Vicinanza, D., Viertel, G., Villa, S., Vivargent, M., Vlachos, S., Vodopianov, I., Vogel, H., Vogt, H., Vorobev, I., Vorobov, A.A., Vorvolakos, A., Wadhwa, M., Wallraff, W., Wang, M., Wang, X.L., Wang, Z.M., Weber, A., Weber, M., Wienemann, P., Wilkens, H., Wu, S.X., Wynhoff, S., Xia, L., Xu, Z.Z., Yamamoto, J., Yang, B.Z., Yang, C.G., Yang, H.J., Yang, M., Ye, J.B., Yeh, S.C., Zalite, A., Zalite, Yu., Zhang, Z.P., Zhu, G.Y., Zhu, R.Y., Zichichi, A., Zilizi, G., Zimmermann, B., Zoller, M.“…Open charm production in gamma-gamma collisions is studied with data collected at e+e- centre-of-mass energies from 189 GeV to 202 GeV corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 410 pb-1. …”
Publicado 2001
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314por Asner, D M, Burkhardt, H, de Roeck, A, Ellis, Jonathan Richard, Gronberg, J B, Heinemeyer, S, Schmitt, M, Schulte, Daniel, Velasco, M, Zimmermann, Frank“…We present the machine parameters and physics capabilities of the CLIC Higgs Experiment (CLICHE), a low-energy gamma-gamma collider based on CLIC 1, the demonstrator project for the higher-energy two-beam accelerator CLIC. …”
Publicado 2001
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316“…A comparison between real data and Monte Carlo is presented, based on a data sample corresponding to the 84.3 pb-1 recorded by the DELPHI detector in 1999, at centre-of-mass energy of 200 GeV. Two hadronic gamma gamma generators have been used for this present analysis, TWOGAM 2.04 and PYTHIA 6.143.…”
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317por Lai, A., Marras, D., Bevan, A., Dosanjh, R.S., Gershon, T.J., Hay, B., Kalmus, G.E., Lazzeroni, C., Munday, D.J., Needham, M.D., Olaiya, E., Parker, Michael Andrew, White, T.O., Wotton, S.A., Barr, G., Bocquet, G., Ceccucci, A., Cuhadar-Donszelmann, T., Cundy, D., D'Agostini, G., Doble, N., Falaleev, V., Gatignon, L., Gonidec, A., Gorini, B., Govi, G., Grafstrom, P., Kubischta, W., Lacourt, A., Lenti, M., Luitz, S., Mikulec, I., Norton, A., Palestini, S., Panzer-Steindel, B., Tatishvili, G., Taureg, H., Velasco, M., Wahl, Heinrich, Cheshkov, C., Hristov, P., Kekelidze, V., Madigojine, D., Molokanova, N., Potrebenikov, Yu., Zinchenko, A., Knowles, I., Martin, V., Sacco, R., Walker, A., Contalbrigo, M., Dalpiaz, P., Duclos, J., Frabetti, P.L., Gianoli, A., Martini, M., Petrucci, F., Savrie, M., Bizzeti, A., Calvetti, M., Collazuol, G., Graziani, G., Iacopini, E., Veltri, M., Becker, H.G., Eppard, M., Fox, H., Holtz, K., Kalter, A., Kleinknecht, K., Koch, U., Kopke, L., Lopes da Silva, P., Maruelli, P., Pellmann, I., Peters, A., Renk, B., Schmidt, S.A., Schonharting, V., Schue, Y., Wanke, R., Winhart, A., Wittgen, M., Chollet, J.C., Fayard, L., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Ocariz, J., Unal, G., Wingerter-Seez, I., Anzivino, G., Cenci, P., Imbergamo, E., Lubrano, P., Mestvirishvili, A., Nappi, A., Pepe, M., Piccini, M., Carosi, R., Casali, R., Cerri, C., Cirilli, M., Costantini, F., Fantechi, R., Giudici, S., Mannelli, I., Pierazzini, G., Sozzi, M., Cheze, J.B., Cogan, J., De Beer, M., Debu, P., Formica, A., Granier de Cassagnac, R., Mazzucato, E., Peyaud, B., Turlay, R., Vallage, B., Holder, M., Maier, A., Ziolkowski, M., Arcidiacono, R., Biino, C., Cartiglia, N., Clemencic, M., Marchetto, F., Menichetti, Ezio A., Pastrone, N., Nassalski, J., Rondio, E., Szleper, M., Wislicki, W., Wronka, S., Dibon, H., Fischer, G., Jeitler, M., Markytan, M., Neuhofer, G., Pernicka, M., Taurok, A., Widhalm, L.“…The decay rate of $K_{L} \to \pi^{0}\gamma\gamma$ has been measured with the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. …”
Publicado 2002
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