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521“…In this document we present the data obtained in the irradiation in a Co-60 source of WLS fibers for the TileCal calorimeter. The optical, mechanical and radiation hardness properties of these fibers were developed in close contact with three producers: Bicron, Kuraray and Pol.Hi.Tech. …”
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522por Abdallah, J, Adragna, P, Alexa, C, Alves, R, Amaral, P, Ananiev, A, Anderson, K, Andresen, X, Antonaki, A, Batusov, V, Bednar, P, Bergeaas, E, Biscarat, C, Blanch, O, Blanchot, G, Bohm, C, Boldea, V, Bosi, F, Bosman, M, Bromberg, C, Budagov, Yu, Calvet, D, Cardeira, C, Carli, T, Carvalho, J, Cascella, M, Castillo, M V, Costello, J, Cavalli-Sforza, M, Cavasinni, V, Cerqueira, A S, Clément, C, Cobal, M, Cogswell, F, Constantinescu, S, Costanzo, D, Da Silva, P, David, M, Davidek, T, Dawson, J, De, K, Del Prete, T, Diakov, E, Di Girolamo, B, Dita, S, Dolejsi, J, Dolezal, Z, Dotti, A, Downing, R, Drake, G, Efthymiopoulos, I, Errede, D, Errede, S, Farbin, A, Fassouliotis, D, Feng, E, Fenyuk, A, Ferdi, C, Ferreira, B C, Ferrer, A, Flaminio, V, Flix, J, Francavilla, P, Fullana, E, Garde, V, Gellerstedt, K, Giakoumopoulou, V, Giangiobbe, V, Gildemeister, O, Gilewsky, V, Giokaris, N, Gollub, N, Gomes, A, González, V, Gouveia, J, Grenier, P, Gris, P, Guarino, V, Guicheney, C, Sen-Gupta, A, Hakobyan, H, Haney, M, Hellman, S, Henriques, A, Higón, E, Hill, N, Holmgren, S, Hruska, I, Hurwitz, M, Huston, J, Jen-La Plante, I, Jon-And, K, Junk, T, Karyukhin, A, Khubua, J, Klereborn, J, Konsnantinov, V, Kopikov, S, Korolkov, I, Krivkova, P, Kulchitskii, Yu A, Kurochkin, Yu, Kuzhir, P, Lapin, V, LeCompte, T, Lefèvre, R, Leitner, R, Li, J, Liablin, M, Lokajícek, M, Lomakin, Y, Lourtie, P, Lovas, L, Lupi, A, Maidantchik, C, Maio, A, Maliukov, S, Manousakis, A, Marques, C, Marroquim, F, Martin, F, Mazzoni, E, Merritt, F S, Myagkov, A, Miller, R, Minashvili, I, Miralles, L, Montarou, G, Némécek, S, Nessi, M, Nikitine, I, Nodulman, L, Norniella, O, Onofre, A, Oreglia, M, Palan, B, Pallin, D, Pantea, D, Pereira, A, Pilcher, J E, Pina, J, Pinhão, J, Pod, E, Podlyski, F, Portell, X, Poveda, J, Pribyl, a L, Price, L E, Proudfoot, J, Ramalho, M, Ramstedt, M, Raposeiro, L, Reis, J, Richards, R, Roda, C, Romanov, V, Rosnet, P, Roy, P, Ruiz, A, Rumiantsau, V, Rusakovich, N, Sada Costa, J, Salto, O, Salvachúa, B, Sanchis, E, Sanders, H, Santoni, C, Santos, J, Saraiva, J G, Sarri, F, Says, L P, Schlager, G, Schlereth, J L, Seixas, J M, Selldén, B, Shalanda, N, Shevtsov, P, Shochet, M, Silva, J, Simaitis, V, Simonyan, M, Sisakian, A, Sjölin, J, Solans, C, Solodkov, A, Solovyanov, O, Sosebee, M, Spanó, F, Speckmeyer, P, Stanek, R, Starchenko, E, Starovoitov, P, Suk, M, Sykora, I, Tang, F, Tas, P, Teuscher, R, Tischenko, M, Tokar, S, Topilin, N, Torres, J, Underwood, D, Usai, G, Valero, A, Valkár, S, Valls, J A, Vartapetian, A, Vazeille, F, Vellidis, C, Ventura, F, Vichou, I, Vivarelli, I, Volpi, M, White, A, Zaitsev, A, Zaytsev, Yu, Zenin, A, Zenis, T, Zenonos, Z, Zenz, S, Zilka, B“…The production of the scintillator tiles for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter is presented. …”
Publicado 2007
