
Onset of Deconfinement in Pb+Pb Collisions at the CERN SPS

The NA49 fixed-target experiment studied high energy-density matter produced in nucleus-nucleus reactions at the CERN SPS. In central Pb+Pb collisions at 158A GeV the energy density at the early stage substantially exceeds the threshold for quark deconfinement predicted by lattice QCD. The produced...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Seyboth, P., Alt, C., Anticic, T., Baatar, B., Barna, D., Bartke, J., Betev, L., Biakowska, H., Blume, C., Boimska, B., Botje, M., Bracinik, J., Bramm, R., Buncic, P., Cerny, V., Christakoglou, P., Chung, P., Chvala, O., Cramer, J.G., Csato, P., Dinkelaker, P., Eckardt, V., Flierl, D., Fodor, Z., Foka, P., Friese, V., Gal, J., Gazdzicki, M., Genchev, V., Georgopoulos, G., Gadysz, E., Grebieszkow, K., Hegyi, S., Hohne, C., Kadija, K., Karev, A., Kikola, D., Kliemant, M., Kniege, S., Kolesnikov, V.I., Kornas, E., Korus, R., Kowalski, M., Kraus, I., Kreps, M., Laszlo, A., Lacey, R., van Leeuwen, M., Levai, P., Litov, L., Lungwitz, B., Makariev, M., Malakhov, A.I., Mateev, M., Melkumov, G.L., Mischke, A., Mitrovski, M., Molnar, J., Mrowczynski, St., Nicolic, V., Palla, G., Panagiotou, A.D., Panayotov, D., Petridis, A., Peryt, W., Pikna, M., Pluta, J., Prindle, D., Puhlhofer, F., Renfordt, R., Roland, C., Roland, G., Rybczynski, M., Rybicki, A., Sandoval, A., Schmitz, N., Schuster, T., Sikler, F., Sitar, B., Skrzypczak, E., Slodkowski, M., Stefanek, G., Stock, R., Strabel, C., Strobele, H., Susa, T., Szentpetery, I., Sziklai, J., Szuba, M., Szymanski, P., Trubnikov, V., Varga, D., Vassiliou, M., Veres, G.I., Vesztergombi, G., Vranic, D., Wetzler, A., Wodarczyk, Z., Yoo, I.K., Zimanyi, J.
Publicado: 2006
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