
First Experience with the LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System

The LHC beam loss monitoring system (BLM) consists of about 4000 monitors observing losses at all quadrupole magnets and many other likely loss locations. At the first LHC operation in August and September 2008 all monitors were active and used to observe the losses during the initial beam steerings...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Böhlen, T, Dehning, B, Effinger, E, Emery, J, Follin, F, Holzer, E, Jackson, S, Kramer, Daniel, Kruk, G, Le Roux, P, Mariethoz, J, Misiowiec, M, Ponce, L, Roderick, C, Sapinski, M, Zamantzas, C, Stockner, M, Bocian, D, Grishin, V, Ikeda, H, Priebe, A
Publicado: 2009
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