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523por Adragna, P, Alexa, C, Anderson, K, Antonaki, A, Arabidze, A, Batkova, L, Batusov, V, Beck, H P, Bednar, P, Bergeaas Kuutmann, E, Biscarat, C, Blanchot, G, Bogush, A, Bohm, C, Boldea, V, Bosman, M, Bromberg, C, Budagov, Yu A, Burckhart-Chromek, D, Caprini, M, Caloba, L, Calvet, D, Carli, T, Carvalho, J, Cascella, M, Castelo, J, Castillo, M V, Cavalli-Sforza, M, Cavasinni, V, Cerqueira, A S, Clément, C, Cobal, M, Cogswell, F, Constantinescu, S, Costanzo, D, Corso-Radu, A, Cuenca, C, Damazio, D O, David, M, Davidek, T, De, K, Del Prete, T, Di Girolamo, B, Dita, S, Djobava, T, Dobson, M, Dolejsi, J, Dolezal, Z, Dotti, A, Downing, R, Efthymiopoulos, I, Eriksson, D, Errede, D, Errede, S, Farbin, A, Fassouliotis, D, Febbraro, R, Fedorko, I, Fenyuk, A, Ferdi, C, Ferrer, A, Flaminio, V, Francis, D, Fullana, E, Gadomski, S, Gameiro, S, Garde, V, Gellerstedt, K, Giakoumopoulou, V, Gildemeister, O, Gilewsky, V, Giokaris, N, Gollub, N, Gomes, A, González, V, Gorini, B, Grenier, P, Gris, P, Gruwé, M, Guarino, V, Guicheney, C, Sen-Gupta, A, Haeberli, C, Hakobyan, H, Haney, M, Hellman, S, Henriques, A, Higón, E, Holmgren, S, Hurwitz, M, Huston, J, Iglesias, C, Isaev, A, Jen-La Plante, I, Jon-And, K, Joos, M, Junk, T, Karyukhin, A, Kazarov, A, Khandanyan, H, Khramov, J, Khubua, J, Kolos, S, Korolkov, I, Krivkova, P, Kulchitsky, Y, Kurochkin, Yu, Kuzhir, P, Le Compte, T, Lefèvre, R, Lehmann, G, Leitner, R, Lembesi, M, Lesser, J, Li, J, Liablin, M, Lokajícek, M, Lomakin, Y, Lupi, A, Maidantchik, C, Maio, A, Makouski, M, Maliukov, S, Manousakis, A, Mapelli, L, Marques, C, Marroquim, F, Martin, F, Mazzoni, E, Merritt, F S, Myagkov, A, Miller, R, Minashvili, I, Miralles, L, Montarou, G, Mosidze, M, Némécek, S, Nessi, M, Nodulman, L, Nordkvist, B, Norniella, O, Onofre, A, Oreglia, M, Pallin, D, Pantea, D, Petersen, J, Pilcher, J E, Pina, J, Pinhão, J, Podlyski, F, Portell, X, Poveda, J, Pribyl, L, Price, L E, Proudfoot, J, Ramstedt, M, Richards, R, Roda, C, Romanov, V, Rosnet, P, Roy, P, Ruiz, A, Rumiantsev, V, Russakovich, N, Salto, O, Salvachúa, B, Sanchis, E, Sanders, H, Santoni, C, Santos, J, Saraiva, J G, Sarri, F, Satsunkevitch, I, Says, L-P, Schlager, G, Schlereth, J L, Seixas, J M, Selldén, B, Shalanda, N, Shevtsov, P, Shochet, M, Silva, J, Da Silva, P, Simaitis, V, Simonyan, M, Sisakian, A, Sjölin, J, Solans, C, Solodkov, A, Soloviev, I, Solovyanov, O, Sosebee, M, Spanó, F, Stanek, R, Starchenko, E, Starovoitov, P, Stavina, P, Suk, M, Sykora, I, Tang, F, Tas, P, Teuscher, R, Tokar, S, Topilin, N, Torres, J, Tremblet, L, Tsiareshka, P, Tylmad, M, Underwood, D, Ünel, G, Usai, G, Valero, A, Valkár, S, Valls, J A, Vartapetian, A, Vazeille, F, Vichou, I, Vinogradov, V, Vivarelli, I, Volpi, M, White, A, Zaitsev, A, Zenine, A, Zenis, T“…We report test beam studies of {11\,\%} of the production ATLAS Tile Calorimeter modules. The modules were equipped with production front-end electronics and all the calibration systems planned for the final detector. …”
Publicado 2009
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524por The ATLAS Collaboration“…We discuss a new data-driven estimation technique, denoted {em Tiles Method}, for Standard Model (SM) background in inclusive SUSY searches. …”
Publicado 2009
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525por Solans, C“…The Tile hadronic calorimeter is the central hadronic barrel calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at CERN. …”
Publicado 2009
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526por Solans, C“…The Tile hadronic calorimeter is the central hadronic barrel calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at CERN. …”
Publicado 2009
