
The TOTEM Detector at LHC

The TOTEM experiment, small in size compared to the others at the LHC, is dedicated to the measurement of the total proton–proton cross-sections with a luminosity-independent method and to the study of elastic and diffractive scattering at the LHC. To achieve optimum forward coverage for charged par...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ruggiero, G, Antchev, G, Aspell, P, Atanassov, I, Avati, V, Berardi, V, Berretti, M, Bozzo, M, Brücken, E, Buzzo, A, Cafagna, F, Calicchio, M, Catanesi, M G, Ciocci, M A, Csanád, M, Csörgö, T, Deile, M, Dénes, E, Dimovasili, E, Doubek, M, Eggert, K, Ferro, F, Garcia, F, Giani, S, Greco, V, Grzanka, L, Heino, J, Hilden, T, Janda, M, Kaspar, J, Kopal, J, Kundrát, V, Kurvinen, K, Lami, S, Latino, G, Lauhakangas, R, Lippmaa, E, Lokajícek, M, Lo Vetere, M, Lucas Rodriguez, F, Macrí, M, Magazzù, G, Minutoli, S, Niewiadomski, H, Notarnicola, G, Novak, T, Oliveri, E, Oljemark, F, Orava, R, Oriunno, M, Österberg, K, Palazzi, P, Pedreschi, E, Petäjäjärvi, J, Quinto, M, Radermacher, E, Radicioni, E, Ravotti, F, Robutti, E, Ropelewski, L, Rummel, A, Saarikko, H, Sanguinetti, G, Santroni, A, Scribano, A, Sette, G, Snoeys, W, Spearman, W, Spinella, F, Ster, A, Taylor, C, Trummal, A, Turini, N, Vacek, V, Vitek, M, Whitmore, J, Wu, J
Publicado: 2010
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