
Effects of high-energy particle showers on the embedded front-end electronics of an electromagnetic calorimeter for a future lepton collider

Application Specific Integrated Circuits, ASICs, similar to those envisaged for the readout electronics of the central calorimeters of detectors for a future lepton collider have been exposed to high-energy electromagnetic showers. A salient feature of these calorimeters is that the readout electron...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Adloff, C., Francis, K., Repond, J., Smith, J., Trojand, D., Xia, L., Baldolemar, E., Li, J., Park, S.T., Sosebee, M., White, A.P., Yu, J., Mikami, Y., Watson, N.K., Mavromanolakis, G., Thomson, M.A., Ward, D.R., Yan, W., Benchekroun, D., Hoummada, A., Khoulaki, Y., Benyamna, M., Carloganu, C., Fehr, F., Gay, P., Manen, S., Royer, L., Blazey, G.C., Dyshkant, A., Zutshi, V., Hostachy, J.Y., Morin, L., Cornett, U., David, D., Fabbri, R., Falley, G., Gadow, K., Garutti, E., Gottlicher, P., Gunter, C., Karstensen, S., Krivan, F., Lucaci-Timoce, A.I., Lu, S., Lutz, B., Marchesini, I., Meyer, N., Morozov, S., Morgunov, V., Reinecke, M., Sefkow, F., Smirnov, P., Terwort, M., Vargas-Trevino, A., Wattimena, N., Wendt, O., Feege, N., Haller, J., Richter, S., Samson, J., Eckert, P., Kaplan, A., Schultz-Coulon, H.Ch., Shen, W., Stamen, R., Tadday, A., Bilki, B., Norbeck, E., Onel, Y., Kawagoe, K., Uozumi, S., Dauncey, P.D., Magnan, A.M., Bartsch, V., Salvatore, F., Laktineh, I., Calvo Alamillo, E., Fouz, M.C., Puerta-Pelayo, J., Frey, A., Kiesling, C., Simon, F., Bonis, J., Bouquet, B., Callier, S., Cornebise, P., Doublet, Ph., Dulucq, F., Faucci Giannelli, M., Fleury, J., Li, H., Martin-Chassard, G., Richard, F., de la Taille, Ch., Poschl, R., Raux, L., Seguin-Moreau, N., Wicek, F., Anduze, M., Boudry, V., Brient, J.C., Jeans, D., Mora de Freitas, P., Musat, G., Reinhard, M., Ruan, M., Videau, H., Marcisovsky, M., Sicho, P., Vrba, V., Zalesak, J., Belhorma, B., Ghazlane, H.
Publicado: 2011
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