
Recent progress in CERN RD39: Radiation hard cryogenic silicon detectors for applications in LHC experiments and their future upgrades

CERN RD39 Collaboration develops radiation-hard cryogenic silicon detectors. Recently, we have demonstrated improved radiation hardness in novel Current Injected Detectors (CID). For detector characterization, we have applied cryogenic Transient Current Technique (C-TCT). In beam tests, heavily irra...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tuominen, E, Anbinderis, P, Anbinderis, T, Bates, R, de Boer, W, Borchi, E, Bruzzi, M, Buttar, C, Chen, W, Cindro, V, Czellar, S, Dierlamm, A, Eremin, V, Gaubas, E, Härkönen, J, Heijne, E, Ilyashenko, I, Kalesinskas, V, Kortelainen, M J, Lampen, T, Li, Z, Luukka, P, Mandic, I, Menichelli, D, Mikuz, M, Militaru, O, Mueller, S, Mäenpää, T, Niinikoski, T O, O'Shea, V, Parkes, C, Piotrzkowski, K, Pirollo, S, Pusa, P, Räisänen, J, Tuovinen, E., Vaitkus, J, Verbitskaya, E, Väyrynen, S, Zavrtanik, M
Publicado: 2009
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