
Electron Cloud observation in the LHC

Operation of LHC with bunch trains at different spacings has revealed the formation of an electron cloud inside the machine. The main observations of electron cloud build up are the pressure rise measured at the vacuum gauges in the warm regions, as well as the increase of the beam screen temperatur...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Rumolo, G, Arduini, G, Baglin, V, Bartosik, H, Biancacci, N, Baudrenghien, P, Bregliozzi, G, Chiggiato, P, Claudet, S, De Maria, R, Esteban-Muller, J, Favier, M, Hansen, C, Höfle, W, Jimenez, J M, Kain, V, Lanza, G, Li, K S B, Maury Cuna, G H I, Métral, E, Papotti, G, Pieloni, T, Roncarolo, F, Salvant, B, Shaposhnikova, E N, Steinhagen, R J, Tavian, L J, Valuch, D, Venturini Delsolaro, W, Zimmermann, F, Iriso, U, Dominguez, O, Koukovini-Platia, E, Mounet, N, Zannini, C, Bhat, C M
Publicado: 2011
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