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323por Pedraza-Morales, M I“…The resonances discussed in here are the Z', leptoquarks, graviton and W' resonances in some of their leptonic final states, considering a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV for all of them, and an estimation of the potential of the W' search at the early center-of-mass energy of the LHC . …”
Publicado 2009
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324por Aaij, R, Abellan Beteta, C, Adeva, B, Adinolfi, M, Adrover, C, Affolder, A, Ajaltouni, Z, Albrecht, J, Alessio, F, Alexander, M, Ali, S, Alkhazov, G, Alvarez Cartelle, P, Alves Jr, A A, Amato, S, Amerio, S, Amhis, Y, Anderlini, L, Anderson, J, Andreassen, R, Appleby, R B, Aquines Gutierrez, O, Archilli, F, Artamonov, A, Artuso, M, Aslanides, E, Auriemma, G, Bachmann, S, Back, J J, Baesso, C, Balagura, V, Baldini, W, Barlow, R J, Barschel, C, Barsuk, S, Barter, W, Bauer, Th, Bay, A, Beddow, J, Bedeschi, F, Bediaga, I, Belogurov, S, Belous, K, Belyaev, I, Ben-Haim, E, Bencivenni, G, Benson, S, Benton, J, Berezhnoy, A, Bernet, R, Bettler, M -O, van Beuzekom, M, Bien, A, Bifani, S, Bird, T, Bizzeti, A, Bjørnstad, P M, Blake, T, Blanc, F, Blouw, J, Blusk, S, Bocci, V, Bondar, A, Bondar, N, Bonivento, W, Borghi, S, Borgia, A, Bowcock, T J V, Bowen, E, Bozzi, C, Brambach, T, van den Brand, J, Bressieux, J, Brett, D, Britsch, M, Britton, T, Brook, N H, Brown, H, Burducea, I, Bursche, A, Busetto, G, Buytaert, J, Cadeddu, S, Callot, O, Calvi, M, Calvo Gomez, M, Camboni, A, Campana, P, Campora Perez, D, Carbone, A, Carboni, G, Cardinale, R, Cardini, A, Carranza-Mejia, H, Carson, L, Carvalho Akiba, K, Casse, G, Castillo Garcia, L, Cattaneo, M, Cauet, Ch, Charles, M, Charpentier, Ph, Chen, P, Chiapolini, N, Chrzaszcz, M, Ciba, K, Cid Vidal, X, Ciezarek, G, Clarke, P E L, Clemencic, M, Cliff, H V, Closier, J, Coca, C, Coco, V, Cogan, J, Cogneras, E, Collins, P, Comerma-Montells, A, Contu, A, Cook, A, Coombes, M, Coquereau, S, Corti, G, Couturier, B, Cowan, G A, Craik, D C, Cunliffe, S, Currie, R, D'Ambrosio, C, David, P, David, P N Y, Davis, A, De Bonis, I, De Bruyn, K, De Capua, S, De Cian, M, De Miranda, J M, De Paula, L, De Silva, W, De Simone, P, Decamp, D, Deckenhoff, M, Del Buono, L, Déléage, N, Derkach, D, Deschamps, O, Dettori, F, Di Canto, A, Di Ruscio, F, Dijkstra, H, Dogaru, M, Donleavy, S, Dordei, F, Dosil Suárez, A, Dossett, D, Dovbnya, A, Dupertuis, F, Dzhelyadin, R, Dziurda, A, Dzyuba, A, Easo, S, Egede, U, Egorychev, V, Eidelman, S, van Eijk, D, Eisenhardt, S, Eitschberger, U, Ekelhof, R, Eklund, L, El Rifai, I, Elsasser, Ch, Elsby, D, Falabella, A, Färber, C, Fardell, G, Farinelli, C, Farry, S, Fave, V, Ferguson, D, Fernandez Albor, V, Ferreira Rodrigues, F, Ferro-Luzzi, M, Filippov, S, Fiore, M, Fitzpatrick, C, Fontana, M, Fontanelli, F, Forty, R, Francisco, O, Frank, M, Frei, C, Frosini, M, Furcas, S, Furfaro, E, Gallas