
First Results for the Beam Commissioning of the CERN Multi-Turn Extraction

The Multi-Turn Extraction (MTE), a new type of extraction based on beam trapping inside stable islands in horizontal phase space, has been commissioned during the 2008 run of the CERN Proton Synchrotron. Both singleand multi-bunch beams with a total intensity up to 1.4 1013 protons have been extract...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gilardoni, S, Arnold Malandain, F, Benedetto, E, Bohl, T, Cettour Cave, S, Cornelis, K, Damerau, H, Follin, F, Fowler, T, Franchi, A, Freyermuth, P, Genoud, H, Giachino, R, Giovannozzi, M, hancock, S, Le Borgne, Y, Manglunki, D, Métral, G, Pereira, L, Ridewood, J, Riva, Y, Schokker, M, Sermeus, L, Steerenberg, R, Vandorpe, B, Wenninger, J
Publicado: 2009
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