
3D electronics for hybrid pixel detectors – TWEPP-09

Future hybrid pixel detectors are asking for smaller pixels in order to improve spatial resolution and to deal with an increasing counting rate. Facing these requirements is foreseen to be done by microelectronics technology shrinking. However, this straightforward approach presents some disadvantag...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Godiot, S, Barbero, Chantepie, B, Clémens, J C, Fei, R, Fleury, J, Fougeron, D, Garcia-Sciveres, M, Hemperek, T, Karagounis, M, Krueger, H, Mekkaoui, A, Pangaud, P, Rozanov, A, Wermes, N
Publicado: CERN 2009
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