
Traveling Wave RF Systems for Helical Cooling Channels

The great ad­van­tage of the he­li­cal ion­iza­tion cool­ing chan­nel (HCC) is its com­pact struc­ture that en­ables the fast cool­ing of muon beam 6-di­men­sion­al phase space. This com­pact as­pect re­quires a high av­er­age RF gra­di­ent, with few places that do not have cav­i­ties. Also, the muo...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Yonehara, K, Lunin, A, Moretti, A, Popovic, M, Romanov, G, Neubauer, M, Johnson, R P, Thorndahl, L
Publicado: 2010
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