
Crystal Collimation Studies at the Tevatron (T-980)

Bent-crys­tal chan­nel­ing is a tech­nique with a po­ten­tial to in­crease the beam-ha­lo col­li­ma­tion ef­fi­cien­cy at high-en­er­gy col­lid­ers. First mea­sure­ments at the Teva­tron in 2005 have shown that using a 5-mm sil­i­con crys­tal to de­flect the pro­ton beam halo onto a sec­ondary col­l...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mokhov, N V, Annala, G E, Apyan, A, Carrigan, R A, Drozhdin, A I, Johnson, T R, Legan, A M, Reilly, R E, Shiltsev, V, Still, D A, Tesarek, R J, Zagel, J, Peggs, S, Assmann, R W, Previtali, V, Redaelli, S, Scandale, W, Shiraishi, S, Chesnokov, Y A, Yazynin, I A, Guidi, V, Prest, M, Ivanov, Y M
Publicado: 2010
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