
Transverse Impedance of LHC Collimators

The transverse impedance in the LHC is expected to be dominated by the numerous collimators, most of which are made of Fibre-Reinforced-Carbon to withstand the impacts of high intensity proton beams in case of failures, and which will be moved very close to the beam, with full gaps of few millimetre...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Métral, E, Arduini, Gianluigi, Assmann, Ralph Wolfgang, Boccardi, A, Bracco, C, Bohl, T, Caspers, Friedhelm, Gasior, M, Jones, O R, Kasinski, K, Kroyer, T, Redaelli, S, Robert-Demolaize, R, Roncarolo, F, Rumolo, G, Salvant, B, Steinhagen, R, Weiler, T, Zimmermann, F
Publicado: 2007
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