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861por Grove, Kristen, Edgar, Dale W., Chih, HuiJun, Harrold, Meg, Natarajan, Varsha, Mohd, Sheeraz, Hurn, Elizabeth, Cavalheri, Vinicius“…↔This study aims to compare the characteristics, in-hospital data and rehabilitation needs between those who tested positive versus negative for COVID-19 during hospitalisation with suspected COVID-19. In this cross-sectional study, a convenience sample of adults admitted to Western Australian tertiary hospitals with suspected COVID-19 was recruited. …”
Publicado 2022
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862por Binsalih, Salih A., Waness, Abdelkarim O., Tamim, Hani M., Harakati, Mohamed S., Al Sayyari, Abdulla A.“…RESULTS: There were 988 respondents with a mean age of 39.1 years (25.9%) and the mean length of stay (LOS) of 10.0 days (24.1%). Illiteracy rate was 42.4%, and 43.1% were male. …”
Publicado 2011
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863por Kaye, Keith S., Patel, Dipen A., Stephens, Jennifer M., Khachatryan, Alexandra, Patel, Ayush, Johnson, Kenneth“…Decreasing hospital inpatient LOS and mortality rate may be due to improved early treatment. …”
Publicado 2015
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864por Jaiswal, Radhika, Greenwald, Marc, Bissoonauth, Aditya, Kaplan, Sally, Zhang, Meng, Montella, Nicholas, Myers, Alyson“…We performed an age and sex related cross match between 108 patients with diabetes (N=54) who received ERP to those without diabetes (N=54) who received ERP and compared the LOS as primary outcome. …”
Publicado 2019
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866por Shu, Hongxin, Xiong, Xiaowei, Chen, Xiaomei, Sun, Xiaolei, Zhang, Rong, Wang, Ruihua, Huang, Qun, Zhu, Jun“…For the pooled results of cohort studies, EVR markedly decreased the risk of 30-day mortality, wound complication, MACEs, LOS, but increased the risk of OS, FFR, PP, and SP. …”
Publicado 2023
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867“…CONCLUSION: Our study showed that suppressing MIC values from cultures reports was helpful in choosing the appropriate antibiotic and minimizing the LOS. …”
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868por Hogan, Helen, Cooke-O’Dowd, Nora, Chattopadhyay, Kaushik, van der Meulen, Jan, Sherlaw-Johnson, Christopher, Black, Nick“…INTERVENTIONS: Case-mix-adjusted linear regression models were used to determine expected LOS. Different thresholds were examined to determine the association with harm. …”
Publicado 2019
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869por Adam, W, Bergauer, T, Blöch, D, Brondolin, E, Dragicevic, M, Frühwirth, R, Hinger, V, Steininger, H, Beaumont, W, Croce, D Di, Janssen, X, Lauwers, J, Mechelen, P Van, Remortel, N Van, Blekman, F, Chhibra, S S, Clercq, J De, D'Hondt, J, Lowette, S, Marchesini, I, Moortgat, S, Python, Q, Skovpen, K, Bols, E S Ørensen, Mulders, P Van, Allard, Y, Beghin, D, Bilin, B, Brun, H, Clerbaux, B, Lentdecker, G De, Delannoy, H, Deng, W, Favart, L, Goldouzian, R, Grebenyuk, A, Kalsi, A, Luetic, J, Makarenko, I, Moureaux, L, Popov, A, Postiau, N, Robert, F, Song, Z, Thomas, L, Vanlaer, P, Vannerom, D, Wang, Q, Wang, H, Yang, Y, Bondu, O, Bruno, G, Caputo, C, David, P, Delaere, C, Delcourt, M, Giammanco, A, Krintiras, G, Lemaitre, V, Magitteri, A, Piotrzkowski, K, Saggio, A, Szilasi, N, Marono, M