
Thermal Fatigue of Polycrystalline Copper in CLIC Accelerating Structures: Surface Roughening and Hardening as a Function of Grain Orientation

The ac­cel­er­at­ing struc­tures of CLIC will be sub­mit­ted to 2 x 1010 ther­mal-me­chan­i­cal fa­tigue cy­cles, aris­ing from Radio Fre­quen­cy (RF) in­duced eddy cur­rents, caus­ing local su­per­fi­cial cyclic heat­ing. In order to as­sess the ef­fects of su­per­fi­cial fa­tigue, high tem­per­a­t...

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Autor principal: Aicheler, M
Publicado: 2010
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