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527por Febbraro, R“…Once the digital signal is calibrated, it needs to reconstructed in order to determine the amplitude and the time of the deposited energy. In TileCal the Optimal Filter (OF) algorithm is used for this purpose; in particular the signal is reconstructed in the Read-Out Drivers (ROD) using the Digital Signal processor (DSP).…”
Publicado 2010
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528por Gonzalez Parra, G“…To equalize the response of individual TileCal cells with a precision better than 1 % and to monitor the response of each cell over time, a calibration and monitoring system based on a Cs137 radioactive source driven through the calorimeter volume by liquid flow has been implemented. …”
Publicado 2011
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529por Tsiskaridze, V“…The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) for the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is currently taking data with proton-proton collisions. …”
Publicado 2011
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530por Tsiskaridze, V“…The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) for the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is currently taking data with proton-proton collisions. …”
Publicado 2011
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531por Meoni, E“…The Tile Barrel Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central section of the hadronic calorimeter of ATLAS. …”
Publicado 2012
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532por BOUMEDIENE, D“…The TileCal is the hadronic calorimeter covering the most central region of the ATLAS experiment at LHC. …”
Publicado 2012
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533por Nemecek, S“…The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central section of the hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment. …”
Publicado 2012
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534por Meoni, E“…The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central section of the hadronic calorimeter of ATLAS. …”
Publicado 2012
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535por Santoni, C“…The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the barrel hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). …”
Publicado 2012
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536por BOUMEDIENE, D“…The TileCal is the hadronic calorimeter covering the most central region of the ATLAS experiment at LHC. …”
Publicado 2012
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537por KLimek, P“…The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central section of the hadronic calorimeter of ATLAS. …”
Publicado 2012
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538por Klimek, P“…The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central section of the hadronic calorimeter of ATLAS. …”
Publicado 2012
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539por van Woerden, M C“…The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the barrel hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). …”
Publicado 2012
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540por Nemecek, S“…It is designed to provide information at two levels - online and offline. The online TileCal DQ system monitors continuously the data while they are recorded and provides a fast feedback. …”
Publicado 2012
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