
High-accuracy mass measurements of neutron-rich Kr isotopes

The atomic masses of the neutron-rich krypton isotopes 84,86-95Kr have been determined with the tandem Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP with uncertainties ranging from 20 to 220 ppb. The masses of the short-lived isotopes 94Kr and 95Kr were measured for the first time. The masses of the radio...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Delahaye, P, Audi, G, Blaum, K, Carrel, F, George, S, Herfurth, F, Herlert, A, Kellerbauer, A G, Kluge, H J, Lunney, D, Schweikhard, L, Yazidjian, C
Publicado: 2006
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