
LHC Bunch Current Normalisation for the April-May 2010 Luminosity Calibration Measurements

In April-May 2010, a series of experiments were done to perform first luminosity calibration measurements for each LHC Interaction Point at the zero-momentum frame energy sqrt(s)=7 TeV. In this note, the results are presented of the LHC bunch current normalization analysis for these experiments. The...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Anders, G, Bacchetta, N, Balagura, V, Barschel, C, Belohrad, D, Berge, D, Burkhardt, H, Cooper, S I, Ferro-Luzzi, M, Franzoni, G, Gabaldon, C, Gagliardi, M, Gras, J J, Halyo, V, Heinemann, B, Hopchev, P, Hunt, A, Kozanecki, W, Kwan, S, Ludwig, M, Marlow, D, Odier, P, Pagan Griso, S, Panman, J, Pauly, T, Thoulet, S, White, S, Yun, J C, Zanetti, M
Publicado: 2011
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