
Role Based Access Control System in the ATLAS Experiment

The complexity of the ATLAS experiment motivated the deployment of an integrated Access Control System in order to guarantee safe and optimal access for a large number of users to the various software and hardware resources. Such an integrated system was foreseen since the design of the infrastructu...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Valsan, M L, Dobson, M, Lehmann Miotto, G, Scannicchio, D A, Schlenker, S, Filimonov, V, Khomoutnikov, V, Dumitru, I, Zaytsev, A S, Korol, A A, Bogdantchikov, A, Avolio, G, Caramarcu, C, Ballestrero, S, Darlea, G L, Twomey, M, Bujor, F
Publicado: 2010
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