Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Condiciones sociales
Indígenas de México
Condiciones económicas
Trastornos del habla
Política y gobierno
Trastornos del habla en niños
Aspectos sociales
Historia y crítica
Administración municipal
Vida social y costumbres
Actos del habla (Lingüística)
Lenguaje de los niños
Cría y desarrollo
Emigración e inmigración
Procesamiento de datos
Tenencia de la tierra
Cría de cabras
Matemáticas para ingenieros
Teatro mexicano
Cálculo numérico
Estudio y enseñanza
Terapia del lenguaje para niños
107por Acciarri, M, Adriani, O, Aguilar-Benítez, M, Ahlen, S P, Alcaraz, J, Alemanni, G, Allaby, James V, Aloisio, A, Alviggi, M G, Ambrosi, G, Anderhub, H, Andreev, V P, Angelescu, T, Anselmo, F, Arefev, A, Azemoon, T, Aziz, T, Bagnaia, P, Baksay, L, Banerjee, S, Banerjee, Sw, Banicz, K, Barczyk, A, Barillère, R, Barone, L, Bartalini, P, Baschirotto, A, Basile, M, Battiston, R, Bay, A, Becattini, F, Becker, U, Behner, F, Berdugo, J, Berges, P, Bertucci, B, Betev, B L, Bhattacharya, S, Biasini, M, Biland, A, Bilei, G M, Blaising, J J, Blyth, S C, Bobbink, Gerjan J, Böck, R K, Böhm, A, Boldizsar, L, Borgia, B, Bourilkov, D, Bourquin, Maurice, Braccini, S, Branson, J G, Brigljevic, V, Brock, I C, Buffini, A, Buijs, A, Burger, J D, Burger, W J, Busenitz, J K, Cai, X D, Campanelli, M, Capell, M, Cara Romeo, G, Carlino, G, Cartacci, A M, Casaus, J, Castellini, G, Cavallari, F, Cavallo, N, Cecchi, C, Cerrada-Canales, M, Cesaroni, F, Chamizo-Llatas, M, Chang, Y H, Chaturvedi, U K, Chemarin, M, Chen, A, Chen, G, Chen, G M, Chen, H F, Chen, H S, Chéreau, X J, Chiefari, G, Chien, C Y, Cifarelli, Luisa, Cindolo, F, Civinini, C, Clare, I, Clare, R, Coignet, G, Colijn, A P, Colino, N, Costantini, S, Cotorobai, F, de la Cruz, B, Csilling, Akos, Dai, T S, D'Alessandro, R, De Asmundis, R, Degré, A, Deiters, K, Della Volpe, D, Denes, P, De Notaristefani, F, Diemoz, M, Van Dierendonck, D N, Di Lodovico, F, Dionisi, C, Dittmar, Michael, Dominguez, A, Doria, A, Dova, M T, Duchesneau, D, Duinker, P, Durán, I, Easo, S, El-Mamouni, H, Engler, A, Eppling, F J, Erné, F C, Ernenwein, J P, Extermann, Pierre, Fabre, M, Faccini, R, Falagán, M A, Falciano, S, Favara, A, Fay, J, Fedin, O, Felcini, Marta, Ferguson, T, Ferroni, F, Fesefeldt, H S, Fiandrini, E, Field, J H, Filthaut, Frank, Fisher, P H, Fisk, I, Forconi, G, Fredj, L, Freudenreich, Klaus, Furetta, C, Galaktionov, Yu, Ganguli, S N, García-Abia, P, Gataullin, M, Gau, S S, Gentile, S, Gheordanescu, N, Giagu, S, Goldfarb, S, Goldstein, J, Gong, Z F, Gougas, Andreas, Gratta, Giorgio, Grünewald, M W, van Gulik, R, Gupta, V K, Gurtu, A, Gutay, L J, Haas, D, Hartmann, B, Hasan, A, Hatzifotiadou, D, Hebbeker, T, Hervé, A, Hidas, P, Hirschfelder, J, Van Hoek, W C, Hofer, H, Hoorani, H, Hou, S R, Hu, G, Iashvili, I, Jin, B N, Jones, L W, de Jong, P, Josa-Mutuberria, I, Kasser, A, Khan, R A, Kamrad, D, Kapustinsky, J S, Karyotakis, Yu, Kaur, M, Kienzle-Focacci, M N, Kim, D, Kim, D H, Kim, J K, Kim, S C, Kinnison, W W, Kirkby, A, Kirkby, D, Kirkby, Jasper, Kiss, D, Kittel, E W, Klimentov, A, König, A C, Kopp, A, Korolko, I, Koutsenko, V F, Krämer, R W, Krenz, W, Kunin, A, Lacentre, P E, Ladrón de Guevara, P, Laktineh, I, Landi, G, Lapoint, C, Lassila-Perini, K M, Laurikainen, P, Lavorato, A, Lebeau, M, Lebedev, A, Lebrun, P, Lecomte, P, Lecoq, P, Le Coultre, P, Lee, H J, Le Goff, J M, Leiste, R, Leonardi, E, Levchenko, P M, Li Chuan, Lin, C H, Lin, W T, Linde, Frank L, Lista, L, Liu, Z A, Lohmann, W, Longo, E, Lu, W, Lü, Y S, Lübelsmeyer, K, Luci, C, Luckey, D, Luminari, L, Lustermann, W, Ma Wen Gan, Maity, M, Majumder, G, Malgeri, L, Malinin, A, Maña, C, Mangeol, D J J, Marchesini, P A, Marian, G, Marin, A, Martin, J P, Marzano, F, Massaro, G G G, Mazumdar, K, McNeil, R R, Mele, S, Merola, L, Meschini, M, Metzger, W J, Von der Mey, M, Migani, D, Mihul, A, Van Mil, A J W, Milcent, H, Mirabelli, G, Mnich, J, Molnár, P, Monteleoni, B, Moore, R, Moulik, T, Mount, R, Muheim, F, Muijs, A J M, Nahn, S, Napolitano, M, Nessi-Tedaldi, F, Newman, H, Niessen, T, Nippe, A, Nisati, A, Nowak, H, Oh, Yu D, Organtini, G, Ostonen, R, Palit, S, Palomares, C, Pandoulas, D, Paoletti, S, Paolucci, P, Park, H K, Park, I H, Pascale, G, Passaleva, G, Patricelli, S, Paul, T, Pauluzzi, M, Paus, C, Pauss, Felicitas, Peach, D, Pei, Y J, Pensotti, S, Perret-Gallix, D, Petersen, B, Petrak, S, Pevsner, A, Piccolo, D, Pieri, M, Piroué, P