
At home in the universe : the search for laws of self-organization and complexity

This exciting exploration into the nature of life brilliantly weaves together the excitement of intellectual discovery and a fertile mix of insights to give the general reader a fascinating look at the new science of complexity--and at the forces for order that lie at the edge of chaos. "An imp...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Kauffman, Stuart A.
Formato: Libro
Publicado: New York : Oxford University Press, 1995, ©1995.
Edición:First published

Física, Matemáticas e Inteligencia Artificial Xalapa -

Detalle de Existencias desde Física, Matemáticas e Inteligencia Artificial Xalapa -
Número de Clasificación: QH325 K383 1995
Copia 1 Disponible Hacer reserva
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