
The Hardware of the ATLAS Pixel Detector Control System

The innermost part of the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) experiment will be a pixel detector, built of 1744 individual detector modules. To operate the modules, readout electronics, and other detector components, a complex power supply and control system is necessary. The specific powering and con...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Henss, Tobias, Andreani, A, Boek, J, Boyd, G, Citterio, M, Einsweiler, Kevin F, Kersten, S, Kind, P, Lantzsch, K, Latorre, S, Mättig, P, Meroni, C, Sabatini, F, Schultes, J
Publicado: CERN 2007
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