
High-efficiency deflection of high-energy negative particles through axial channeling in a bent crystal

Deflection due to axial channeling in a silicon crystal bent along the [111] axis was observed for 150 GeV/c negative particles, mainly π− mesons, at one of the secondary beams of the CERN SPS. The whole beam was deflected to one side with the efficiency of about 90% and with the peak position at th...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Scandale, Walter, Vomiero, Alberto, Bagli, E, Baricordi, Stefano, Dalpiaz, Pietro, Fiorini, Massimiliano, Guidi, Vincenzo, Mazzolari, Andrea, Vincenzi, D, Milan, R, Della Mea, Gianantonio, Vallazza, Erik, Afonin, Alexander G, Chesnokov, Yury A, Maisheev, Vladimir A, Yazynin, Igor A, Golovatyuk, V M, Kovalenko, Alexander D, Taratin, Alexander M, Denisov, Alexander S, Gavrikov, Yury A, Ivanov, Yuri M, Lapina, Lyubov P, Malyarenko, Liudmila G, Skorobogatov, Vyacheslav V, Suvorov, Vsevolod M, Vavilov, Sergey A, Bolognini, Davide, Hasan, Said, Mattera, A, Prest, Michela, Shiraishi, S
Publicado: 2009
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