Torreira, A, Galli, D, Gandelman, M, Gandini, P, Gao, Y, Garofoli, J, Garosi, P, Garra Tico, J, Garrido, L, Gaspar, C, Gauld, R, Gersabeck, E, Gersabeck, M, Gershon, T, Ghez, Ph, Gibson, V, Gligorov, V V, Göbel, C, Golubkov, D, Golutvin, A, Gomes, A, Gordon, H, Grabalosa Gándara, M, Graciani Diaz, R, Granado Cardoso, L A, Graugés, E, Graziani, G, Grecu, A, Greening, E, Gregson, S, Griffith, P, Grünberg, O, Gui, B, Gushchin, E, Guz, Yu, Gys, T, Hadjivasiliou, C, Haefeli, G, Haen, C, Haines, S C, Hall, S, Hampson, T, Hansmann-Menzemer, S, Harnew, N, Harnew, S T, Harrison, J, Hartmann, T, He, J, Heijne, V, Hennessy, K, Henrard, P, Hernando Morata, J A, van Herwijnen, E, Hicks, E, Hill, D, Hoballah, M, Hombach, C, Hopchev, P, Hulsbergen, W, Hunt, P, Huse, T, Hussain, N, Hutchcroft, D, Hynds, D, Iakovenko, V, Idzik, M, Ilten, P, Jacobsson, R, Jaeger, A, Jans, E, Jaton, P, Jing, F, John, M, Johnson, D, Jones, C R, Joram, C, Jost, B, Kaballo, M, Kandybei, S, Karacson, M, Karbach, T M, Kenyon, I R, Kerzel, U, Ketel, T, Keune, A, Khanji, B, Kochebina, O, Komarov, I, Koopman, R F, Koppenburg, P, Korolev, M, Kozlinskiy, A, Kravchuk, L, Kreplin, K, Kreps, M, Krocker, G, Krokovny, P, Kruse, F, Kucharczyk, M, Kudryavtsev, V, Kvaratskheliya, T, La Thi, V N, Lacarrere, D, Lafferty, G, Lai, A, Lambert, D, Lambert, R W, Lanciotti, E, Lanfranchi, G, Langenbruch, C, Latham, T, Lazzeroni, C, Le Gac, R, van Leerdam, J, Lees, J -P, Lefèvre, R, Leflat, A, Lefrançois, J, Leo, S, Leroy, O, Lesiak, T, Leverington, B, Li, Y, Li Gioi, L, Liles, M, Lindner, R, Linn, C, Liu, B, Liu, G, Lohn, S, Longstaff, I, Lopes, J H, Lopez Asamar, E, Lopez-March, N, Lu, H, Lucchesi, D, Luisier, J, Luo, H, Machefert, F, Machikhiliyan, I V, Maciuc, F, Maev, O, Malde, S, Manca, G, Mancinelli, G, Marconi, U, Märki, R, Marks, J, Martellotti, G, Martens, A, Martin, L, Martín Sánchez, A, Martinelli, M, Martinez Santos, D, Martins Tostes, D, Massafferri, A, Matev, R, Mathe, Z, Matteuzzi, C, Maurice, E, Mazurov, A, McCarthy, J, McNab, A, McNulty, R, Meadows, B, Meier, F, Meissner, M, Merk, M, Milanes, D A, Minard, M -N, Molina Rodriguez, J, Monteil, S, Moran, D, Morawski, P, Morello, M J, Mountain, R, Mous, I, Muheim, F, Müller, K, Muresan, R, Muryn, B, Muster, B, Naik, P, Nakada, T, Nandakumar, R, Nasteva, I, Needham, M, Neufeld, N, Nguyen, A D, Nguyen, T D, Nguyen-Mau, C, Nicol, M, Niess, V, Niet, R, Nikitin, N, Nikodem, T, Nomerotski, A, Novoselov, A, Oblakowska-Mucha, A, Obraztsov, V, Oggero, S, Ogilvy, S, Okhrimenko, O, Oldeman, R, Orlandea, M, Otalora Goicochea, J M, Owen, P, Oyanguren, A, Pal, B K, Palano, A, Palutan, M, Panman, J, Papanestis, A, Pappagallo, M, Parkes, C, Parkinson, C J, Passaleva, G, Patel, G D, Patel, M, Patrick, G N, Patrignani, C, Pavel-Nicorescu, C, Pazos Alvarez, A, Pellegrino, A, Penso, G, Pepe Altarelli, M, Perazzini, S, Perego, D L, Perez Trigo, E, Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A, Perret, P, Perrin-Terrin, M, Pessina, G, Petridis, K, Petrolini, A, Phan, A, Picatoste