
ELENA, a preliminary cost and feasibility study

To produce dense pbar beams at very low energies (100-200 keV), a small decelerator ring could be built and installed between the existing AD ring and the experimental area. Phase-space blowup during deceleration would be compensated by electron cooling in order to obtain final emittances comparable...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Angoletta, M-E, Barnes, M, Beuret, A, Belochitskii, P, Borburgh, J, Bourquin, P, Buzio, M, Cornuet, D, Eriksson, T, Fowler, T, Hori, M, Mahner, E, Maury, S, Möhl, D, Monteiro, J, Pasinelli, S, Pedersen, F, Raich, U, Soby, L, Strubin, P, Tranquille, G, Zickler, T
Publicado: 2007
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