Vidal, Vischia, P, Zobec, J, Brigljević, V, Ceci, S, Ferenček, D, Roguljić, M, Starodumov, A, Šuša, T, Eerola, P, Heikkilä, J, Brücken, E, Lampén, T, Luukka, P, Martikainen, L, Tuominen, E, Tuuva, T, Agram, J L, Andrea, J, Bloch, D, Bonnin, C, Bourgatte, G, Brom, J M, Chabert, E, Charles, L, Cherepanov, V, Dangelser, E, Gelé, D, Goerlach, U, Gross, L, Krauth, M, Tonon, N, Baulieu, G, Boudoul, G, Caponetto, L, Chanon, N, Contardo, D, Dené, P, Dupasquier, T, Galbit, G, Lumb, N, Mirabito, L, Nodari, B, Perries, S, Donckt, M Vander, Viret, S, Autermann, C, Feld, L, Karpinski, W, Kiesel, M K, Klein, K, Lipinski, M, Meuser, D, Ostapchuk, A, Pauls, A, Pierschel, G, Preuten, M, Rauch, M, Röwert, N, Schael, S, Schulz, J, Schwering, G, Teroerde, M, Wlochal, M, Zhukov, V, Dziwok, C, Fluegge, G, Müller, T, Pooth, O, Stahl, A, Ziemons, T, Aldaya, M, Asawatangtrakuldee, C, Eckerlin, G, Eckstein, D, Eichhorn, T, Gallo, E, Guthoff, M, Haranko, M, Harb, A, Keaveney, J, Kleinwort, C, Mankel, R, Maser, H, Meyer, M, Missiroli, M, Muhl, C, Mussgiller, A, Pitzl, D, Reichelt, O, Savitskyi, M, Schuetze, P, Stever, R, Walsh, R, Zuber, A, Benecke, A, Biskop, H, Buhmann, P, Ebrahimi, A, Eich, M, Feindt, F, Froehlich, A, Garutti, E, Gunnellini, P, Haller, J, Hinzmann, A, Kasieczka, G, Klanner, R, Kutzner, V, Lange, T, Matysek, M, Mrowietz, M, Niemeyer, C, Nissan, Y, Pena, K, Perieanu, A, Rieger, O, Schleper, P, Schwandt, J, Schwarz, D, Sonneveld, J, Steinbrück, G, Tews, A, Vormwald, B, Wellhausen, J, Zoi, I, Abbas, M, Ardila, L, Balzer, M, Barth, C, Barvich, T, Baselga, M, Blank, T, Bögelspacher, F, Butz, E, Caselle, M, Boer, W De, Dierlamm, A, Morabit, K El, Gosewisch, J O, Hartmann, F, Husemann, U, Koppenhöfer, R, Kudella, S, Maier, S, Mallows, S, Metzler, M, Muller, Th, Neufeld, M, Nürnberg, A, Sander, O, Schell, D, Schröder, M, Schuh, T, Shvetsov, I, Simonis, H J, Steck, P, Wassmer, M, Weber, M, Weddigen, A, Anagnostou, G, Asenov, P, Assiouras, P, Daskalakis, G, Kyriakis, A, Loukas, D, Paspalaki, L, Balázs, T, Siklér, F, Vámi, T, Veszprémi, V, Bhardwaj, A, Jain, C, Jain, G, Ranjan, K, Bhattacharya, R, Dutta, S, Chowdhury, S Roy, Saha, G, Sarkar, S, Cariola, P, Creanza, D, de Palma, M, Robertis, G De, Fiore, L, Ince, M, Loddo, F, Maggi, G, Martiradonna, S, Mongelli, M, My, S, Selvaggi, G, Silvestris, L, Albergo, S, Costa, S, Mattia, A Di, Potenza, R, Saizu, M A, Tricomi, A, Tuve, C, Barbagli, G, Brianzi, M, Cassese, A, Ceccarelli, R, Ciaranfi, R, Ciulli, V, Civinini, C, D'Alessandro, R, Focardi, E, Latino, G, Lenzi, P, Meschini, M, Paoletti, S, Russo, L, Scarlini, E, Sguazzoni, G, Viliani, L, Cerchi, S, Ferro, F, Mulargia, R, Robutti, E, Brivio, F, Dinardo, M E, Dini, P, Gennai, S, Guzzi, L, Malvezzi, S, Menasce, D, Moroni, L, Pedrini, D, Zuolo, D, Azzi, P, Bacchetta, N, Bisello, D, Dorigo, T, Pozzobon, N, Tosi, M, Canio, F De, Gaioni, L, Manghisoni, M, Ratti, L, Re, V, Riceputi, E, Traversi, G, Baldinelli, G, Bianchi, F, Biasini, M, Bilei, G M, Bizzaglia, S, Caprai, M, Cecchi, C, Checcucci, B, Ciangottini, D, Fanò, L, Farnesini, L, Ionica, M, Leonardi, R, Manoni, E, Mantovani, G, Mariani, V, Menichelli, M, Morozzi, A, Moscatelli, F, Passeri, D, Placidi, P, Rossi, A, Santocchia, A, Spiga, D, Storchi, L, Turrioni, C, Androsov, K, Azzurri, P, Bagliesi, G, Basti, A, Beccherle, R, Bertacchi, V, Bianchini, L, Boccali, T, Borrello, L, Bosi, F, Castaldi, R, Ciocci, M A, Dell'Orso, R, Fedi, G, Fiori, F, Giannini, L, Giassi, A, Grippo, M