Olloqui, E, Pietrzyk, B, Pilař, T, Pinci, D, Playfer, S, Plo Casasus, M, Polci, F, Polok, G, Poluektov, A, Polycarpo, E, Popov, A, Popov, D, Popovici, B, Potterat, C, Powell, A, Prisciandaro, J, Pugatch, V, Puig Navarro, A, Punzi, G, Qian, W, Rademacker, J H, Rakotomiaramanana, B, Rangel, M S, Raniuk, I, Rauschmayr, N, Raven, G, Redford, S, Reid, M M, dos Reis, A C, Ricciardi, S, Richards, A, Rinnert, K, Rives Molina, V, Roa Romero, D A, Robbe, P, Rodrigues, E, Rodriguez Perez, P, Roiser, S, Romanovsky, V, Romero Vidal, A, Rouvinet, J, Ruf, T, Ruffini, F, Ruiz, H, Ruiz Valls, P, Sabatino, G, Saborido Silva, J J, Sagidova, N, Sail, P, Saitta, B, Salustino Guimaraes, V, Salzmann, C, Sanmartin Sedes, B, Sannino, M, Santacesaria, R, Santamarina Rios, C, Santovetti, E, Sapunov, M, Sarti, A, Satriano, C, Satta, A, Savrie, M, Savrina, D, Schaack, P, Schiller, M, Schindler, H, Schlupp, M, Schmelling, M, Schmidt, B, Schneider, O, Schopper, A, Schune, M -H, Schwemmer, R, Sciascia, B, Sciubba, A, Seco, M, Semennikov, A, Senderowska, K, Sepp, I, Serra, N, Serrano, J, Seyfert, P, Shapkin, M, Shapoval, I, Shatalov, P, Shcheglov, Y, Shears, T, Shekhtman, L, Shevchenko, O, Shevchenko, V, Shires, A, Silva Coutinho, R, Skwarnicki, T, Smith, N A, Smith, E, Smith, M, Sokoloff, M D, Soler, F J P, Soomro, F, Souza, D, Souza De Paula, B, Spaan, B, Sparkes, A, Spradlin, P, Stagni, F, Stahl, S, Steinkamp, O, Stoica, S, Stone, S, Storaci, B, Straticiuc, M, Straumann, U, Subbiah, V K, Sun, L, Swientek, S, Syropoulos, V, Szczekowski, M, Szczypka, P, Szumlak, T, T'Jampens, S, Teklishyn, M, Teodorescu, E, Teubert, F, Thomas, C, Thomas, E, van Tilburg, J, Tisserand, V, Tobin, M, Tolk, S, Tonelli, D, Topp-Joergensen, S, Torr, N, Tournefier, E, Tourneur, S, Tran, M T, Tresch, M, Tsaregorodtsev, A, Tsopelas, P, Tuning, N, Ubeda Garcia, M, Ukleja, A, Urner, D, Uwer, U, Vagnoni, V, Valenti, G, Vazquez Gomez, R, Vazquez Regueiro, P, Vecchi, S, Velthuis, J J, Veltri, M, Veneziano, G, Vesterinen, M, Viaud, B, Vieira, D, Vilasis-Cardona, X, Vollhardt, A, Volyanskyy, D, Voong, D, Vorobyev, A, Vorobyev, V, Voß, C, Voss, H, Waldi, R, Wallace, R, Wandernoth, S, Wang, J, Ward, D R, Watson, N K, Webber, A D, Websdale, D, Whitehead, M, Wicht, J, Wiechczynski, J, Wiedner, D, Wiggers, L, Wilkinson, G, Williams, M P, Williams, M, Wilson, F F, Wishahi, J, Witek, M, Wotton, S A, Wright, S, Wu, S, Wyllie, K, Xie, Y, Xing, F, Xing, Z, Yang, Z, Young, R, Yuan, X, Yushchenko, O, Zangoli, M, Zavertyaev, M, Zhang, F, Zhang, L, Zhang, W C, Zhang, Y, Zhelezov, A, Zhokhov, A, Zhong, L, Zvyagin, A“…Searches for the lepton flavour violating decay $\tau^-\to \mu^-\mu^+\mu^-$ and the lepton flavour and baryon number violating decays $\tau^-\to \bar{p}\mu^+\mu^-$ and $\tau^-\to p\mu^-\mu^-$ have been carried out using proton-proton collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $1.0$ fb$^{-1}$, taken by the LHCb experiment at $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV. …”
