
Design, Production and First Commissioning Results of the Electrical Feedboxes of the LHC

A total of 44 CERN designed cryogenic electrical feedboxes are needed to power the LHC superconducting magnets. The feedboxes include more than 1000 superconducting circuits fed by high temperature superconductor and conventional current leads ranging from 120 A to 13 kA. In addition to providing th...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Perin, A, Atieh, S, Benda, V, Bertarelli, A, Bouillot, A, Brodzinski, K, Folch, R, Fydrych, J, Genet, M, Koczorowski, S, Métral, L, Miles, J, Millet, F, Polkovnikov, K, Rabehl, R, Serio, L, Sytchev, V, Sytnik, V, Trilhe, P, Van Weelderen, R, Zhabitskiy, V
Publicado: 2008
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