
The (3pi)-nucleon collision in coherent production on nuclei at 40 GeV/c

Coherent 3\piproduction on nine different nuclear targets has been studied using a 40 GeV/c\pi^{-} beam at Serpukhov accelerator. Absorption in nuclear matter of the produced system has been measured by analysing the data on the different nuclear targets. Identical results are obtained from the diff...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bellini, G, Chernenko, L P, Datsko, V S, Di Corato, M, Ivanshin, Yu I, Laurikainen, P, Litkin, L K, Manfredi, P F, Micheletti, S, Moiseenko, V A, Nikanorov, V I, Otwinowski, S, Palombo, F, Pernegr, J, Pernicka, Manfred, Pimiä, M, Pisarev, A F, Pisarev, I L, Sala, A, Sala, S, Sychkov, S I, Szeptycka, M, Tjapkin, A A, Vasilevskii, I M, Vegni, G, Vishniakov, V V, Zaimidoroga, O A, Antipov, V V, Galperin, A G, Moroni, L, Petrov, V A
Publicado: 1981
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