Publicado 2004
Tabla de Contenidos:
“…-- Heaven -- Heebie jeebies -- Hello, young lovers -- Here's that rainy day -- Hot Toddy -- House of Jade -- How high the moon -- How insensitive -- How my heart sings -- Hulla bolinas -- I can't get started with you -- I can't give you anything but love -- I could write a book -- I got it bad and that ain't
good -- I let a song go out of my heart -- I love Paris -- I love you -- I mean you -- I remember Clifford -- I should care -- I wish I knew how it could feel to be free -- I'll never smile again -- I'll remember April -- I'm all smiles -- I'm beginning to see the light -- I'm your pal -- Icarus -- If you never come to me -- Impressions -- In a mellow tone -- In a sentimental moon -- In the mood -- In the wee small hours of the
morning -- In your quiet place -- The inch worm -- Indian lady -- Inner urge -- Interplay -- The intrepid fox -- Invitation -- Iris -- Is you is, or is you ain't (Ma' baby) -- Isn't it romantic? …”
Número de Clasificación: