
The search for decaying Dark Matter

We propose an X-ray mission called Xenia to search for decaying superweakly interacting Dark Matter particles (super-WIMP) with a mass in the keV range. The mission and its observation plan are capable of providing a major break through in our understanding of the nature of Dark Matter (DM). It will...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: den Herder, J.W., Boyarsky, A., Ruchayskiy, O., Abazajian, K., Frenk, C., Hansen, S., Jonker, P., Kouveliotou, C., Lesgourgues, J., Neronov, A., Ohashi, T., Paerels, F., Paltani, S., Piro, L., Pohl, M., Shaposhnikov, M., Silk, J., Valle, J.W.F.
Publicado: 2009
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