T, Ligabue, F, Magazzu, G, Manca, E, Mandorli, G, Mazzoni, E, Messineo, A, Moggi, A, Morsani, F, Palla, F, Palmonari, F, Raffaelli, F, Rizzi, A, Spagnolo, P, Tenchini, R, Tonelli, G, Venturi, A, Verdini, P G, Bellan, R, Costa, M, Covarelli, R, Dellacasa, G, Demaria, N, Salvo, A Di, Mazza, G, Migliore, E, Monteil, E, Pacher, L, Paterno, A, Rivetti, A, Solano, A, Rivera, E Curras, Campderros, J Duarte, Fernandez, M, Gomez, G, Sanchez, F J Gonzalez, Echeverria, R Jaramillo, Moya, D, Jimenez, E Silva, Vila, I, Virto, A L, Abbaneo, D, Ahmed, I, Akgun, B, Albert, E, Bendotti, J, Berruti, G, Blanchot, G, Boyer, F, Caratelli, A, Ceresa, D, Christiansen, J, Cichy, K, Daguin, J, Deelen, N, Detraz, S, Deyrail, D, Emriskova, N, Faccio, F, Filenius, A, Frank, N, French, T, Gadek, T, Gajanec, R, Honma, A, Hugo, G, Hulek, W, Casas, L M Jara, Kaplon, J, Kloukinas, K, Kornmayer, A, Koss, N, Kottelat, L, Koukola, D, Kovacs, M, Rosa, A La, Lenoir, P, Loos, R, Marchioro, A, Marconi, S, Mersi, S, Michelis, S, Martin, C Nieto, Onnela, A, Orfanelli, S, Pakulski, T, Perez, A, Gomez, F Perez, Pernot, J F, Petagna, P, Piazza, Q, Postema, H, Prousalidi, T, Rico, R Puente, Scarfí, S, Spathopoulos, S, Sroka, S, Tropea, P, Troska, J, Tsirou, A, Vasey, F, Vichoudis, P, Bertl, W, Caminada, L, Deiters, K, Erdmann, W, Horisberger, R, Kaestli, H C, Kotlinski, D, Langenegger, U, Meier, B, Rohe, T, Streuli, S, Bachmair, F, Backhaus, M, Becker, R, Berger, P, di Calafiori, D, Djambazov, L, Donega, M, Grab, C, Hits, D, Hoss, J, Lustermann, W, Masciovecchio, M, Meinhard, M, Perovic, V, Perozzi, L, Ristic, B, Roeser, U, Ruini, D, Tavolaro, V, Wallny, R, Zhu, D, Aarrestad, T, Amsler, C, Bösiger, K, Canelli, F, Chiochia, V, Cosa, A De, Burgo, R Del, Galloni, C, Kilminster, B, Leontsinis, S, Maier, R, Rauco, G, Robmann, P, Takahashi, Y, Zucchetta, A, Chen, P H, Hou, W S, Lu, R S, Moya, M, Tsai, J F, Burns, D, Clement, E, Cussans, D, Goldstein, J, Nasr-Storey, S Seif El, Braga, D, Coughlan, J A, Harder, K, Manolopoulos, K, Tomalin, I R, Auzinger, G, Bainbridge, R, Borg, J, Hall, G, James, T, Pesaresi, M, Summers, S, Uchida, K, Cole, J, Hoad, C, Hobson, P, Reid, I D, Bartek, R, Dominguez, A, Uniyal, R, Altopp, G, Burkle, B, Chen, C, Coubez, X, Duh, Y T, Hadley, M, Heintz, U, Hinton, N, Hogan, J, Korotkov, A, Lee, J, Narain, M, Sagir, S, Spencer, E, Syarif, R, Truong, V, Usai, E, Voelker, J, Chertok, M, Conway, J, Funk, G, Jensen, F, Lander, R, Macauda, S, Pellett, D, Thomson, J, Yohay, R, Zhang, F, Hanson, G, Si, W, Gerosa, R, Krutelyov, S, Sharma, V, Yagil, A, Della Porta, G Zevi, Colegrove, O, Dutta, V, Gouskos, L, Incandela, J, Kyre, S, Qu, H, Quinnan, M, White, D, Cumalat, J P, Ford, W T, MacDonald, E, Perloff, A, Stenson, K, Ulmer, K A, Wagner, S R, Alexander, J, Cheng, Y, Chu, J, Conway, J, Cranshaw, D, Datta, A, McDermott, K, Monroy, J, Padilla, Y Bordlemay, Quach, D, Rinkevicius, A, Ryd, A, Skinnari, L, Soffi, L, Strohman, C, Tao, Z, Thom, J, Tucker, J, Wittich, P, Zientek, M, Apresyan, A, Bakshi, A, Bolla, G, Burkett, K, Butler, J N, Canepa, A, Cheung, H W K, Chramowicz, J, Derylo, G, Ghosh, A, Gingu, C, Gonzalez, H, Grünendahl, S, Hasegawa, S, Hoff, J, Hoh, S Y, Hu, Z, Jindariani, S, Johnson, M, Lei, C M, Lipton, R, Liu, M, Liu, T, Los, S, Matulik, M, Merkel, P, Nahn, S, Olsen, J, Prosser, A, Ravera, F, Ristori, L, Rivera, R, Schneider, B, Spalding, W J, Spiegel, L, Timpone, S, Tran, N, Uplegger, L, Vernieri, C, Voirin, E, Weber, H A, Berry, D