A, Pistolesi, E, Plyaskin, V, Pohl, M, Pozhidaev, V, Postema, H, Pothier, J, Produit, N, Prokofev, D, Prokofiev, D O, Quartieri, J, Rahal-Callot, G, Raja, N, Rancoita, P G, Rattaggi, M, Raven, G, Razis, P A, Ren, D, Rescigno, M, Reucroft, S, Van Rhee, T, Riemann, S, Riles, K, Robohm, A, Rodin, J, Roe, B P, Romero, L, Rosier-Lees, S, Roth, S, Rubio, Juan Antonio, Ruschmeier, D, Rykaczewski, H, Sakar, S, Salicio, J, Sánchez, E, Sanders, M P, Sarakinos, M E, Schäfer, C, Shchegelskii, V, Schmidt-Kärst, S, Schmitz, D, Scholz, N, Schopper, Herwig Franz, Schotanus, D J, Schwenke, J, Schwering, G, Sciacca, C, Sciarrino, D, Servoli, L, Shevchenko, S, Shivarov, N, Shoutko, V, Shukla, J, Shumilov, E, Shvorob, A V, Siedenburg, T, Son, D, Smith, B, Spillantini, P, Steuer, M, Stickland, D P, Stone, A, Stone, H, Stoyanov, B, Strässner, A, Sudhakar, K, Sultanov, G G, Sun, L Z, Susinno, G F, Suter, H, Swain, J D, Tang, X W, Tauscher, Ludwig, Taylor, L, Timmermans, C, Ting, Samuel C C, Ting, S M, Tonwar, S C, Tóth, J, Tully, C, Tung, K L, Uchida, Y, Ulbricht, J, Valente, E, Vesztergombi, G, Vetlitskii, I, Viertel, Gert M, Vivargent, M, Vlachos, S, Vogel, H, Vogt, H, Vorobev, I, Vorobyov, A A, Vorvolakos, A, Wadhwa, M, Wallraff, W, Wang, J C, Wang, X L, Wang, Z M, Weber, A, Wu, S X, Wynhoff, S, Xu, J, Xu, Z Z, Yang, B Z, Yang, C G, Yang, H J, Yang, M, Ye, J B, Yeh, S C, You, J M, Zalite, A, Zalite, Yu, Zemp, P, Zeng, Y, Zhang, Z P, Zhou, B, Zhu, G Y, Zhu, R Y, Zichichi, Antonino, Ziegler, F, Zilizi, G“…A total of 2856 radiative Bhabha and 4641 Compton scattering events are collected. …”
Publicado 1998
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108“…This work deals with the computation of electron pair correction to small angle Bhabha scattering, in order to contribute to the improvement of luminometry precision at LEP/SLC below 0.1% theoretical accuracy. …”
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110“…We discuss the possibility of a precision measurement of vacuum polarization in t-channel radiative Bhabha scattering at a high luminosity collider. For illustration, the achievable precision is estimated for the BaBar experiment at PEP-II and for the OPAL experiment at LEP.…”
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111“…The experimental precision that will be reached at the next generation of colliders makes it indispensable to improve theoretical predictions significantly. Bhabha scattering (e^+ e^- \to e^+ e^-) is one of the prime processes calling for a better theoretical precision, in particular for non-zero electron masses. …”
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113por Pauli, Wolfgang“…Pauli gives his opinion on Bhabha's presentation in Zürich about meson and proton dispersion. …”
Publicado 2000
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114por Pauli, Wolfgang“…Pauli thanks Bhabha for his letter of the 26th March. He gives developments about meson and proton dispersion and comments on Bethe's latest work on meson theory and nuclear power and also his interpretation based on Fierz's study of Blau and Wambacher's results. …”
Publicado 2000
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115por Pauli, Wolfgang“…Pauli gives his thoughts about Bhabha's examination of a translation of a classical field theory with some singularities. …”
Publicado 2000
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116por Pauli, Wolfgang“…Pauli has been in Princeton since the 24th February and he is making some inquiries on Bhabha's plans. He says that in Princeton the meson theory with particles in 1/2 speed is in vogue. …”
Publicado 2000
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117por Pauli, Wolfgang“…Pauli writes that there could be some possibilities of a position in the USA for Bhabha. He is publishing his Solvay report of 1939 in the Rev. …”
Publicado 2000
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119por Pauli, Wolfgang“…Pauli hopes to be able to read Bhabha's cascade theory in Proceedings from the Indian Academy. …”
Publicado 2000
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120por Pauli, Wolfgang“…It has been a long time since Pauli received a letter from Bhabha and he repeats the contents of his last letter.He reports on various works of Jauch (calculation of proton and neutron's magnetic moments) and of Pauli himself (on field quantizing after Dirac's new method and on his new theory on strong interconnection).…”
Publicado 2000
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