
Rebuttal to ‘Comments on “The HARP Time Projection Chamber: Characteristics and physics performance”’

We categorically reject the accusations by the ‘HARP Collaboration’ that we plagiarized their work. Out of their 27 comments on our work, 26 are either wrong, or inappropriate, or without substance.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ammosov, V, Dydak, F, Bolshakova, A, Boyko, I, Chelkov, G, Dedovitch, D, De Min, A, Elagin, A, Gapienko, V, Gostkin, M, Guskov, A, Koreshev, V, Krumshtein, Z, Linssen, L, Nefedov, Yu, Nikolaev, K, Semak, A, Sviridov, Yu, Usenko, E, Wotschack, J, Zaets, V, Zhemchugov, A
Publicado: 2008
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