R, Chen, X, Dittmer, S, Evdokimov, A, Evdokimov, O, Gerber, C E, Hofman, D J, Mills, C, Alhusseini, M, Durgut, S, Nachtman, J, Onel, Y, Rude, C, Snyder, C, Yi, K, Eminizer, N, Gritsan, A, Maksimovic, P, Roskes, J, Swartz, M, Xiao, M, Baringer, P, Bean, A, Khalil, S, Kropivnitskaya, A, Majumder, D, Schmitz, E, Wilson, G, Ivanov, A, Mendis, R, Mitchell, T, Modak, A, Taylor, R, Acosta, J G, Cremaldi, L M, Oliveros, S, Perera, L, Summers, D, Bloom, K, Claes, D R, Fangmeier, C, Golf, F, Kravchenko, I, Siado, J, Harrington, C, Iashvili, I, Kharchilava, A, Nguyen, D, Parker, A, Rappoccio, S, Roozbahani, B, Hahn, K, Liu, Y, Sung, K, Alimena, J, Cardwell, B, Francis, B, Hill, C S, Malik, S, Norberg, S, Vargas, J E Ramirez, Das, S, Jones, M, Jung, A, Khatiwada, A, Negro, G, Thieman, J, Cheng, T, Dolen, J, Parashar, N, Ecklund, K M, Freed, S, Kilpatrick, M, Nussbaum, T, Demina, R, Dulemba, J, Hindrichs, O, Bartz, E, Gandrakotra, A, Gershtein, Y, Halkiadakis, E, Hart, A, Kyriacou, S, Lath, A, Nash, K, Osherson, M, Schnetzer, S, Stone, R, Eusebi, R, D'Angelo, P, Johns, W, Padeken, K O, Harr, R, Poudyal, NEnlace del recurso
Publicado 2020
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871por Park, Jungwon“…This study used pooled cross-sectional multilevel modeling. The results show that the type of Medicaid program in which patients were enrolled was significantly related to the hospital LOS and inpatient costs. …”
Publicado 2015
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872por Gomes, João Carlos Pereira, Dias, Roger Daglius, de Barros, Jacson Venancio, Velasco, Irineu Tadeu, Jacob Filho, Wilson“…Hospitalization, ICU admission and mortality rates increased with older age in both sexes. LOS and ICU-LOS were similar across age-groups. …”
Publicado 2020
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873“…Predictor variables were four types of insurance and health outcome variables were length of hospital stay (LOS), 30-day readmission, and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). …”
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875“…The elevated cost was mainly due to longer antibiotic treatment and increased LOS.…”
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876por Brouns, Steffie H. A., van der Schuit, Klara C. H., Stassen, Patricia M., Lambooij, Suze L. E., Dieleman, Jeanne, Vanderfeesten, Irene T. P., Haak, Harm R.“…BACKGROUND: Emergency department (ED) crowding leads to prolonged emergency department length of stay (ED-LOS) and adverse patient outcomes. …”
Publicado 2017
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877“…Average post-operative LOS (LOS) was 8 days. There were no severe post-operative complications, peri-operative mortality, anastomotic leaks, or revisions of the original surgery. …”
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878por Verkuijl, Sanne J., Furnée, Edgar J.B., Kelder, Wendy, Hoff, Christiaan, Hess, Daniel A., Wit, Fennie, Zijlstra, Ronald J., Trzpis, Monika, Broens, Paul M.A.“…DESIGN: This was a multicenter cross-sectional study. SETTINGS: Seven Dutch hospitals participated in this study. …”
Publicado 2022
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880por Sánchez Montiel , María Graciela, Páez Huerta , Gabriela, Olalde Libreros , Guadalupe Jacqueline, Lagunes Merino , Omar, Sánchez Barroso , MonserratEnlace del recurso
Publicado 2022
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