
Neural Stem Cells Methods and Protocols.

Annotation Provides you with reliable cellular, molecular, and electrophysiological methods to isolate, characterize, and utilize neural stem cells. These readily reproducible techniques introduce the various sources of stem/progenitor cells, provide a wide range of conditions for their culture, and...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Otros Autores: Zigova, Tanja (Editor ), Sanchez-Ramos, Juan Raymond (Editor ), Sanberg, Paul R. (Editor )
Formato: eBook
Publicado: New York : : Secaucus : : Humana Press ; Springer Distributor, Feb. 2002.
Colección:Methods in Molecular Biology Ser. ; Vol. 198
Acceso en línea: 001725395&T=marc

Internet 001725395&T=marc

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Número de Clasificación: QP357 N487 2002
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