
The commissioning of the instrumentation for the LHC tunnel cryogenics

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is a superconducting accelerator and proton-proton collider of circumference of 27 km, lying about 100 m underground. Its operation relies on 1232 superconducting dipoles with a field of 8.3 T and 392 superconducting quadrupoles with a field gradient of 223 T/...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Avramidou, R, Anastasopoulos, K, Bamis, C, Casas-Cubillos, J, Dragoneas, A, Fampris, X, Fernandez-Penacoba, G, Gomes, P, Gousiou, E, Jeanmonod, N, Karagiannis, F, Koumparos, A, Leontsinis, S, Lopez-Lorente, A, Patsouli, A, Polychroniadis, I, Suraci, A, Theodoropoulos, G, Vauthier, N, Vottis, C
Publicado: 2007
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