Publicado 2013
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325por Madar, Romain“…Lepton flavours and multi-lepton signatures are powerful probes to new physics. …”
Publicado 2015
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326por Madar, Romain“…Lepton flavours and multi-lepton signatures are powerful probes to search for new physics. …”
Publicado 2015
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328por Swallow, Joel“…A search for the lepton number violating $K^{+}\rightarrow\pi^{-}\mu^{+}e^{+}$ and lepton flavour violating $K^{+}\rightarrow\pi^{+}\mu^{-}e^{+}$ decays is reported using NA62 data collected in 2017 and 2018. …”
Publicado 2020
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329“…Analysis of the SM signals and corresponding backgrounds shows that the di-lepton and tri-lepton channels are much better probes of the effective <math altimg="si4.svg"><mi>t</mi><mover accent="true"><mrow><mi>t</mi></mrow><mrow><mo stretchy="false">¯</mo></mrow></mover><msup><mrow><mi>ℓ</mi></mrow><mrow><mo linebreak="badbreak" linebreakstyle="after">+</mo></mrow></msup><msup><mrow><mi>ℓ</mi></mrow><mrow><mo linebreak="badbreak" linebreakstyle="after">−</mo></mrow></msup></math> 4-Fermi terms than the four-lepton one at the 13 TeV LHC. …”
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330por D'Alise, Alessandra, De Nardo, Guglielmo, Di Luca, Maria Grazia, Fabiano, Giuseppe, Frattulillo, Domenico, Gaudino, Giovanni, Iacobacci, Davide, Merola, Mario, Sannino, Francesco, Santorelli, Pietro, Vignaroli, Natascia“…We critically analyze the body of results that hints to the existence of New Physics from possible violations of lepton universality observed by the LHCb experiment in the μ/e ratios R$_{K}$ and $ {R}_{K^{\ast }} $ to the g − 2 lepton anomalies. …”
Publicado 2022
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331por Fantini, Lisa“…In the Standard Model of particle physics, lepton flavour and lepton number are conserved quantities, although there is no fundamental symmetry associated with their conservation and lepton flavour violation has been already confirmed by the observation of neutrino oscillations. …”
Publicado 2023
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337por de Simone, P“…Several theoretical models proposed to explain possible violation of lepton flavour universality claim a connection with lepton flavour violation in $B$ decays. …”
Publicado 2020
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338por Duk, V“…Using the data collected in 2017 a search for the lepton number violating decays $K^{+}$ → $\pi^-$ $\mu^+$ $\mu^+$and $K^{+}$ → $\pi^-$ $e^{+}$ $e^{+}$ has been performed. …”
Publicado 2020
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339“…Importantly, in the wild isolates and the ILs, we identify genotypes in which peptone deprivation mediated dietary restriction reduces lifespan. …”
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