
A compact radio frequency quadrupole for ion bunching in the WITCH experiment

During the last several years the WITCH (Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles) experimental setup at ISOLDE has undergone various upgrades aiming at improvement of general performance. An essential innovation, a compact Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) ion cooler and buncher device, was desig...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Traykov, E., Beck, M., Breitenfeldt, M., Delahaye, P., De Leebeeck, V., Friedag, P., Herlert, A., Geeraert, N., Heirman, W., Lonne, P.I., Mader, J., Roccia, S., Soti, G., Tandecki, M., Timmermans, M., Thiboud, J., Van Gorp, S., Wauters, F., Weinheimer, C., Zakoucky, D., Severijns, N.
Publicado: 2011
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